Credit Card with Price Protection?

What credit card with price protection do OzBargainers use?
I rang up Coles and the lady told me they no longer offer this anymore? They dropped it when they "migrated" in March (or May).
Is there another reasonably priced credit card that offers similar functionality?


  • Google is your friend:

    Result 1
    Result 2
    Result 3

    There are options from the NAB, VirginMoney, ANZ citi, etc…

    • Most of those are 21 - 60 days. Was hoping there was a card around like the Coles one that my fellow OzBargainers were using that those compare sites didn't know about.

      • Ah fair enough. The Coles card did have something special about it then.

  • +3

    AFAIK only 28 Degrees and the Coles MC had the better kind of price protection which is opt-in and cost actual money (yes I know there are ways around that too).

    Does seem like a dying breed. Only reason I'm holding onto my Coles MC is that price protection. I had already cancelled it on my 28D (before they took it away as I wanted to start using the card purely for overseas use) and now that seems like a stoopid idea.

  • This is the T&Cs for NAB.…

    The two particularly interesting are;
    "The difference between the lower price and the original price you paid must be more than $75."
    excludes - "Any item purchased or advertised for sale on the internet."

  • 28D is your best bet these days.

    • Also not available any more

      • +2

        28 Degrees still seem to be offering the same shoppers protection? Not as great as 2 years but 6 months better than none

      • That isn't true - 28 Degree's is still available - you just need to add Shopper Protection to your account.

  • Coles PP is the best! 2 year period, no minimum price difference that I'm aware of… You only need to have spent more than $10 on the item. Had the card for 6 months and claimed around $150 back on clothes. Haven't tried it on big ticket items like appliances yet.

    • +1

      As per the original post, this is no longer available to new customers (only existing customers who activated it before they migrated to Citibank).

      My Coles PP claims total around $2,000 over 3 years.

      • Yeah I'm aware it's not offered anymore. Neglected to add that to my post, my bad.

        Nice claiming! So happy they grandfathered this policy.

      • mate, is that activated automatically or? I know I am such an ozbargain failure, but I was busy at that time of the year and didn't read Coles e-mail properly. I do not remember doing anything. Does that mean my Coles CC Price Protection feature is not grandfathered?

    • Price difference has to be greater than $10, so your purchase should cost more than $20 :)

      • last time they refunded something for $8. maybe it was so close they let it slip through.

        • ooo, is yours one before the citi takeover? TBH I never tried an under $10 claim..

        • @kza2610: that was quite recent, I think it was for an ipad I bought earlier this year.

          i guess if you're claiming a difference of 50c they probably won't process that, whereas if it's like $8 or $9 they'll probably do it.

      • They removed the $10 minimum price drop a while ago.
        I only bother claiming $5 and over.

        • oh wow, great! I do usually only bother with $10 but will review my EB price drop notes when it gets close to 2 years :D

  • Honestly I'm shocked at how little price protection is discussed here.

    If you have the Coles credit card with account cover plus it is an absolute gem. You can essentially buy any item as soon as it comes out (think a PS4 game or brand new TV) knowing full well that it will go on sale at SOME point in the next 2 years at which point you can claim back the difference.

    28 Degree's is the only card I'm aware of that still offers it, but it's 6 months, which is still pretty good - absolutely well worth it in my opinion. You just need to make sure you pay the account balance BEFORE your statement is generated each month so you never actually have to pay for the Shopper Protection insurance.

    • 28 degrees is now 1 year and you can claim off any Australian retailer not just the retailer you bought the item from. I just got my 28 degrees card a couple of months ago especially for this feature.

    • I have both, but now can't decide if i want to cancel the 28 degrees due to the new "any" retailer policy… hmm.

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