Lol, I can’t believe I got my top choice licence plate today. Which one you like or have seen? Personalised plate discussion.

I have seen quite a lot of good ones out there. Many are so funny an cool. I didn’t really like my one I am getting with my car. So I went online to get one and my one is available, so I quickly purchased it. Which one have you seen? Or do you like or want.

Also $50 coles MYER card for coupon bonus19. Lol, I guess a coupon and it worked. I saw bonus 18 one for last year and I guess bonus19. Give it a go if you are buying one! Queensland site.

Edit: oh my, well I thought it was obvious…so maybe my wife wouldn’t like it. But if none of you knows what it means…well that’s a good thing. I really just put it out in plain numbers and letters. Never meant for it to cause any guessing. So I will type it out now just to clear any misunderstandings.

I can’t afford normal price of $475. But I paid that because I was very happy it was available, also with my new car. I did let like my number plate 882YXC which to me reminds me of “BB too, why (so) Sexy”
Normally letters are over $2000, and one win love heart is $2500. I saw two of them today.

There are some rude ones, which I didn’t intend, but also not what I want. But to some like my college are funny.

Emoji picture is limited I think and it just came out. My wife loves emoji, and we call each other b regularly.

It wasn’t a guessing game, but meant to have conversations of your favourite number plate.

closed Comments

  • +24


    What is this meant to read like, or spell out or something?

    In WA we can go letters or numbers up to 9 characters long, no need for cryptic spelling

    • letters or numbers up to 9 characters long

      how much

      • $595-$695 or so last I checked, 1 off fee

        • That’s so cheap!
          We pay over $2000 for just letters….

        • +12

          We get ripped off big time in NSW. Full custom plate is $464 per year on top of rego and CTP.

          • @apsilon: Yeah I know

            But we get ripped horribly on stamp duty, so there's that!

            • @spackbace: I think NSW would give anyone a run one that crown as well LOL. I just paid my rego renewal this month, $67 plus $466 tax plus $665 CTP for a total of $1198. Pretty much $100 per month on average.

          • @apsilon: No way! $464…that’s a shock

          • @apsilon: my brother drove 67 Chevs. he got FAT067 and HOT067 because as normal sequence plates he didnt have to pay a yearly fee just the initial low changeover cost.

          • @apsilon: Yeah its a joke, but thats what you get when the Government who works for you privatizes a Department of your Govt.

    • +2


      9 letters.

    • +6

      In WA we can go letters or numbers up to 9 characters long, no need for cryptic spelling


    • +1

      Who is going to remember 9 characters in a hit and run! 6 should be max I reckon.

      • +33


  • +42

    My eyes hurt.

    • +2

      Told ya you shouldn't keep watching those videos and pics of Scab…

  • +9

    Yeah, what is 10VUB supposed to mean?

    • I think it's meant to mean 70VUB ?

    • +2

      10VUB -> LOVUB -> LOV U B -> Love U B

  • +8

    I’m lost… ELI5… what is 10VUB? A Fortnite reference or something?

    • +38

      Complains about not understanding reference by using a reference only Reddit users would understand……

      • +16

        Let’s put up a poll to work out how many people know what ELI5 is compared to 10VUB…

        • +10

          Not required, one is searchable easily online, the other isn't.

        • +1

          i dont even venture through reddit and have no idea what eli5 is…..

  • +5

    I'd love to see a tough cop call in a wink emoji.

    My favourite number plate was DRJKYL on a funky red Purvis eureka.

    • +3

      I presume they drove like their plate was MRHYDE…

  • +85

    Vanity plates are lame. Yours might be the lamest.

    But at least everyone will think it's just another meaningless random sequence of letters and numbers because none of us can work out what it's supposed to be.

      • +18

        Well okay they can be alright when they are chosen well. Like a word or name or 123 or a clear short message. Something that makes sense to the public audience, and adds to their day.

        But when it's some inscrutable in-joke or brag that no one except yourself will understand or care about, they come off as an expensive but insignificant way for to try to signal to the world that you have a personality, and you think everyone should be interested in it. Which smacks of desperation. So yea, kinda lame.

        Just get a bumper sticker or something, the effect is the same, but it's cheaper, and people won't ask you to explain the joke every time you park somewhere.

        • +7

          Well said. I don't get it, spending money on lame plates. Just get a custom sticker printed instead at somewhere like Officeworks.

        • +3

          an expensive but insignificant way for to try to signal to the world that you have a personality, and you think everyone should be interested in it. Which smacks of desperation. So yea, kinda lame.

          Small Penis Syndrome

          • @payton: What if you're female?

        • +2

          I honestly don't get why it triggers you so much. I don't have custom plates and don't see the point in it personally, but at the end of the day people get it for themselves. Why does it matter that you (or anyone else) can't work out what it's supposed to be, it could be something that's personal or sentimental to the owner? Why does it matter to you what someone's number plate is?

          The rest of what you say applies to literally everything else we buy. Maybe to some people, custom plates are just vanity, but so are expensive car brands, designer clothes, expensive handbags, watches, wallets, fine dining…etc.

          It's just quite hypocritical to sit around calling what other people do lame when it's lame to get so worked up about something that's not even really that big of a problem.

          • +1

            @p1 ama: I'm not triggered or worked up by vanity plates. As an insult, calling something lame basically implies that something fails to arouse much interest at all, while recognizing that there was an attempt to do so.

            Personal expression is good, people can do what they want. But the other guy made almost the exact same point as you, so I gave some further explanation of how and why vanity plates may be interpreted negatively, unique to the format and unlike other forms of expression. Apathy doesn't preclude explanation.
            You could say I was being quite helpful.

      • +1

        Hey, my plate is GRASCL. The cool implied message I’m spreading is that I have a shades of grey lifestyle.

        • +1

          not bad, also could have gone for 50OGEY

  • +6


  • +6


  • +5

    I reckon it's Love You Bee (OP is big fan of the Bee Movie obviously)

    • Lol, that’s a good one

  • +6

    With the wink emoji

    That says it all.

  • +108

    "I can’t believe I got my top choice licence plate today" - considering no one knows what it means, I believe it.

    • lmao K!

  • +7

    cool story

  • +25

    "BYEOIL" on a Tesla gave me a small chuckle.

  • +76

    Many are so funny an cool

    How come you didn't get something like this?

    • +6

    • Gold.

    • Lol lol lol lol lol

  • +4


  • +14

    A quick google answered the question.. They have obviously spent 10 years at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel… Probly an arts degree…

  • +1

    Yep no clue what that is supposed to mean. What the hell. Seen some pretty bad ones, and some interesting ones. The one we love and are planning to buy is available, and has been for a couple years while we've been checking up on it, we just can't afford it yet. But our day will come.

    • Hopefully, you will get yours. :)

  • +2

    I've been thinking for a solid 5 minutes straight and still cannot figure out 10VUB. Help anyone?

  • +44

    I Googled 10VUB and the top hit was this post. That's some quick crawling by Google.

    Same op where we had to guess the price he paid for his new Corolla.

    Now we have to guess his number plate.

    • +1

      oh gosh, here we go .. lol

        • +2

          What does it mean? Please tell me or I won't be able to sleep tonight, you don't want to be responsible for a workplace accident do you?

          • @brendanm: Haha, that’s funny. Well you can sleep now. I put it on my post

    • -1

      That post gave me cancer.

  • O410E

  • Is it meaning Bub bye?

  • +5

    wink emoji? seriously?

  • +2

    It's a throwaway account folks, nothing to see here. The number plate does not mean anything it's just random.

    Well played OP.

    • +5

      Dont know about throw away… but 100% sure it's a troll thread. :D

      • +2


        • FEE DME

  • +3

    I got my initials and 007 on my Vic Bike plates by default. Not a special plate, just the next one in the drawer.

  • I'm planning to get OPENWIDE
    To remind everyone to go to the dentist

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