Recording Phone Calls - Best Apps?

ACR, Was the best app for recording calls on an android.
Now android or Samsung have changed their policy and the app no longer records the numbers details/ name. Having to flick through upto 100, Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown is a pain.

Please recommend another call recording app.

Thank you.


  • Haven't used for years but total recall had a good name…

  • I use Total Recall. Good app. It records both sides of the conversation on my phone including numbers and names with good playback. YMMV

  • +2

    Why can't you use ACR? I know google changed the rules but there are workaroudns for ACR. If you have a samsung phone, just download the new ACR app from the Samsung store, as it overcomes the changes google made.

    Nothing works well on android 9 as far as I know.

    • Didn't know about this. Probably is better to simply sideload the App, even if its pirated (I've paid for the Pro). But that might not be possible if your device is on Android 8.0 or above, and it locked out via the Stock ROM/firmware to abide by Google's new API conditions.

      Or the best solution would be to get root access, then anything's possible.

  • Note that secretly recording calls is illegal in some states

    • +2

      And really slimy if you get caught doing it when you had no reason to expect a crime to be discussed or anything. Basically you'd never want to talk to that person again, what if they bug themselves when you meet in person, how could you ever really trust them when they are comfortable with being the only one who know that they are being recorded.

      • -2

        Upvoted both of you as obviously the people recording the calls have some agenda and think they’re above the law and downvoted.

    • And so is throwing your phone at someone. Just because there are illegal uses for technology does not mean you cannot use it at all.

  • Relax it's for safe working purposes, I tried acr unleashed but couldn't hear both sides I'll try Samsung store and total recall and let you know how it goes. Thanks for everyone's help

  • I have tried the Samsung shop and it still records names. But does not recall both voices, only my own voice.
    I'll try "recall" and see how it goes.
    Unfortunately ACR is now useless to me, I really liked that app.

  • Recall also a fail at recording both sides of the conversation.
    If there is a work around I would appreciate a link or a step by step.

  • Recall also a fail at recording both sides of the conversation

    That's odd, as recently as yesterday Total Recall (Version 2.0.77) is still working perfectly for me.

    May be a phone brand issue, I'm using an ASUS Zenfone M1. If it is you may have to try all apps available until you find one that works for you.

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