Best Android Apps

What are the best android apps for optimisation / maintenance etc?


  • +1

    What do you want to optimise and maintain?

    • +5

      microwave oven

      • +3

        Sigh. I was trying to be helpful, asking for more information about exactly what you wanted to optimise and maintain. More fool me.

        • +3

          He wants to optimise and maintain the ROM/Operating System/software of the phone.

          I mean we can make a list of useful Apps, but they will require either flashing (thru recovery), XposedModule, or using busybox/root access. The Apps that don't require such things, are regular Apps in the Android Market/Google Play, and they cannot help.

          Things like "RAM Management" has been rightfully shifted over to the AOSP (and so OEM firmware) and they do a good job, and any App that interferes usually ends up stuffing up the experience. So don't download them.

          …if you feel like your phone is needing optimisation, then it probably does. First thing, do a full Shut Down. Leave it for 1 minute. Then Turn it on, for a proper "cold" restart. Secondly, delete some of your Movies, Videos, Photos, Music. Now delete some of your Apps. Check and apply any pending updates. Another cold restart. Try to delete some Stock Apps you don't need, or disable them. You are usually surprised by how many times this fixes things. And worse comes to worse, back up as much as you can. Then do a Factory Reset.

          After this point, things will improve, but if the improvement is not enough check to see if you can apply Custom Mods/Roms/Kernels/Drivers. And if you cannot, then look to upgrading your device instead.

        • -1

          Just joking, don't take to heart

  • Greenify + Root

  • Thank you all

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