What's the easiest way to meet the minimum spend amount on credit card signups?

Just signed up for a credit card where it has a $3000 minimum spend in the first 90 days, I don't spend nearly as much. just wanting to know what's the easiest way to reach the spending requirement.


  • +34

    Coles or woolworth gift card! Coles giftcard has 4 year to be expired!

    • +15

      Or donate $1000 to me in exchange for prayers and well wishes.

      • +2

        i read donuts..

        yes, donuts!! do it!!

    • +3

      Woolworths gift cards have no expiry even better!

    • +1

      Also don't forget that you can use Cashrewards.com.au or an Entertainment Book to save 5% when purchasing Woolworths gift cards!

    • +1

      Does this count towards min spend? And is it treated as a cash advance? I wondered previously. Never had fees buying it but I looked into it more and most websites urged caution. I tried looking into it on the terms/conditions of my cards (citi signature, anz black etc) but no info was there.

      So I started buying with debit card to not risk fees.

      Has anyone been stung?

      • Never charged a cash advance fee on gift card purchases.

  • -6

    Fully flexible airfares

  • +16

    Pay electric bill,

    • +60

      May need higher credit limit.

  • +9

    Woolworths egift card doesnt expire

    Or pay your yearly car rego, private health insurance yearly membership?

    • +2

      Car rego may count as government spend which is not counted towards points earn / minimum spend limits for many CCs.

      • Greenslip (NSW) count?

        • Questionable. I've found CC's determination of what's government spend to be pretty unreliable, sometimes earning points on things that shouldn't, so one always might get through.

        • It's paid to an insurance company, so yes.

  • +3

    If you don’t have enough bills due, you can pre pay some

  • +4
    • Rego
    • Gas, electricity & water
    • Insurance
    • Groceries, fuel

    That is just a few.

    • Rego due in August, Insurance in January.

      • +5

        Pay them early….

        • +2

          Maybe for rego, but don't prepay insurance.. who knows which insurer they will be with in 10 months considering insurers offer virtually no incentive for loyalty.

          • -1

            @Gina Rinehart:

            virtually no incentive for loyalty

            You can do quotes online for the future dates, pay which is ever cheapest and you think is a good deal.

            The OP is a mummys boy who lives at home, they don't have many 'bills' to pay it seems, so they can't be too picky.

            • @JimmyF: I thought most insurance companies only allow you to renew or start a new policy 28 days or less prior to the start date…

  • +8

    There's no trick. Just put all your regular purchases on credit, and maybe make a couple large purchases you'd been holding out on.

    Just signed up for a credit card where it has a $3000 minimum spend in the first 90 days, I don't spend nearly as much

    Then why did you sign up?

    • 100,000 qff points was tempting

      • +2

        5% off egift cards at Woolies is a good thing if you regularly shop there. It saves in the long run as long as you have $3000 on hand to pay back the CC.

        • and if you are in NSW, that equal to opal card credit

  • +5

    I don't spend nearly as much


    • +8

      yeah I live with parents at home, so pretty much no rent/grocery/bills

      • +54

        Time to start contributing to the groceries?

      • +11

        Buy coles and woolies gift cards.

        I was saying 'wow' because you signed up to a CC with no real plan of meeting the min spend.

      • Most landlords won't accept credit anyway, but no other regular expenses? You do realise that credit cards have annual fees, regardless of whether you use them, right?

      • +10

        Can you not pay the rent/groceries/bills for your parents and kindly ask them to pay you back in cash??

        • +25

          Or don't ask them to pay you back at all…instead of being a free loader

      • +1

        Since there's minimal living expenses whilst at home, just prepay the utility bills so its in credit, and ask your parents to pay you back.

        • +2

          Parent doesn’t ask OP to pay any bills. OP asking for payback would not go down well.

      • +6

        If you live at home pay (and prepay) your parents bills then get them to.pay you back. When I sign up for credit cards like this I meet the spending requirements within about 1/2 an hour of activation with utilities payments.

  • +41

    Go on a spending spree. Buy a car or 2 at auction and pay the deposit with your new card.

    • +8

      I look forward to the subsequent forum posts

      • You missed it yesterday?

        • +3

          No. That set the new standard so I'm looking forward to future posts.

      • +29

        cmon man. You bought a BMW and you're asking us how to spend a measily $3k.

        this guy….don't troll me at this hour.

        $1000 each to your internet, gas and electricity bills. Done mang

          • +61

            @SydEng: Anyone can save up for nice things whilst paying minimal living expenses living at home with the parents. Don't think too proudly of it.

          • +18

            @SydEng: Lol you were looking to buy an old 1 series. You are only "good with money" beacuse you have no outgoings, because you are blushing off your parents.

          • +2

            @SydEng: Why'd you sign up for this CC then?

          • +2

            @SydEng: Anyone can save up, if they bum off their parents and are proud of it. Time to leave the nest

        • +6

          Going by post history, most likely a decade year old BMW. So not really that flashy.

        • +12

          Lives with parent who pays for stuff and calls himself good with money. Ha

      • +7

        get your BMW serviced. that will easily meet the limit

        • OP didn't specify his card limit, it may not be enough to pay for all the parts that no doubt need replacing on an old beemer…

      • Fuel vouchers.
        As in petrol vouchers.

        $3000 is a usable amount.

      • +3

        A new BMW will cost more than $3000 in 90 days time anyways, don't stress mate.

    • +4

      make sure they are high yield investments though.

  • +8

    Pay my HECS Debt…

  • buy a macbook or iphone using gift cards and sell on gumtree

    or buy ebay gift cards

  • +1

    Buy an expensive item then refund?

    • Refund nullifies the Rewards.

      • Only if you get it refunded to the same card. Costco did not check too closely when I recently returned an expensive item and allowed me to take the refund to my savings account instead of my credit card. Have done the same at Ikea and Colesworth in the past.

  • +4

    Time to get off OzB, you need to start paying RRP

  • +7

    Speak to my Mrs. Won't have a problem doing it in a week

    • +2

      She sounds like an amateur, or you must be one lucky guy; most wives could do that in a few hours…

      • +5

        I can track where my wife is by my credit card

  • +3

    Which credit card? Did you post islt as a deal? Come on… Sharing is caring

    • +1

      Was going to, but someone beat me to it. its just the amex one.

      • Hey SydEng, send me a PM. cant seem to message you.

  • +3

    Give me your card and i will show you how

  • +5

    Get a family.

    • sounds like a dumb idea

    • +3

      he's already got one. he's living with mum and dad which is why he is spending no money.

  • +7

    Marry my wife.

    • +1

      Haha, currently single till I find someone that will love me.

      • +24

        High class escort then … should hit that $3000 mark in a few hours!

        • +2

          Would be all over red rover for him in a few minutes though…

  • For some cards, I pay my tax bill on it. Amex for e.g. accepts ATO expenditure

    • Do they not add a surcharge

    • For most CCs this is counted as government spend, which will not earn points, and will not be counted towards minimum spend.

  • +2

    Amateurs..noone's thinking outside the box.

    • +3

      Enlighten us great one

      • +5

        A Geiger counter
        A hammer
        A flask of hydrocyanic acid
        A tiny bit of radioactive substance
        A cat

        • +1

          Hi clickspring, love your work

        • Throw it the vet bill and yeah, you're probably at $3k.

      • Easy. Do you have another card? Debit card would also do. Now think harder. I can't tell you any more than that on a public forum. It's nothing illegal.

        • Did you mean to write: Find a place which doesn't check credit card number for refunds and accepts change of mind like Aldi.

          Buy something expensive but not as expensive on CC and return through DC. Use money refunded to pay CC. Rinse Repeat.

  • +3

    Pay your parents & siblings bill via your card and get reimburse from them.

  • +2

    Pay 1.5k to reserve a Tesla Model 3. Get bonus. Cancel reservation.

    Probably more trouble then it is worth and there is a chance that it wouldn't be accepted as valid spend..

    • Chance that Tesla could also default on the deposit if you wait too long.

  • -1

    What about cashout at Woolies cash registers? Does that count as a spend?

    • +1

      Dont do this, it will count as a cash advance and you'll start paying interest immediately.

      • At 20%, that would be $1.65 per day in interest charges. But I don't think it counts as a spend

    • -4

      You can't cash out using a CC

      • +2

        Of course you can.

    • Criteria is $3000 of eligible purchases so no cash advance

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