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Fly Return Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City $582, Sydney to Ho Chi Minh City $599 with Vietnam Airlines


Fly from Melbourne or Sydney to Ho Chi Minh City with Vietnam Airlines return from $582

So you may find cheaper, indirect flights (with long stopovers) that don’t include food and baggage to South East Asia but if you’re looking for cheap and direct flights to Vietnam on a full-service airline, this deal is for you.

Routes and starting prices are below:
Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City return from $582
Sydney to Ho Chi Minh City return from $599

Various dates available. To view complete list of available dates click here

Flight deals were found via Iwantthatflight.

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Vietnam Airlines
Vietnam Airlines

closed Comments

  • +1

    Anything for Hanoi?

    • Are you asking for real or joking?

      • Why would I be joking lol

        • +1

          Your username maybe?

          • @nightelves: seriously

  • Anyone experienced this airline?

    • +2

      I usually fly Vietnam Airlines all the time when I visit family in Saigon. It's standard airplane experience. The food is mostly asian and is standard quality. They used to have puzzle pieces for the little kids and you can always request for additional drinks and snacks. I haven't done this before but they were able to give instant noodle which was amazing. Plenty of movies and dramas to watch from and they also have an asian collection as well so you'll see japanese and korean films which are fairly new.

    • +2

      much better than Jetstar for international flights, but you do pay a little bit more

    • Yeah i flew with them to tokyo, via Ho Chi Minh (with a 22hour stopover, lol).
      Im 190cm tall but found the seating space to be pretty good.
      Food was quite tasty. It was 2 meals, plus drinks.
      Entertainment was good. A few recent at the time movies plus a decent bunch of popular movies from the last while.
      Though i have only been overseas twice so maybe they arent great or are just average IDK, but to me they seemed pretty good.
      The other airline i have flown with is philippine airlines and in comparison they were not as good, tiny shit seats as well as shit legroom. Though the rest was pretty similar.

  • +2

    dates ranging from early OCT - mid DEC

  • +1

    Has anyone told Jane Fonda about this deal?

    • Jane Fonda (and Donald Sutherland) already got their "deal" when they stabbed the US troops (and allies) in the back by going to Hanoi to show support for the North Viet Cong.

  • +1

    The Promo code 'EASTER2019' for BYOJet to get $582 isnt valid.

    • I have seen very bad reviews on BYOJet, anyone can recommend them? Coz they can get over $100 cheaper per ticket compare to other online sites.

  • would there be deal around 21 dec to 4 jan to around asia (i.e. thailand) on later date if anyone know?
    asking whether to find any cheap flight now (as in earlier) as there might be no deal for these dates (since they're holiday dates every year)


  • -3

    remember to hv vaccination shot beforehand

    • Doesn't help if it is hand foot and mouth. Pretty much the only thing you're likely to get is diarrhoea

  • +1

    who wants to go eat exotic meats with me?

    • Viet BBQ is awesome!

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