Car Accident: Is It OK to Provide Claim Number to The Other Party?

Good morning guys,

Got an accident, not sure who is at fault. The other party keeps pushing for the claim number from my side.
Has emailed the insurance company asking for instruction but no reply since Friday. Waiting time is too long for ringing option.
Is it OK to pass the claim number to other party? Can they just proceed with fixing their car with my claim number?
Would I be in trouble with my insurance company for providing the claim number to the other guy?

Thanks all


  • +8

    Yes it's fine to pass on the claim number.
    Do they have their own insurance? They can proceed with repairs at their own risk.
    What happened exactly?
    *i work in insurance

    • not in music/entertainment?

  • +4

    I would do precisely nothing without talking to my insurer first.

    Tell the other party who your insurer is, sure. But then EVERYTHING is via your insurer.

    • Did tell them my who is my insurer and I am seeking advice from my insurer and would get beck to them.

      But they just keep ringing. My car is a write off.

      Don't know who is their insurer.

      I think not much they can do even if they have my claim number? Does that mean I am at fault providing the claim number?

      Yes in general insurers should take of everything but they just keep pushing which is annoying.

      • +1

        Tell the other party that your insurer is XXX and to stop calling you and call your insurer.

        THAT'S WHY YOU HAVE INSURANCE, for them to be the contact point

        If they continue to ring, simply block their number. You have done everything that you are required to do.

      • not necessarily. Your insurer will want to speak to their insurer and themselves to as part of their evidence gathering process.

        You do not have to deal with the other party, just the insurer. Let them know to contact your insurer and not to contact you.

      • Tell them to f off (politely) and deal with their insurer. Give them the claim number after your insurer says it's ok.

    • If the insurer is worth a damn even with the claim number they wont give any info out due to privacy laws

      • Yeah but if you’ve handed over your licence details. Most people just let the other party take a picture. They now know your address, birthdate. That with name car details that they should have taken down is enough for the person to be able to pretend to be you. The DOB is the one you don’t need and shouldn’t be giving out. All the rest you need to.

        I would think they could just call up and get it by this method. Unscrupulous yes but achievable.

  • +2

    Is there an MS Paint diagram?

  • There is nothing they can do with your claim number other than have their insurance company engage with your insurance company. After you pass that on you should never have to speak with them again unless somebody got hurt.

  • -2

    Thanks guys for your inputs, I think I just pass the claim number to them and move on.

  • Nothing wrong with giving the claim number.

    They can go and get their car repaired or call your insurer, but at the end of the day, your insurer isn't stupid and aren't going to pay a claim out just because they have the claim number.

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