How Long Is Acceptable to Receive Tax Invoice following a Donation?

I'm interested to know how long everyone thinks is acceptable for a tax invoice to be sent after a donation is made and if necessary after an event has finished?

I usually receive them immediately but thought some might take up to a month at the most. However last year I made a donation and without looking up the exact dates it was over 3 months. I asked why it's taking so long and they blamed the provider they use to issue tax invoices and that they are trying to change systems.

One year later and it's the same system so I thought I'd ask the trusty Ozbargain community to see if I have unrealistic expectations…

Poll Options expired

  • 8
  • 4
    Up to 1 week
  • 1
    Up to a month
  • 0
    1-3 months
  • 6
    Anytime before end of financial year


  • +2

    You only need it at tax time, so as long as you have it by then it's all good. Heck - personally I'd prefer if all the invoices arrived just at the end of the financial year - saves me having to go look for them.

    • I guess my point is, you should get them straight away so you don't have to keep a list of donations and then check them off at the end of financial year.omce they come through. When I receive mine I file them away and forget about them until tax time.

  • tax invoice

    Did the donation include gst?

  • +3

    I'd expect it within the day the payment clears. All (competent) businesses which actually have business things to do can adhere to this, why can't a charity?

  • Unless you are funding the new BillyBob1978 Wing of Prince Alfred Hospital, most donations are simply accepted by the ATO and not audited.

    • Yeah most donations are accepted but you still need proof of payment when you go to the Accountant. I agree ATO wont audit you for that but if you're audited for another reason you'd have to provide all evidence.

  • a lot of places send out tax receipts at tax time.

    don't forget your charity must be a DGR (deductible gift recipient) to be eligible for deduction

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