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Ryzen 5 2600 RTX2070 120GB $1258 + 27"Monitor $1348, Ryzen 7 2700 RTX2080 480GB $1709 + 27"Monitor $1799 Shipped @ TechFast eBay


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  • +1

    I literally just bought the previous deal sans monitor for a higher price…

    • +7

      But that’s with the 2080 right? Not 2070

      • +1

        ahhh yes! misread…

        • +5

          Hope you didn’t hulk smash anything in the meantime. I would have been tempted:p

  • Wat if I dont need the monitor?

    • Either this deal isn't for you or you can sell the monitor.

    • +4

      Give it to me. Problem solved.

    • get the one without monitor ?

    • +3

      Here are the versions without the monitor:
      R5 2070: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/192727825762
      R7 2080: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/192727831610



      • +3

        Hi rep, could you please confirm two things.

        1. Is the gpu the blower type?

        2. The psu750w upgrade, what brand and model are they? If I'm paying for part upgrade then it's only fair to let us know the proper brand and model we're getting.

        • I'm waiting for a response too.

          This seems to be a question that they are not willing to answer for some reason.

          Just have to assume that it's a blower type.

          • @MastermindJapan: Yea you bet they're avoiding the question, seeing that rep was online after my questions and he also replied someone's else (unrelated) question.

        • +2

          Hi guys, it'll be the dual fan card.

          The 750W upgrade will either be a Thermaltake or Allied. We have a couple dozen Thermaltakes and then Allied will be the mainstay after that.

          • +1

            @luketechfast: Hi, thanks Luke? Would it also be dual fan for 2080(thats what I bought) I'm a bit concerned for loud noise and might want to change to 2070 if 2080's blower.

            Also, if I upgrade psu today am I almost guaranteed that thermaltake PSU is still in stock?

            • @paradoxez: The 2080 is dual fan too.

              I can't guarantee the Tt PSU sorry. We've sold a lot of systems.

  • -8

    How much landfill do these deals generate when you realise you should get a decent case, mobo, ram, psu and monitor to go with the rest of your expensive rig?

    • +2

      Eh, for the target market I don't think that is going to be an issue. Only thing I would think they'd be doing is adding some more RAM.. 8GB in a rig like this is pathetic.

        • +16

          This PC is basically a beastly graphics card with enough parts to make it work. And it will perform this function perfectly fine for those users who are interested in that.

          Yes, you can build a rig with better parts, but it will probably come at a higher cost. I always advocate for building your own PC but you can't exclude this post as a bad deal, it's not bad.

          • -6

            @Gina Rinehart: This build is bottle necking the only decent parts it has. If you can't afford a decent motherboard, PSU, Ram and cooler in addition to the graphics card and CPU, then RTX isn't for you. There is a good deal on Radeon RX 580s at the moment, that would be a perfect option for anyone making the mistake of considering this cheap and nasty computer.

        • +2

          You made me upvote this deal. Only reason. This is a good deal. Your pursuit of perfection just raises your BP.

      • -4

        Who exactly are the target market? Those that have no idea???

        Anyone who has an intermediate level of knowledge in PC hardware would not touch these deals.

        They were including Biostar RX 580 graphics cards in their past deal. Have you ever seen a "Biostar" GPU advertised here on Ozbargains??

        • I don't know about Biostar but I've been using Galaxy/galax (is that the same as Galax) brand for 9800ii, gtx, 460, 960 and they served me just fine.

        • What with the elitist attitude?

        • +1

          So spend more money for a slower computer.


          Next you'll be telling us to buy a $300 PSU because everything will be "fried" otherwise.

        • +4

          LOL… If you never heard of Biostar then you really do NOT have any intermediate NOR basic knowledge on PC building. They have been around for years and are a Tier-2 company from Taiwan manufacturing Mobos and expansion cards including graphics cards. They are not far off Asus / Acer / MSI and in line with ASRock as far as branding is concerned.


          • -1

            @bchliu: They are a budget line of components. If they are "close" to ASUS and MSI, why are they hardly ever marketed - at least within the Oz market - alongside ASUS and MSI.

            Then again you are entitled to you're own opinion, as I am to mine, but don't go making accusation what people know and do not know, when you yourself are using "wiki" as a guide.

            • +1

              @TilacVIP: Lol.. I used wiki as a reference for their history - not because it is a "Guide".
              Just because they haven't been marketed well in Australia (admittedly by Protac who screwed everything up for the lesser brands) doesn't mean they aren't a very recognised and respected brand outside.

              Surely as an enthusiast you'd read tech sites, forums and stuff?

              Plenty reviews of their products out there with some reasonable ratings.

              • -3

                @bchliu: I think everyone is missing the point that you don't have to go cheap and nasty to get a decent sub $1000 computer, but hey by all means go and buy this piece of sh!t, you were warned.

                • @Budju: Wahahahahahaahahahahahahaha. With a 2070?

                  • -1

                    @N1NJ4W4RR10R: Nah if you were on this budget you wouldn't get a 2070, cause that would be stupid.

                    For anyone considering buying this, here are what the parts are worth:

                    Leaper PRO RGB Case - $50
                    550w power supply - $27.50
                    8gb ram - $85
                    AM4 Biostar motherboard - $57
                    Ryzen 2600 - $205
                    RTX 2070 - $705
                    27 inch monitor - $157

                    I just built the PC cheaper in less than 5 minutes searching normal prices, how is this a 'bargain'?

                    • @Budju: That build is very cheap for Rtx 2070, my build costed me a good $400 more(just the pc), however that is because I spent cash on getting good quality components such as 650 W gold cert psu, decent case that comes with 4 fans, good Asus B450 Am4 motherboard, 16 gb 3000 MHz ram, and already you are spending an extra $325, along with a wireless adaptor, a 240 gb ssd and 1tb hdd, an extra $400+.

                    • +2

                      @Budju: Prices from MSY + others
                      GPU $800 minimum even for blower model
                      CPU ryzen 2600 $259 minimum
                      Mobo $57
                      RAM $85
                      Case + PSU ~$80
                      SSD $35
                      Generic brand new 27" monitor $199 shipped (unless you leave in city and can pick up for cheaper)

                      Total = $1516 /$1316 without monitor

                      Don't forget the labour cost of putting them together or for shipping which is already included.

                      This is worth it for me especially since I live pretty far from city where you can get parts for cheaper via pickup.
                      Also don't forget the hassle of having to put them all together (I don't know how it goes in the city but most places around here charges around $30-50 for putting them together) , some find joy in doing so, some just don't. Personally, I only know enough to add rams, HDD, swap gpu, add cpu cooling and that's enough for me.

                    • @Budju: Lol..
                      You forgot SSD, Build, Delivery and warranty - which adds at least a couple of hundred more.

                      No one here is arguing that they are not using budget parts here: They have to considering the CPU & GPU are already $1088 and $1458 (2070 and 2080 respectively) on MSY. The 2070 deal is not as good as the 2080 deal given there's about $170 for the other parts whilst the 2080 (with the Ryzen-5) is basically giving you the parts for free. How else are they suppose to sustain a business if they don't give you the basic parts that they acquire through economies of scale? There's hardly any profit in this other than $50 they probably add on top to build it for you.

                      Brings to the other point: Not everyone knows how to build a PC and whilst you think it's not rocket science. Hence why it is important to differentiate the market between customers like yourself or customers who can't DIY.

                      Biostar for the win? Why not? if it does the job, warranted and works fine for at least 3-5 years (which most biostar customers do get) then what's your problem?

                      • @bchliu: Add $30 dollars to the build (and probably get a better branded SSD) still about $100 cheaper. Not sure about how much you know about warranty but you will have it regardless of whether you buy your parts from this highly reputable and likely to be around in 2 years E-bay store, or any other hardware distributing institution like PCCG or Scorptec.

                        • @Budju: Deflating prices (ie. Graphics card, monitor, CPU etc) and not mentioning those other components (build, warranty and shipping) do not make you right, @Budju. Just calling out your BS.

                          Of course I know about warranty - I've worked for a major retail for over ten years and got some extensive experience in retailing and even the humble PC building stores. Despite what you think, companies do need to make a buck and in this case, they are barely breaking even and only doing so with economies of scale.

                          This computer may not necessarily be "right" for you - but it is for a lot of people who do not want to DIY and not worry about trying to source different parts from multiple places just to get the best price.

                          At least 94 people have agreed that it is a bargain. LOL.. only two so far including yourself do not.

                    • @Budju: just to let you know sir the 2070 is actually $1200-1300 for the asus model.

                      • @ShotzzAU: Just to let you know a couple of things… This 'deal' doesn't come with a ASUS RTX 2070. Secondly, there are reference RTX 2070s available right now for $705. Thirdly, if anyone pays $1200-$1300 for an RTX 2070, they are seriously getting ripped off, like massively. They should make a complaint to the ACCC ripped off. Do you need links?

                        • @Budju: lmao the $700 rtx's are mostly garbgo expect for the gigabyte one but the different between the $900 gigabyte and $1200-300 asus model is night and day

                          • @ShotzzAU: lmao if you would pay 1200-1300 for a 2070 RTX I pity you so much. They are the equivalent performance of a 1080, how much are they worth? What is wrong with you?

              • @bchliu: Biostar ftw

  • +2

    Gsync monitor?

    • +1

      That's wishful

    • Maybe.. with 144 MHz :-p

    • Freesync I believe

  • Allied 27" LED 3.5ms Monitor

    What is this mysterious monitor? Google turns up nothing

  • If I purchased the other deal yesterday and want to change it to one of these deals, do I just say I want to return the item on eBay and I will get a full refund?

    • PM me your ebay username and I'll cancel the other one for you. It might take until tomorrow but I'll do it. Cheers

  • Are we able to get the monitor seperately or add it onto our 2080 bundle? How much would it be ?

  • +1

    Is the GPU Blower model? Cheers

    • +1

      Same question here.

    • +1

      It won't be answered; they're avoiding the question so it's safe to assume that it's a blower style card.

    • +1

      Hi, it's the dual fan card.

  • What a cracking bargain boys

  • +2

    Good deal for those who won't be removing or adding parts. Be mindful that removing or adding components may void the warranty.
    Luke hasn't clarified what parts can or cannot be added to not void the warranty.

    This is a PM from Luke
    "The 1 year warranty covers the system as long as it is in the original state and not modified; after that we are no longer in control of build or components so the warranty is void. After the 1 year period you would need to go to each manufacturer directly.".

    I'd hold back on upgrading any parts until after the warranty period ends.

    • Which is what made me buy the i7 8700 version instead… Thanks for the info :)

  • +4

    This deal seems almost too good, seeing as the other prebuilt 2070 and 80 builds are pushing well past the $2k mark, and to buy the parts themselves appears to cost more then the pc. For them to have made a profit out of this they would have had to cheap out on quality, and even then, I couldn’t see them making much out of this. If you would like to buy a prebuild pc with high specs for low cost, I haven’t seen any PCs offering better value then these ones, and the techfast staff member I messaged seemed very friendly, I would rate customer support as being easily 5 stars. However, back to what I was mentioning earlier, the pc parts would have to be from a cheap brand, for them to be able to pay for the parts, let alone make a profit or pay the employees. This means that you might have a cheap psu(very likely) that will be noisy, and dangerous to have in your expensive build, we know for sure the the ryzen cpu is trusted part, however the other parts have a chance of being from foreign, Asian companies such as colourful, Allied, and biotech, I don’t know wether these parts are good quality, but I could guess that some of these parts are cheap, budget brand parts, so if you buy this pc, you will be taking a risk as you won’t know what kind of parts you will be getting, (note, I would highly recommend upgrading the psu to atleast a 650 watt one with 80+ gold cert if you do go with the pc). In the end I decided to build instead, and for the price of my build, all parts were good quality, and had 15 % off, and even with the huge percentage off my overall build, the pc still costed a good $50-100(without the 15% off it would have been more like 300-400 more) then the fast tech builds spec for dollar, and that is just parts, with no labour, I saw the extra cost worth it as I would like to know what goes into my pc, and am willing to build,
    however if you would rather have it prebuilt and low cost, and are willing to take a risk with lower quality/budget parts, by all means, do it, because this is very good value, the best prebuilt value you could find.

    • I got the one with 750 power supply so i hope that is better than the 550 versions, all i need to upgrade is the ram most likely in the future

      • +1

        The 750 watt one will most likely be enough(80+ gold certified would be best though), however, be careful, because installing the ram yourself may violate the warranty

    • Can you share your build?

      • +2

        If you want to build the exact one you only have today to do it before the 15% off ends and the price will fly back up again(got it at computer allience eBay), but sure, by all means, I can also add the monitor, headset and keyboard and mouse, I will also link the products

        • Yes please I want the exact build

          • @Sopzo: Same here. Computer alliance is local for me. Will buy

      • +6

        Asus Am4 B450 Motherboard- $169 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ASUS-AM4-ATX-PRIME-B450-PLUS-DDR…, Hyper cloud X headset $120 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Kingston-HyperX-Cloud-II-Gaming-…, Vengeance 16gb 3000mhz ram $230 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/16GB-DDR4-Corsair-2x8GB-CMK16GX4…, SATA Green 240 gb ssd $50 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/240GB-WD-2-5-Green-SATA-6Gb-s-SS…, 80+ gold certified PSU $109 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/650-Watt-Cougar-GX-S-Series-80-G…, case with 4 fans $109 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Thermaltake-ATX-Versa-J25-Temper…, Asus Rtx 2070 $829 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ASUS-RTX2070-8GB-Turbo-PCIe-Vide…, 4K ips monitor $500 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/27-LG-27UD59-B-4K-UHD-3840x2160-…, wireless card $20 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/PCIe-Wireless-N-ASUS-PCE-N15-300…, cougar mechanical rib keyboard+mouse $80 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Cougar-Deathfire-Ex-Hybrid-RGB-M…, Ryzen 5 2600 CPU $250 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/AMD-AM4-Ryzen-5-2600-Six-Core-3-…, 1tb seagate HDD $58 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/1TB-Seagate-3-5-7200rpm-SATA-6Gb…

        Everything included = AU $2,532.00, -15 % with code PROCESS = $ 2165

        Just PC = AU $1835 - 15% = $ 1562

        The prebuilt costs $1258 while it’s on sale, to get them to put in extra 8gb ram costs $150, and to get them to put in 1tb hdd costs them $60, plus $ 20 for internet chip, and the extra 120 gb give or take another $12 so all together the cost for it to be spec to spec is roughly $1500, but with parts that might not be of good quality, whereas when you build yourself you can guarantee the quality.

        • +1

          Sorry it took a while, and the parts are meant to be compatible according to pc part picker, and some extra research I’ve done, however, I ordered last night so the parts haven’t come in yet, and it is my first build so I recommend double checking each part before you buy just in case I slipped up somewhere.

        • The monitor has freesync but isnt g-sync needed? Should i buy the same one? Just trying to figure out if i should spend the extra for an g-sync or not… Thanks for this build btw!

          • +1

            @firsttimeuser7: Yes, freesync only works on amd cards, however the monitor will work just fine with Nvidia cards that function just won’t be useable, it has good colour reproduction and accuracy, as it is ips, and to get a G-Sync monitor like that would cost atleast 200 hundred more, for it to have an ips panel as well would cost probably atleast an extra 300-400 all up. G-Sync is good, but only if you can afford it.

        • your 2070 gpu is noooooot dual fan/aftermarket cooler :(

          • @OneHunn1t: I won’t be overclocking, the stock cooler should probably be enough for it, but yes, now that you mention it, dual fans would have been a better option on the gpu, it certainly would have helped it stay cool, so without overclokcing the fan will keep it cool enough tho right?

            • +3

              @Matte101: Just means during real gaming, your gpu will be more likely to start reaching high temps especially after longer gaming sessions which will require the beautiful 2070 to clock down (slow down its performance) to prevent it from overheating. Alas never had a founders edition blower style lookin card and you probs won't run into any issues but as a pc enthusiast who is looking for quality sorta like you said, always gotta get that dual/triple/gamer oriented gpu cooling :D P.S the founders edition 2070 (basically first and base model of the card) actually has 2 fans! Highly recommend reading up about different gpu cooling styles before you crack the bad boy/gal open and have "RAGRETS" xD

              • @OneHunn1t: Thanks for the reply, i will certainly look into it before I open the box, and see what it’s thermals look like, I guess it had a lower price for a reason.

                • +2

                  @Matte101: No worries man! Also please watch this linus vid regarding your choice in a 4k monitor! Very up-to-date breakdown of the popular resolutions explaining all the pros and cons of each resolution. Sorry if i'm sounding like a Mum or Dad ;) just want the best from a fellow Ozbargain PC builder!


                  • @OneHunn1t: Thanks for showing me that video, it’s really interesting, and I can definitely see the benefits of going 1080p high refresh rate over 4K lower refresh rate in competitive gaming, however I plan on doing more casual, single player games that don’t require too much of a frame rate such as Witcher 3, Ark and hopefully odyssey, and for me, i am a bit of an eye candy seeker when it comes to gaming, coming off of 1080p monitor(I had with my old second hand pc I bought on gumtree a while back with a 970), I couldn’t help noticing the lower resolution, even on a relatively pixel dense 21”, on the other hand, when it came to frame rate, anything above 30 FPS was fine for me on most games, I’m pretty sure that most people would rather the high frames then the high detail, however personally I rather the higher res, and thanks again, it’s really good of you to help out novice builders and give out pointers.

                    • +1

                      @Matte101: I'd go for the middle ground personally. 1440p with a good refresh rate.

                      • +1

                        @N1NJ4W4RR10R: Yeah I can see where your coming from, if I could change the monitor, and could get an IPS 2k 144hz monitor for the same price ($425), I would probably get that instead, but the monitors like that costed more, and had a tn panel(and I’m not too much of a fan of tn, I went with the ips one for the good viewing angles, colour reproduction and accuracy).

  • For those curious as to whether this is blower or not.

    Odds are will depend on stock, hence why they're unwilling to say. Wouldn't want people to buy based on what they say only to have people get the opposite of what they expected and potentially being disappointed.

    Just assume it's the version you don't want for the sake of deal. If you're unwilling to get that might be best to skip (unless luke ends up answering, could just simply be him checking stock :shrug:)

    • +1

      I think people should be prepared to get a blower and generally lower end parts when they buy this, just in case. Can't be worse than Vega reference cards so it shouldn't be that bad. And worse case scenario you can buy one of those arctic cooling coolers for 50 bucks off amazon and it would still be a decent deal.

      • Haha, absolutely.

        Worse case you could always sell the GPU off and buy a better version. My conscious wouldn't allow me to say sell it for the same as an asus or msi card, so sell it for a bit less than pick uo one of those.

        • Worse case all these parts come cheaper than this 'deal', so basically worse case you can just buy everything normally without the useless parts like the useless ram and cheap/nasty PSU and you are ahead.

    • +1

      The above is generally correct, thanks for that. But these cards will be dual fan.

      • Will make sure to share that around then :thumbsup:

      • +1

        Would that general statement also apply to the Ryzen 5 2600 + Galax RTX 2080 build as well? I understand if it's more of a coin flip.

        • +2

          All dual fans :)

  • +1

    I'm so glad to see a company making good value PCs and doing well.

    • +2

      Thanks! Us too :) this community is ace.

  • Rep or anyone else, how do I add the upgrades? Do I just buy them 'separately'?

    • +1

      Yep, you can either Add each one to Cart soon with system and purchase in one purchase, or buy separately and we'll allocate according to username. Cheers

      • Thanks mate, legend :)

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