Sending USD to Sri Lanka via Western Union

First time needing to use Western Union. Need to pay a deposit to a tour company in Sri Lanka and has to be done in USD via Western Union or bank tranfer.

Deposit it only small ($165USD) so I think Western Union will be the easiest option (especially with the fee free promo code).

Has anyone had any lucky sending USD to Sri Lanka when Western Union defaults to sending Sri Lankan rupees (LKR)?

Is it as simple as switching it to sending to the US to get it to go to USD and then putting in the receivers details in Sri Lanka?



  • Have you looked into bank transfer services? e.g.

    They may give you a much better exchange rate.

  • I had thought about TransferWise but just thought Western Union would be the quickest/easiest way for a small transaction.

    If it was $1,000s, then definitely would have considered the transfer option straight up.

    • Use code FIRSTFREEAU
      Transferwise will be a similar price due to the sending fees, that discount removes most of Western unions.

      Citibank bank transfer is the cheapest.

  • Western Union is meant for individual to individual, not to a company, so wire is better for your situation. Also sending to US then switch the receiver to Sri Lanka will not get your receiver USD, it will be local currency in the end.

  • OP, Ask your tour company to invoice you in SLR, you may lose few dollars but less hassle.

  • ask if they take bitcoin

  • From my experience it's best to book and pay for tours when you're in the country.
    Sending money via western union sounds too risky to me.

  • Paypal?

  • sounds like you'll never see that money or the tour operator ever again

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