Please Advise The Best Deal on 4K Games or Any Better Subscription Plan for Xbox One X?

Hi All,

Please advise the best deal on 4K games or any better subscription plan for Xbox One X?

Any experienced gamers/users constructive feedback would be appreciated.



  • +2

    If you're into digital, have a large enough HDD and don't mind the subscription model, go Game Pass

    As someone who prefers physical games and is not a huge fan of subscription game services where you don't get to keep your titles, I'd suggest checking out:
    Shadow/Rise of The Tomb Raider
    Rocket League
    Orange Box
    Forza 7
    Red Dead Redemption 1 or 2
    Halo Master Chief Collection
    Halo 5
    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
    And any of the OG Xbox back compat titles.

    Unfortunately I can't give you the best prices on each game, but check local Cashies stores if you're near any.

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