Where Do You Draw The Line for a Sign up Bonus?

There seems to be lots of apps offering sign up bonuses these days (liven, tayble, taxify, uber, heyyou, guzmen y gomez).

The question also applies to non-app based sign up bonuses (eg bank accounts, home loans, credit cards).
Just wondering where people draw the line on sign up bonuses?

Poll Options

  • 22
    I don't really chase sign up bonuses
  • 2
    I have a stack of $2 sims to claim sign up bonuses
  • 4
    I don't give a damn, I script this stuff


  • +4

    In the sand.

  • I don't get this question. I just sign up if the deal seems appealing.
    Same as any other bargain.

    • The op seems to be asking if you would keep creating new accounts to get the sign up deal over and over.

  • +1

    I couldn't sign up for Beem It because the app was incompatible with my phone. You could say my phone drew that line for me.

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