Tesla PowerWall2 $6000 Subsidy in Adelaide? $7990+ $300 Installation?

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  • +3

    No, money down.

    • Hold on… What are the specs of available Tesla walls?

      Is it worth the cost, ie, Old or New (inflated) price?

      How long will it keep the power on, during a lengthy outage?

      PS As a Pro Liquid-Fuel NUCLEAR guy, I can only see
      "All these Subsidies" reducing our ability to afford
      a few Safe, Small, Cheap (factory-made cores) MSR's
      (ie, Molten Salt Reactors):

      See YouTube:
      + "Pedersen TEDxCopenhagen" (Fuel-Rods vs Liquid-Fuel)
      + "MacDiarmid Economy Club" (Canada's IMSR; due next decade)


      Why NOT Renewables?

      1. YouTube "Conley TEAC8"
      2. http://RoadmapToNowhere.com

      • "Make Australia SMART Again"

      • Pick the Optimal Power Fuel-Source:

      • 3,000,000mt Coal = 200mt Raw Uranium = 1mt Thorium

      (Each of the above make the Same Qty. of Electricity)

  • +4

    Did the price of the PowerWall 2 go way up? Weren’t people a year ago gettting the PowerWall 2 with Backup function installed for around $11,000?

    • +6

      That's the thing with subsidies, companies know you are getting "free money" and try to split this free money with themselves. So retailers jacking up the price and then having subsidies bring down the price above what they could normally sell for.

      • +1

        Government buying your votes with your money by telling you to buy a product at an inflated price.

  • Its up to 5k for most. Think pensionors and people earning less than $xx,000 get up to 6k

  • Interesting.

  • Heard a lot about simply energy's offer where you can get the powerwall2 with backup function for $7300 that comes with a $5000 subsidy. They also have stock and can install in approx 2-3 months

  • -4

    After a quick google, I realised that the current SA government is the Liberal party. After Labor's deal with Telsa for the big battery, I would have thought the SA taxpayers have paid enough. Apparently not. Stalin would be proud.

    • The SA Tesla battery has already paid for itself.

      • -3

        As far as I know, they have a 10 year contract with the SA government where the taxpayers fork out $2m a year. They also make money trading on the frequency and ancillary services market. They store energy from wind and solar farms, another expensive form of energy subsidised by the taxpayer. I'm not sure if they pay for the energy they receive and store, but they certainly earn from the sales. So it's not hard for them to make money with a stacked deck. But at what cost to the taxpayer?

        Edit: a bit more searching revealed they buy it cheap from the wind farm and sell it back when there is high demand at higher prices. No wonder they are making a fortune with the power issues in SA.


        (Give costs & value of each Contribution)

    • +1

      The voters in SA are brainwashed children.

      They actually voted for the Liberal Party to lower power prices after the last 21 years of history and losing large sums of their own money as building their own power plant became a cheaper option than buying electricity from the utter failure of the privatised system.


  • +1

    $8k, that will be a pretty long payback period.

    we had ours installed thru AGL's VPP program about 6 weeks ago after a 20 odd month wait. our cost was $4400 as we got in early.
    our reason for install is we have no mains water, so no power = no running water. the financial payback was not calculated as we were looking at generators which were going to cost similar.

    FWIW - we've already seen two one week periods of not buying peak power (hot water aside as it is on off-peak). the perfect conditions are sunny, but not hot enough to need air conds. flip side is we have had days of a 'flat' battery as solar struggled to keep up with house demand (being school holidays etc). looking back at our feed in results from last winter, there will be many days where the battery won't be doing anything.
    I have upped the 'reserve' capacity from 5% to 10% in case of black out.

  • I have a Tesla Powerwall 2 already - fitted in October '17 - haven't had a Power Bill since (to pay!!) Cost circa $13K without subsidy - I figure it will have a 6 - 7 year "payback"& I'm happy with that. Could get another under the SA Scheme for circa $6K. When first fitted, there's the Install cost, the Battery & the Gateway. The Gateway costs ~ $3K - and with a "subsequent" battery, this cost is not required - the Gateway can handle 3 Batteries……I will certainly look at a 2nd Battery. Energy "independence" is, perhaps a "lofty" goal…..but one which I consider worthwhile in my "values chain". I have no involvement with Tesla - a simple consideration. I did check out the other Batteries available under the SA Scheme & IMHO, the Manufacturers & Installers seemed to have "jacked up" the prices to effectively "negate" the Subsidy Scheme.

    • They pay me for every bill and I only have solar panels. I'd hope you are actually getting something back rather than just getting zero dollar bills.

  • Subsidies and capitalism doesn't mix.

    Capitalism is based on supply and demand, and by extension it results in suppliers charging the most they can.

    Subsidies make more money available for the particular product and the vendors are made well aware of this. The supply of these batteries have not changed but the amount of effective spending power on the product has increased.

    There can only be one possible conclusion whenever there are subsidies like these, the price increases as a direct reflection of the subsidy. Government pays supplier by making it look as though it is funds given to the public. They win the support of the supplier and the uninformed public.

    • You are forgetting that we aren't living in pure capitalism, where supply and demand rules and logical agents decide how to invest their resources.
      In fact, nothing about our world works like that…

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