Bought at $360 Now $299 Feel Cheated?

Does any feel hard done by?

a week ago it was $360 now they lowered their price when in they first place

they wouldn't?


  • +3

    Haha you lose

    • +1

      ^ this

      and also

      useless post/rant

      • +2

        its ass useless as all your posts, how about description or details 2 hings you lack, no offense

        • +3

          and a T is 1 hing you lack as well …. LOL

        • +1

          lol rue

  • -2

    I ask the rep if he'll lower the price to match jb hifi but he won't


    • wth you on ……. about

      JB is $360
      Telstra is $299

      I ask the rep if he'll lower the price to match jb hifi but he won't

  • look.

    before it was $408 and I ask them to reduce the price to match jb hifi $360

    and they said no.

    • description…….

      who/where did you buy it off?

  • +1

    Sucks to be the consumers really!
    Those retail shops played us like a fool… and that is why I just sit and wait until the price seems can't go no lower then profit!!!!!

    1) New product release
    2) I wait for price drop
    3) ????
    4) Profit!!

  • +4

    funny how theres no mention of product yet everyone knows what it is and even where he got it

    • +1

      Haha, fail at story telling. No where, who, what, why. At least you got 'when' - "a week ago". (Y)

  • Technology products ALWAYS drop in price. They never get more expensive. Doesn't matter when you buy, the next day or week there will be a cheaper price.

    • Technology products ALWAYS drop in price.

      • +1

        try again it's $210,000

        • +1

          ha! Found an error.


          Forgot your apostrophe—> it's


        • error reported!

        • Error??? ediOt !!! ;-)

          BTW Truebargains - are you listening

  • +3

    And another truebargains troll…..

  • -1

    no, not a troll.

    bought it off nafe. you can read it in the thread.

    $370 I'd paid. Now it's $299.

    how murdering.

  • do you like it?

    there's nothing you can do now, just enjoy it. Some poor person has probably just been told they have cancer and only have a matter of months to live, I'm sure they would be happy to pay $70 more for something and live longer. Don't sweat the little things.

    I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.

  • +1

    Hahahaha, that's what you get when you don't buy an iPad!

    Oh, yeah, those dropped in price too. :\

    Look there is a very obvious way around this:
    1) Buy another one at $299 (best use another JB store to avoid suss looks)
    2) Pick up your receipt for the one you paid $360 from last week
    3) Pick up the new item you just bought today
    4) Walk back into JB where you bought the first one
    5) Walk to the counter
    6) Say "I'd like to return this here thing. It's not an iPad, therefore it sucks!"
    7) Get $360 back. Voila. You now have a Samsung Galaxy Tab for $299.

  • +1

    What a whinger. You jumped and then the price dropped afterwards.

    Big deal.

    In the words of Officer Barbrady, "Nothing to see here, move along"

  • It's from JB HiFi, just go return it, no questions asked - you DO have the receipt right?

  • Ouch!

  • +4

    truebargains, you've already posted a discussion on Samsung Galaxy tab here. Then you posted another one here which was unpublished. You have also previously submitted three different iPad discussions here, here, and here.

    Seriously, can't you just post all your iPad/Tablet related discussion under one thread? I've already brought up this issue here when you created 4 separate threads about fridges, but I don't think you're getting it.

    It's ok to discuss your sentiments/queries about a product, but please do so in ONE thread. Otherwise, you will be treated as a serial spammer and you will be banned accordingly. Please take this as a friendly and final warning. If there's something that you're still not quite sure of, please let me know and I'll try to help you. Or feel free to talk with a moderator in private if you prefer it that way.

    • Well said pauly

    • woah pauly

      don't forget these

      Mold on the Floor
      Bing Lee not Negotiable
      Cheap Fridge
      Fluoride Filter
      + more…
      these are on WP, but meh.

      But seriously though truebargains, quality > quantity
      there is no use in spamming these forums if they could be placed somewhere else, if you want to do these, a better place will be yahoo answers

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