Getting Braces - Melbourne Orthodontist Recommendations

I am looking at getting braces in the near future and am hoping there are fellow members who know orthodontists in Melbourne they can personally recommend.

Also, as a side question, is getting health insurance just for orthodontics worthwhile? I've read an article by Choice where it states that the costs of the premium could easily outweigh the amount I can claim.

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    Orthodontics on Collins Street

  • +1

    Our Health Insurance pays a lifetime limit of $2200 per person for orthodontics. We will claim the full lifetime limit for each of our kids, which is much less than the premiums we have paid for them since birth and less than the full cost of their orthodontic work.

    Having said that, we don't have health insurance for one specific reason such as orthodontics. It is sensible for us to have private health insurance for many reasons, and we wouldn't be without it.

    If you join now, there may be a waiting period before you can claim orthodontics which might mean delaying your treatment. Your orthodontic issues may also be deemed a pre-existing condition which may have its own implications. You would need to check those things.

  • Dental plan…

  • +1

    Not sure where you live but if you're anywhere close to the Eastern suburbs, then you can try Smile Avenue in Canterbury Road, Box Hill South. I have taken treatment from them for Invisalign braces and I found them quite good. The orthodontist's first consultation is free and hence it may be worthwhile to consult them just for a second opinion. Regarding health insurance, it won't be worthwhile as there is a 12 months waiting period and even after that, the eligible amount won't be much. Most of the orthodontists offer a payment plan which is worthwhile to consider.

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