Hi everyone,
I am a first time poster and a long time reader of this particular forum so please bare with me :)
I need some advice on goals in life, feeling a little low atm as I see some of my friends achieve much success than I. I see them drive nice cars (Merc AMG), I know that they own a nice investment property at the age of 26 and travelling the world.
I work about 60 to 70 hours a week and earn about $89250 before tax per year.
I have an investment property and drive a fairly modest car.
My life is very work driven and I focus my time spanning across 7 days on work. I don't really have breaks and I feel like it is given be the best of opportunities in life but I can't climb the ladder (no room for promotion in my job).
My investment manages to only pay half of my mortgage and I use my salary to pay the other half.
I do feel accomplished in that I have a job and I bought a property.
I just feel that, I work across 7 days and do not have time to just relax and time to myself.
I know I can reduce days, that then reduces my pay and I can't save for holidays or be more comfortable buying things that you like.
What can I do to earn more?
My friend who is not in real estate though, suggested me in buying a positively geared property and in turn it will allow me to take a break and reduce my hours of work.
I did some research and a company can find you these positively geared properties in Brisbane for about 500k and rental of $34000 per year for a commercial property" the catch is you pay $990 for them to show you properties and you choose from their selection of properties.
My question is, what is the best way to achieve a form of financial freedom? I will not go for the MLM and all those marketing financial freedom shit haha..
Live at home till you're 35
Seriously tho, cut down those hours a bit so you don't get overly stressed