Looking to Buy - Fishing Drone

Hi All,

Can anyone who has experience with fishing drones recommend me one?
An estimate on how much I should be spending would be appreciated?

Edit: I would possibly consider a remote control boat that sends the bait out also.



  • +1

    There is an NZ company that makes one that I thought was serviceable. Cost $2-3k

    I do not suggest using Phantoms and Mavics. If you're sending out bait, consider these

    1. Weight of bait
    2. Weight of line
    3. Tension of line
    4. Wind drag
    5. Weight of sinker

    All this plus the drone may also not be in it's optimal running condition.

    Even a whole pilchard and a 6oz of lead and some line = 400g. I've tried it and wouldn't recommend it. This is with very minimal wind and line tension (ie. Very nice Torzite guides with line coming off a Stella, with the rod angled for minimum tension).

    Two realistic options here if you're still adamant about drone fishing.

    1. Suck it up and buy the expensive drone.
    2. Stick to dropping lures. Gets expensive because of the many stuck lures.

    And watch out for watercraft, especially the fishing boats with 7ft of rod standing vertically on the canopy. Hit one of those and bye bye whatever drone it is.

    • Thanks for the response. Oh do you mean instead of sending bait out, send a lure out instead?

      • +1

        Yup. Poppers work well on kingies, tuna, mahi… The pelagics. You'll freak out any estuary species. (Don't use divers on drones. You'll lose them… Too far to spot shallow weed/rocks).

        With regards to remote watercraft, it will inadvertantly hit a rock and flips or props get stuck on weed. They're only good for up to 20m put where you can see and retrieve.

        We've tried all manner of fishing and hunting and we've given up on remote crafts. It's fun but when problems strike, it is costly or cripples the entire trip.

        Pro tip - get some good waders (the goretex fabric type, not the giant condoms) and good rock shoes, get a good 10-12ft rod that casts 2-4oz and launch some lures off rocks. Better yield.

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