Potentially ripped off at the animal shelter?

Hi, last week I adopted a cat from AWLQ Brisbane. She is 10 so on the senior side of things but had an instant connection and also wanted to provide a cat a home which might have a lower chance. Went on a Saturday to look and saw her there for $29, asked the lady there to verify and she said $29. Went first thing Sunday morning to get her; same price tag and told $29. Was far into the process; filling out all the adoption forms then come payment time she tells us the $29 was on a sale and that her price was supposed to be $175 due to vaccinations she had. They would not budge on $29 and said they'd have to call the council as they can sometimes go cheaper on a more older animal but it could take weeks which I couldn't risk. I paid the $175 as there was no way I was going to leave her at the pound.

Just wanted your guys opinions on if what the pound did was ethical. I'd feel like a bit of a dick contacting the ACCC over the pound of all places but it seemed like a sort of dick move to do this and risk an older cat not being adopted and potentially put to rest.

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Animal Welfare League QLD
Animal Welfare League QLD


  • +29

    They were prob a dick about it, but you have saved a old kitty, and that is no doubt worth more.

    Enjoy your cat

  • +1

    ahhhh animal justice warriors. just as i expected. all for profit.

    they played on your emotions and you fell for it.

  • +4

    If the $175 is for medical treatment then fair enough, if they are charging $175 for an 'admin fee' or some bullcrap then it's an issue.

    Also, good on you for adopting an older cat.

  • +5

    Some shelters are really sneaky about this. They'll say the cheaper price is the 'adoption fee' and won't mention that there's another fee for vet expenses (e.g. desexing, vet checks, worming, etc). IMO they should mention the full price from the get-go including medical expenses. Being sneaky gives all the genuine animal shelters/rescues a bad reputation and puts people off rescuing.

  • +2

    Sounds like some shenanigans to me. Might be worth making a call to their head office to have a chat to someone if you feel like perusing it?
    The other side of the coin is that it's a charity (Right?) so your money is likely going to somewhere useful.

    But like, old cats are the best. So seems reasonable.

  • +1

    Did they provide all the vaccination paperwork? If they did, what they did was a bit sneaky but it's probably a cost you would have incurred on your first vet visit anyway?

  • +2

    To posts above saying it was an adoption cost for the $30 and the rest was just for the extras they had done this isn't the case. They were in the process of charging us $30 then the reception lady came out and told us that price was for a sale they were having and she's usually $175 but the price on their website/adoption paper wasn't updated. I should note I really don't give a hoot about spending $175 on adopting a poor kitty; she's amazing and I put no dollar value on her, just wanted to know if this is dodgy what they did. I was just lucky I had $200 left in my account; would of broke my heart to of gone there with hopes of getting her only to be told she's $175 and not have the money.

    • +5

      Then they sound like a bunch of (profanity). You were told numerous times that the cat was $29. You checked several times. Then when you're pulling out your wallet, so to speak, oh no, wait, she's actually $175? Bullshit. I'm irrationally angry about this for you.
      I'm glad you adopted the cat, though. Good on you.

  • you did a good thing adopting an older cat… there may have been something iffy about your bill (and not being told upfront the extras).. but if its for vacination/check etc they did that to ensure your kitty is in good health etc and no issues for you as her new owner

    and its a charity, even if you were overcharged (money is going back into a good cause).

  • The cat had an instant connection :)

  • +3

    As heartless as I might sound, I think if I felt like I was being screwed, I would've just confidently ditched the sale on the spot and told them to get stuffed (secretly hoping they'll back down!).

    …then I'd probably stupidly go back the next and buy it at the higher price if they didn't back down.

    • …then I'd probably stupidly go back the next and buy it at the higher price if they didn't back down.

      Or slightly less stupidly, go back on a weekend, or other odd hour, gambling that you won't encounter the same staff this time around. :)

      Kudos to the OP for adopting a older kitty. I was unfortunately in a position where a relative's gorgeous older cat had to be put up for adoption. I wasn't really in a position to take him in myself, so it was a great relief when the shelter called to tell us that he'd been taken in by a nice family.

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