• expired

5L Pure Isopropyl Alcohol $15 (or 3 for $13.95 each) Delivered @ nayld eBay


not good as the $10 deal, but still worth it for $15.

or 3 for 13.95 each

WARNING: This is poison, do not consume in any manner. According to the Betty Ford Center, drinking even a small amount of rubbing alcohol can have potentially fatal consequences. Keep away from children. Flammable, Keep away from heat, spark, electrical, fire or flame. Use only in a well-ventilated area; fumes may be harmful. As always read label before use and store appropriately.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks, good solution to remove thermal grease from PS4s

    • How many PS4s do you have?

      • +4

        I fix PS4s. I have 4 working ATM and 6-7 broken ones for fixing :)

  • are you supposed to mix this before using it for cleaning etc?

    • Generally speaking no. It's a solvent for many other compounds.

      • +3

        I recently learnt (from the comments in the last similar deal) that mixing it with water can actually result in better cleaning action than using it neat. There was a youtube link that explained it well. I am pretty sure it was this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiL6uPNlqRw&t=3s

        • Yeah i thought 100% wouldn't be too good for wiping down surfaces. Good video

        • I didnt know it was water soluble, thanks for this.

          • +2

            @Skinnerr: It isnt. Its already liquid. Its just not hydrophobic like oil.

            • +3

              @Seedy seed: it is soluble with water. in fact it is totally miscible. If you mix it properly with water, the resulting solution will be a homogeneous solution of diluted alcohol.

              • @richox: So the water is soluable with alcohol. I see.. then why isnt alcohol soluable with water?

        • Neat!

    • +1

      I mix 70/30 IPA/distilled water.

      I based this on the IPA swabs that can be purchased as they are 70% IPA.

      Does great work on glass, mirrors, and general cleaning around the house.

      • +3

        Apparently (quite opposite to what seems logical) the 70% solution is the correct amount for cleaning bacteria. Anything more and it is less effective.

        Something to do with the time it takes to evaporate or the rubbing motion for cleaning.

        • +2

          In labs you wipe down benches with 70% ethanol but isopropyl probably does the same job.

      • +3

        I believe the 30% water is needed to make it work as a disinfectant, but not typically for cleaning.

        edit: beaten by clodhopper.

        Also, unlike ethanol, IPA does not dissolve salts. So a little added water may help with that.

      • +13

        Wouldn't mixing it with India Pale Ale make it even harder not to drink?

      • Can you use tap water? Serious question.

        • +4

          Yeah sure.. i think it depends how clean you want something. Tap water has minerals dissolved in it so might leave a little streaking. If you want something super duper clean and streak free distilled water is better. Realistically for most household uses tap water is prob fine.

          • @simulacrum: Thanks, I might get the distilled water as I used some windex on the TV and it's a bit streaky.

    • Its good because it doesn't leave residue (like metho can). We uses to use it for cleaning electrical contacts (keyboards, remotes, etc).

      • +1

        What residue? Metho sold in Australia?

        • +1

          I'm guessing its whatever they put in it to make you vomit.

          • @[Deactivated]: That would be the pure ethanol :-)

            There is a bittering agent, and some leave residue (Diethyl phthalate?), but I've not noticed any from Australian metho.

            • @bargaino: Oh its not a mark/stain, just a reside that makes the electrical contacts not work as well as they should.

        • I've seen metho bottles that listed the denaturant as being phenolpthalein, the active ingredient in laxettes(tm).

          Remember, the stuff you are dissolving stays in solution in the solvent. If you leave drops of solvent on whatever you are cleaning, the solvent will evaporate, and leave behind whatever you were trying to remove. After cleaning with isopropanol or metho, while the item is still wet, I wash it down with demineralised water. Washes away the contaminant and the solvent at the same time.

          • @Russ:


            In Australia? Or is that the coloured one used overseas?
            I see it dries to a powder, so would be a potential problem.

            • @bargaino: Yes, in Australia. I buy my cleaning metho from Coles or Bunnings. I always buy the clear variety so I can easily tell when too much contaminant is getting in the metho, and renew the solvent. I use it to clean the solder flux from freshly-assembled printed circuit boards, the metho goes yellowish as the flux dissolves into it, then I discard it before it gets too brown. For an exceptionally clean finish, follow up with a foam made of Safewash 2000, leave for a few minutes, then rinse in water (Safewash 2000 is suitable for cleaning PCBs, may not be suitable for other things).

              It's been a few years since I last checked, the denaturant might have changed since then. But I reckon phenolpthalein would be pretty effective at discouraging from people from drinking metho, if it makes you throw up AND gives you the runs.

              I can tell you that it tastes disgusting, because once I found that the gloves I was wearing had a pinhole leak. I discovered this while eating my lunch - I licked my fingers, and one tasted disgusting, which led me to discover the leak. I had washed my hands thoroughly before eating lunch, so the denaturant must have soaked into my skin.

              • +1

                @Russ: OK, thanks.
                I've certainly tasted it plenty of times after using metho stoves and forgetting to wash my hands.
                Yuck, but then that's the whole point.

    • +2

      100% for something like wiping a phone screen or circuit board, preparing nails, removing physical contaminants etc

      70% alcohol with distilled water to kill germs

      ~20% alcohol with tap water and some detergent for general cleaning

      For general kitchen and bathroom cleaning I use roughly 15% alcohol and 15% of the ~$1 Woolworths general cleaning spray with tap water. Works great.

      • +1

        This is right on, ~100% is far too strong for general cleaning purposes. For perspective, medical grade disinfectants used in hospitals are 70% IPA solutions.

        Even for cleaning circuits, 70% can be used if distilled water is used as the mixer (so no mineral deposits are left behind, which is the real cause of electronics issues related to water).

        I have several cheap spray bottles and fill each with 20%, 50% and 70% - don't have to worry about ratios when re-filling etc and covers almost all uses. Even then 50% is probably not necessary, 20% is used for most things.

    • +1

      If you are cleaning printed circuit boards it is not helpful if water is purposefully added. I say this, because frankly there are a ton of other cleaners out there - but propanol-2 (= isopropyl) is ideal for PCB cleaning, others cleaners mostly not. If water gets into electronics, clean up excess then rinse it with this material and you have done the best that can be done to save the PCB. But time is essential, - it works if done immediately - waiting a day or a week, then saying "Oh my phone doesn't work anymore" then trying to clean it …. well its a cleaner, not black magic!

  • Thanks OP, just in time as my last purchase is almost depleted, and got a $15 credit from eBay… Stars aligned, happy days!

  • +6

    My beug is gonna be sparklin’

    • +2

      Really though if you’re thinking to buy for this, buy something called Simple Green (concentrated version) from Bunnings instead. Leave it in ya beug to soak for a couple hours then pour out into a bottle to reuse later and give ya beug a rinse, good as new. A 1l bottle will last you indefinitely.

      • Do you leave it as concentrate in the beug or dilute it as per instructions?

        • +1

          I’ve always left it as concentrate. Haven’t tried diluting it but I’ve heard if you purchase the premixed diluted versions they don’t work.

          • @Cheaplikethebird: Legend, will give it a go.

            Usually go for the dishwasher method or coarse salt + hot water.

            • @apptrack: Acetone dissolves the the oily residue in beugs, but will harm plastics.

              • @Tony76: That's what this stuff does and you can reuse it. Been using the same $10 1l bottle for the past two years and I clean my beug at least three times a week.

  • Been waiting on another deal since the $10 one, cheers OP!

  • +1

    This is poison, do not consume in any manner.

    They said the same thing about Maccas.

    According to the Betty Ford Center, drinking even a small amount of rubbing alcohol can have potentially fatal consequences.

    What are the consequences, rubbing yourself to death.

    • +1

      Rub it on jv as a tester

      • +10

        JV being rubbed: What percentage of alcohol is that?

    • +10

      What are the consequences, rubbing yourself to death.

      It sounds impossible, but I reckon I came close as a teenager.

  • hand sanitizer?

    • +5

      May as well go all in and bathe in it.

    • +1

      I wouldn't. The MSDS of Dettol hand sanitizer says it contains 70% ethanol. If they could use this stuff (isopropyl alcohol), they would.

  • +1

    Solvent for preparation of pvc plumbing pipes for gluing together. Just add a drop of food dye if you want to be able to see what surfaces have been prepped for gluing.

    • +2

      Not good advice, especially for pressure applications.

      Typically PVC priming solvent is methyl ethyl ketone which dissolves the outer glossy layer of the PVC in preparation for bonding. PVC is resistant to most alcohols including IPA so all you'll end up with is a very clean surface that won't dissolve as readily when you apply the solvent.

      When you "glue" PVC, you're actually creating a bond that through dissolving the two mating surfaces which then mix and harden as the solvent flashes off. The solvent itself doesn't play a part in the final strength of the bond.

      • He's probably thinking of acetone. It's also used as a cleaner, but will weld PVC (& ABS & acrylic). Not as easy as MEK though.

  • +1

    I love this product. Best OCD treatment on the market.

  • +9

    AU $24.95/ea for me, deal expired?

    • Same here. How do you get $15?

      • Same here

    • Same.

  • +3

    I swear to got this thing fixes 90% of all electronical problems

    • Sure does. Use it on all pc parts. Also just used some on my car remote. Cleaned a contact and works a treat. I prefer the iso wipes over liquid even though the liquid is better value for money.

    • Stop sniffing it.

    • +1

      I swear to got this thing fixes 90% of all electronical problems

      And a dictionary the other 10%.

      • -1

        Dictionary! Utter filth, the bibel of got is the only book you need.

        got will smite if you keep blaspheming.

      • Well, someone is grumpy.

        got is watching, y'know.

  • This is poison, do not consume in any manner.

    To be clear you can use this for cleaning food prep surfaces. It is not "poison" in that context.

    It's also an old man's tale that the bittering agent in Diggers Metho is poison. That is not true and it is fine for cleaning food surfaces.

    • In what circumstances would you prefer this for food prep over bleach?

      • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK214356/

        Commercial kitchens use bleach mainly because alcohol is flammable.

        edit: Just read a study showing that bleach kills ecoli far quicker than alcohol.

        • Yes, I asked because IME bleach has always been the disinfectant of choice in food prep and I was wondering if there were any (marginal) cases where alcohol might be a better choice. Bleach is super cheap too!

  • +1

    what, expired already :(

  • +1

    Missed out again…

  • Very good product

  • +2

    Party time I am going to get wasted on this stuff.

    • +2

      A party you'll remember for the rest of your life.

      • +1

        Don't be a (profanity) get on it son

  • Bugger, missed out.

    • they have these deals regularly … if you buy it through electronics outlets it costs a lot, I think these people supply nail salons and tattoo parlours so it's a more cost conscious market.

      • mmm, this is the 2nd time i've seen the same deal but i always come late because it seems to sell so fast :-(

        • +1

          at this price is compares to metho price wise but is a cleaner product.

          They might do these deals as they get big shipments for price breaks, sell some stock to make room and cashflow, then sell the rest at normal price. We used to do it for computer monitors when a container landed.

          • @garage sale: i think i might set up an RSS feed for it so i (hopefully) won't miss it.

    • Nayl'd it!

      I purchased when this was $25/3 bottles. Still got them sitting here ready to be used. Works a treat on dirty electronics PCBs

      I find it strange that they dont sell this stuff at supermarkets, only Metho which is not as good.

      • Perhaps more niche thus wasted shelf space?

        • What does Metho do that IPA cant? In the USA its all IPA. 50-70% stuff is like $1/bottle 90% is a few dollars more..

  • Your mileage may vary depending on which brand of glue you use, but I find IPA also works well as an "activator"/accelerant to speed up the bonding of superglue. IPA is just so versatile and super handy to have around the house.

  • +1

    So much science and info in this thread i love it! That's why i generally nose browse these deal pages even if I'm not buying. Just like on reddit where they go the real life pro tip is in the comments :)

  • -1

    Good for making cheap premades

    • Perhaps for the inlaws, just in time for Christmas :D

  • +1

    good to use for to make rick simpson products

    • +1

      good for rso

  • Always miss out on these deals anyone know of any other deals

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