[Price Error] Kogan Mavic 2 Pro Was on Sale for $1499!

Anyone see this sale on Kogan this morning? M2P with Fly More under $2100! I was about to place an order but hesitated and the M2P is now back at $2499. Depressed to say the least…

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  • Pricing error, move on, no real sale here.

  • +1

    Try putting one in your shopping cart and abandoning it. Sometimes they send you a 10 or 20% voucher a day later.

  • Bugger! I'm looking out for one of these, hopefully with Flymore combo.

  • they never honour these errors. they need to be more careful. they are despicable, dishonest jerks.

    • It was an error. I wouldn't expect anyone to honour a mistake like that. But they did send me a 20% off for the m2p the next day.

      • The problem is that some businesses will make a mistake and do a pricing error once every 5 years but kogan is doing pricing errors all the time.
        It's at the point where it's a business strategy for them.
        Either they need to become a lot more careful or start honouring the errors.

        • I don't believe it's part of their business model. Quite a few other outlets have made multiple pricing errors (because they employ inexperienced staff) and haven't honoured them. It's no different to a supermarket check out person giving you an extra $10 in change because the notes were stuck. It would seem a bargain but if you don't return it, they could lose their job. Imagine making a mistake like that and losing your livelihood. Many people here complain about these stores in strong terms but when prices drop their wallets talk.

          • @bargainshooter: no one would lose their job for accidentally giving out 2 10 dollar notes

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