Best Place in Australia to Buy Comic Books?

Hi all,

Does anyone have any suggestions of where to buy comic books online in Australia?

I used to always buy from but with the way the Australian dollar is these days it's starting to cost a fortune buying from the US.



  • This is exactly the reason I wanted to start a proper online comic book store in Australia. I had one going for a while a few years back to test the market and it was actually quite feasible with very little effort. Most of the shops around offer an amazing in store experience but have yet to learn how to capitalise on ecomm sales. Which is silly because they already have the inventory on the shelf.

    Why do you buy comics online as opposed to a standing order at a local shop?

  • Yeah. Im really surprised that nobody has capitalised on the popularity of comic book movies, I think there’s a big potential market. I’ve tried using some of the few Australian comic book shops with online stores like Kings Comics but have found their range pretty poor and they sell out new issues quickly.

    Why do you buy comics online as opposed to a standing order at a local shop?

    There really isn’t one too local, the closest would be the one at Liverpool which is about an hour away and a total pain in terms of parking. But the main reason I’ve avoided local has been the ridiculous price mark ups. Something like $7-8 for a single comic. Before the Australian dollar went to shit it was way cheaper buying from the US for $3 an issue even after shipping.

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