Did you ever realise that you chose the wrong career?

Long story short - i'm 25 years old, nearly 26. I chose a degree in accounting and finance for the wrong reasons. I was influenced by my family an also by the job security/money.
Having spent a few years in the accounting field i think it's safe to say that i hate it. I feel pretty annoyed that i've wasted so much time in a career and a job i don't like. I've hardly made any progress in my career as i have no motivation to improve or do better.
It's starting to hit me now. I don't want to go back to uni but at the same time i don't really know what else to do. I don't really have any passions anymore.
I've done a few career tests online but i seem to get varied responses. Each test seems to give me different answers.

Has anyone else ever been in a similar scenario? how did you find out what you wanted to do as a career?


  • +68


    Still haven't…and don't see how I will…and I got about 10 years on you. I reckon 95% of the workforce would be in the same boat.

    For me, a job is just something that pays the bills to keep my family from being homeless (a tad extreme, but technically true).

    Edit: Let me clarify that I don't hate my job, I just am not Steve Irwin passionate about it.

    • +4

      Good point

      I live at home so i guess i'm not in that situation yet and i think about these things

      • +2

        Yeah, if you are confident you hate accounting, I think you should consider changing (I understand your dilemma of not knowing what to change to)…better now than in 10+ years you would think…

        Perhaps you haven't progressed because you are not putting in as much as others who don't hate their job, or management can sense it…

      • +79

        You've become "woke" rather early, and that's a good thing.
        Remember you don't have any expenses at the moment, and you have a good paying job. For every one of you, there are 99 people who would love to be in your position. As cliche as it is, the grass does seem greener on the other side.

        With that out of the way, you should look at your time, and do time budgeting.
        Put everything into a schedule from when you wake up to when you sleep, and everything in between. You will discover how much time you waste on needless things that bring low-quality gratification. Your mission afterwards is to transition yourself to work hard at work and get better at it/promotions, and to tell your sub-conscious that you are happy with the progress you are making. And in the same time, you should be spending your free time in experiencing things you want to; ie Hobbies.

        It could be weight lifting, MMA, jogging, cycling, mountain biking, dirt biking, archery, surfing, canoeing, camping, photography, CGI modelling, development, woodwork, playing the guitar, singing, dancing, learning Spanish, writing fanfic, comedy etc etc. Just to give you an example. Most of these things are free or cheap, and only require your time and effort. So save like crazy, and put it all into long-term stocks whilst saving up for your own real estate. That's one advice that doesn't get repeated enough times. Once you do find the thing you are good at, or enjoy, then you keep doing it by telling yourself "I'm an archer" and create internal fulfilment. So when you have those "burn-out" moments at work, you can always tell yourself, well at least its a couple days till the weekend and I get to do my hobby etc etc. I know it's slow and gruelling, but the long-burn gratification is much better than drinking and gaming instant satisfaction. And eventually you will transform as a person without even realising. Your new happy and optimistic personality will attract like-minded friends with meaningful relationships and probably a love interest.

        Basically, I'm saying put in the plan, work on it, remain patient. Have no ragrets. Time fvcks us all in the end.

        • +4

          appreciate the advice!

        • +1

          I am not quite in the similar boat as OP but I appreciate this advice as well. Thanks

      • +6

        I was in the exact same position as you. Studied accounting and then was fortunate to score an accounting gig at a great company. I realised very quickly that it wasn't for me so I quit after 6 months. Loved the industry and most of my colleagues but just hated the actual job.

        At the time I was angry that I was wasted my time doing an accounting degree. However, I managed to find a stop gap job for 6 months and then scored a marketing gig that revolved around numbers but not debits/credits, Reconciliations, etc.

        18 months later I am now in Denver, Colorado. My employer was expanding rapidly in the states and I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to move over without having to go through any hoops.

        If I didn't take the risk of quitting that accounting job I wouldn't be sitting here in this city that is surrounded by one of the most amazing mountain ranges in the world doing something that I actually enjoy day in day out. It was the smartest thing I ever did.

        • wow that's incredible

    • +21

      I work in IT. I don’t hate my job, but it’s not what I love doing. I was always good at computer related stuff and didn’t really know what I wanted to do. My motto is “I work to live, not live to work”

      • Bro, I love your motto. It resonates with me so much.

        For the last 12 years I've been in different jobs in one field. I can't tell you how many times I've moved jobs in another field which I love and everytime it gets f****d up due to factors beyond my control and I end up back in the field I left.

        I sometimes feel God is taking the piss and having a good laugh at my expense!

        Like you say, "I work to live, not live to work"

    • +7

      Your degree will be valuable, as will business experience, so don't think you've wasted your time or efforts.
      Would you want to run your own business? You'd have a huge head start.

      If you find something you'd rather be doing, see if you can find the time to study after hours, so you don't have to forego an income while changing careers.

      Some say find something you love, but I actually wouldn't want to love my job. I want to look forward to the things I share with family and friends, and I know that part of my life would suffer if I loved my job.

      On the other hand, getting a very average job after being unemployed for a while made me appreciate any job.

    • +3

      Steve Irwin's career choice didn't work out so well for him. I'd stick with accounting.

      • +1

        I'm sure a lot of accountants die early from office/stress related problems.

    • Any chance you're a detective?

  • +6

    Every single day of my life… :D

    I’m well into my 40’s and I still don’t know what I want to be. But if nothing else, I pick things that I enjoy. The work I do, I do because it’s interesting. I recently got sick of packing boxes, driving forklifts and trucks, so I moved over into being a Locksmith.

    And as for accounting, we had a guy who worked for us who is an accountant and he got sick of working in a white collar job, so he changed directions completely and went on to become a boilermaker and he has never been happier.

    • being a Locksmith

      How did you get into this? Are you starting as an apprentice?

      • +1

        Started out as a mature age apprentice. Because I was already a tradesman, I got some RPL on some of the course modules and didn’t have to do my 4th year.

        • +3

          Now I'm super curious about what you do.

          • Locksmith
          • Workplace has volunteers
          • has to lockdown the radio

          detective face

          • +3

            @chasis: Hahaha. No, I’m just building the locksmith business. It’s only part time at the moment and I work for myself doing that.

            I do a lot of work for local charities, schools and other programs. One of my joys in life is helping other people.

            One of the places I volunteer at, yes, there is an issue with the radio. It is quite the hilarious situation, but it’s nothing to do with my regular day job. :)

            If you look at my post history, I have done an AMA about what I have done for work if you wanted to detective face that one.

            • @pegaxs: Domestic locksmithing? Much hardware fitting?

              • +1

                @abuch47: At the moment, I’m working more on lockouts/rekeying. It’s good work because it’s sporadic in nature, plenty of time for it. More interested in commercial maintenance stuff, but I guess whatever people want me to do.

                Hardware fitting usually requires stock on hand which I don’t have the space or capital to stock yet, so I only buy what I need when/if a job arrives. I have done a few installs of different types. Electronic locks are the big thing at the moment that people buy off the internet and want fitted.

                • @pegaxs: yeh i do door hardware flatout but not a smith.

  • +34

    You're 25. You've barely spent five years in your industry.

    You're going to hate everything that isn't making you a superstar with the opposite sex, paying for multiple supercars, have fully paid property and month long holidays four times a year.

    • +6

      Yeah look you're probably right… But give the op some credit that browsing near endless spreadsheets and brushing up on the minutia of tax law and exemptions doesn't rustle his jimmies, and something (anything) else might be mildly more entertaining.

      • +3

        Mate, my dream job can be sieving shit to look for other shit in a big pool of shit whilst covered in shit… if the pay is right.

        (I think that is already my job).

        • I think I've picked up over the years that you work in a medical field, so yeah dealing with literal shit might be in there.

          I take your point about the pay being right, and I'll raise you one additional personal requirement of mine - if the hours are right… I ain't spending 40 hours a week doing anything. Not even things I like. 40 hours per week doing ANYTHING gets boring. For me at least.

          • +1

            @ozbjunkie: 40hours a week is fine…

            If I can retire in 5 years.

            • @[Deactivated]: Hmmmm. I would be tempted - very tempted. Luckily nobody wants to pay to see me naked so I don't have that option.

              • @ozbjunkie: Is anyone willing to pay for you to keep your clothes on?

                • @[Deactivated]: You're an outside the box thinker. I like it.

                  I feel like that might be illegal though, like, is it extortion? Lawyers, please advise.

        • Haha tshow.

        • I would not spend my life sieving shit for any amount of money.

          Even a billion dollar cash bonus when retiring at 67 would not be worth it for 50 years of shit sieving.

          • @trapper: Hmm.. I may consider it for a billion.

      • +5

        You're dead right, I had romantic ideas about being an engineer prior to university and I like my job as an engineer despite doing better than my doctor friends on the UMAT. I was adamant that I wanted to do something I was passionate about. However, I now wish I took medicine instead so that I can be a GP raking it in even though I like my job, it's no where near as amazing as I had imagined it to be in high school.

        Having money to do what you want to do outside of work is far more important than doing what you want to during work. The reason being you spend far more time not working than working, odds are spending time with your family and friends is more important than the work you do (probably something that can easily be replaced by someone else eager to take your position).

  • +13

    I knew a guy who became a monorail conductor and it was the best decision he ever made.

    • +5

      Damn, now I have the song stuck in my head!!

      • +2


    • +13

      I hear those things are awfully loud

    • +1

      and by GUM it put them on the map

    • +1

      Is there a chance the track could bend?

  • +9

    Drop current career spend next 5 year's buying OzBargain specials and onselling for profit then retire

  • I wanted to be an astronaut when I was little. guess what I am doing now.

    • +3


    • +17

      A cat, specifically named Buyo.

    • +2

      Ya mum.

    • Not-astronaut?

  • +10

    You are normal
    Most people feel like this
    Most of us pick the wrong first career choice
    If you are truly creative, go follow your passion
    If not, this is a means to an end
    Do it so you can earn enough to afford to do what you want
    It’s 40 hours a week of sacrifice
    Don’t let what you do for a living identify who you are
    You can use a job like this to support you financially to study something else
    Or you can use it in a role outside a corporate environment to contribute in a more meaningful way to to society.
    Working as a PAYE employee sucks but most of us have to do it.
    It’s a matter of finding a balance between selling your soul to the devil and living life
    If you’ve got to get out sooner is better than later
    Everything will be alright in the end

    • +15

      Why did I read this like a poem in my head?

      Almost thought it was IVI replying…

    • Depending on which firm it could be 70+ hours per week with not overtime pay. Well I guess the no overtime pay part is true for most white collar jobs.

  • Took me 4 different jobs (in different fields) in 6 years before I found a field I truly enjoy.
    I think there is definitely truth in 'find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life'.

    Unfortunately I often find even in my chosen profession, I am usually the odd one out. Most people don't really enjoy their work, usually it's the pay check that gets them coming back day after day.

    If the money is not that important, I'd suggest just applying for different roles that compliment your personal interests. As long as you can be happy earning less, but working in a field you personally enjoy.

  • +1

    You can move into other fields once qualified, try working abroad to spice things up. Not the most glamorous job, but plenty worse.

  • +1

    As with a lot of people here, I’m not sure I’m where I want to be career wise. To me you’ve not really been working that long but if you don’t enjoy it now then there is not much point continuing.
    What really helps though is a positive work culture with good people, I find that if I’m really not enjoying my day, I’ve at lest got friends there to keep me level.
    If you’re living at home without any big expenses (mortgage) then there is no reason you can’t leave and try something else. People of all ages are changing careers and there are more and more ‘older’ people taking up apprenticeships and entering new careers.

    • thanks. Sometimes i feel like it could be the environment i'm in. Most people would describe me as quiet and that's true but i've always liked talking to people and getting to know people. I work in a tiny office and there aren't many people there who i talk to. it's not really that kind of culture. most people just come in do their work and go home. Maybe i need to work at a bigger place

  • +4

    I've never committed to a career yet, my passions and goals have absolutely nothing to do with work. I've pretty much hated every job I've ever had, but there were a couple I was particularly ill-suited for and huge regrets. It's nothing more than a necessary suffering in order to keep a roof over my head. The best I can do is to not work full-time so at least I can have some time/energy for the things I actually care about rather than having my soul completely crushed.

    • +5

      Dude I have no idea who would downvote this, probably some boomers who are salty about the fact they secretly resent spending half their waking life at work but never really admitted it to themselves until they got old.

      If your goals align with work, good for you. But personally I think you have to be a relatively uninspired person to be really captivated by or find meaning in 99% of jobs out there. "yeah I have a passion for solving logistical problems in a package delivery business" - give me a freaking break.

      40 hours a week IS too much. Work to live. And if you're thrifty, you get to work less. I use my extra time for relaxing, reading, internet, gaming, exercise, picking up silly hobbies that I end up dropping because my interest moves on like flying stunt kites. There is so much more to do in life than sit at work, and I'm convinced the vast majority of people who say "I love my job" really just "hate it the least of any they have found". I don't see many people shedding tears on Friday afternoon.

      You do you mate, work IS mostly soul crushing drudgery. One of the top 5 regrets of the dieing. Good book, by the way.

  • +8

    yep. I studied IT because mum wanted me to. I then worked in an office job for about 7 years since 22, everyday I do things that I don't even think it matters, I had the best work place environment and the best colleagues, but somehow it does not help. Job satisfaction was just not there. I then decided to sell the house and sign up for a pilot course.

    I am never been happier even though currently I'm getting much worse pay than the office job I had before!!

    • a pilot course

      Do you need 20/20 vision to be a pilot or can you wear glasses?

      • +2

        You can wear glasses whilst holding a class 1 medical. They will just impose a condition on your medical. Usually having an extra pair on you while flying.

  • +9

    i'm 25 years old, nearly 26
    i've wasted so much time in a career and a job i don't like.

    You're only 25. How much time are we talking about here?

    • +5

      The most energetic part of his day for around 20% of his life seems like a sizable portion to me.

  • +2

    Lol yes all the time. I'm 29 and stuck in a vicious cycle of staying or going.

  • +2

    Yes, I did and I know what my dream career is so I started working towards it.

    There were a few turning points for me though, one of them was telling myself 'I don't want to work here in the next 40 years'. There were mornings I woke up and wished I was sick so I didn't have to go to work.

    It has been hard work studying and working at the same time, but I'm motivated to change my career so it has been great. There are times I wonder if my next job is actually my dream job and whether I'd be bored again. I guess I never know until I find out :)

  • +2

    I think for most people who feel this way, it's simply "the grass is always greener on the other side". Some people will find what they love and others will keep changing in the hope that they find the "right" one. When they do find the "right" one, how long does that feeling last?

    Me personally, I'm not the biggest fan of my own career, and being in my late 30s now, I've spent my entire working life on it trying to make the most of what I had. I don't hate what I do, but I'm also not willing to drop back and start again because I don't really have many sets of "20 years" to experiment with.

    Whether you can or can't change your career might also come down to your own circumstances and whether you have any dependants.

    • +1

      Yeah the grass is always greenee on the other side. And when you get to that other side, they'll always be another paddock thats always greener

    • The funny thing is you have almost 30 years of work ahead of you, so you totally have the time to try something new.

  • +12

    Rather than think you've wasted your study, maybe rethink what you can do with an accounting qualification. I actually wish I had done accounting (I did Business and HRM and IM), as throughout my working life I have come across many roles that sounded really interesting but I needed an accounting qual. Many non-traditional roles utilise an accounting background. I had previously assumed accountants just sat in offices working with numbers, but there are many other related avenues. Look around more broadly, and you may find another field that you find interesting. Often, just having a degree demonstrates ability that can be applied in different ways. I don't subscribe to the thinking that you have to be "passionate" about your life/work/career. It creates unnecessary pressure, similar to thinking success equals being "happy all the time". Being content with your life is important, and contentment can come from a variety of places… work, friends, family, hobbies. Good luck with your future, you might be surprised where your journey takes you.

    • +1

      Some truth to this. OP could extend themselves and get a CPA/CA and start looking at some more interesting roles in finance.

      • +3

        First time poster, long time lurker and I felt i had to sign in to comment about this post.
        NO, NO and NO- as an Accountant myself, I would NEVER recommend studying something so useless as a CPA to rely on getting a "more interesting role". Unless you have a passion for studying (i.e. remembering mostly useless information to pass 3 years of useless multiple choice exams) and work is paying and giving you lots of time off, don't waste your time.
        Spending a large amount of my time completing my CPA and paying $750 membership per year to receive emails about "automation is coming" and "soft skills are important" useless emails, I am no smarter or a better Accountant.

        What it did make me realise that time is something you cannot buy in life, and a good chunk of it was wasted on this qual.

        If you dont enjoy Finance, turn around and run from the CPA/CA program.
        It's an amazing business model that makes up and coming Finance professionals think they need, while not offering a single thing except basic status points because you can add it to your email signature. It's amazing the number of "Accountants" i've worked with who managed to gain a CPA but couldnt understand a basic journal….

        I dunno, i've only been an Accountant for 15 years and this being Ozbargain so maybe i'm wrong?
        Would like to hear some Accountants chime in on this.

        • Hmmm, thanks your post mate really appreciate it. I'm really indecisive. My firm wants me to start my CA soon I've been told i should because it will open more doors but you're right. Even before reading your post i've had similar thoughts about the CA/CPA process.
          really not sure what to do now. ughh…

          • @Sandman2019: I agree that the CPA/CA can be a complete waste of time in some eyes. But the fact of the matter is that it does open doors to more interesting opportunities. Same with the CFA. It is a ROTE learners dream exam and won't make you a better financial analyst or the like, but it will open doors purely because it is on the C.V. It really isn't the content, it is the people showing commitment to something that isn't simple to achieve.

            • @serpserpserp: I will agree that a CPA/CA may contribute to open up opportunities to more roles, but it's not the answer to what the OP's thoughts and dilemmas are.

              Working up to the higher more interesting roles in the Finance industry and being effective in these roles (something that is important for job satisfaction) is not all about having a piece of paper that shows you've sat some exams and memerised an outdated textbook.

              Your soft skills (i.e. the way you deal with people) play a massive role in how you progress in all careers. I have seen so many times accountants with their quals who cannot progress and stay in their as I like to call "worker bee" roles.
              Processing/data entry no matter what type is still the same sh*t, different day.

              Another example- there's this girl in my team, and to be PC, english is not her first language.
              She spent a few years and took on a debt of $80k to study an MBA at the UNSW which she successfully completed.
              Two years on, she is in the exact same role doing the exact same thing.
              Mostly data processing with a CA, and an MBA…

              If I felt like the OP feels, and spent 3 years studying to end up in the same position again because I havent had a chance to develop the oh so important soft skills- i'd be a very depressed person(if not already depressed)…

              I dont have the answer, but I do know that CA/CPA is something you need to think about carefully and feel passionate about before commiting your time.

              • @Tenet: thanks really not sure what to do
                i came home from work and cried today

                all i did was sit in a (profanity) corner all day with a massive box of receipts and invoices
                i'm so angry i can be so much better / more than this!

              • @Tenet: hello?

              • @Tenet: I know what OP's problem is. However I don't think he should just quit his career and embark on something else he might end up hating without even trying to do anything to improve what he has in his current career. It sounds like OP has only had 1 job his entire career so it is time to shake things up and get a new job, new organization. I'm sure OP can do this with his skills/quals just needs to put some time into it. A change in organization/role can do wonders for your perspective. The whole CPA/CA thing is an option OP can take, like many others. But the basics of this problem is to make a change. I'm suggesting a somewhat easy change, if OP still hates it after that least they know they gave it a chance and didn't leave too early, time to think long and hard about what they really want.

                I have a friend who has had a 13 year career in banking and has outwardly talked a long time about how he hated it. But now he is out of the workforce and looking for a new job (still in finance) he reflects on a lot of times when he really enjoyed his various jobs and the satisfaction gained.

            • @serpserpserp: should i do my CA? really not sure now

              • @Sandman2019: You should change organizations into a job you are more interested in. See if that makes any difference. You should also go and see a psychologist and talk through why you hate your career so much and maybe they can help you understand your deeper motivations.

              • @Sandman2019: sorry- didnt keep up with this thread (blame work! haha)
                Im really sorry you feel this way, I have had many bouts of similar frustration too and there is no easy answer.

                One strategy you might want to consider (what I also did) is start your CPA/CA and do one unit at your own pace.

                This gives you a feel for what you can put up in regards to the patience and resillinace of studying something that you might not be passionate for, but at the same time try and look for a different role to get out of your current role that you are obviously not enjoying (not necessarily a new company, but maybe apporach your Manager and see if there is something else that you can transition to in the business). Looking for a job and telling potential employers you are progressing through CA also sounds more impressive than not starting CA at all (for now, unfortunately). You can always get a new job and put a pause on your studies.

                As an example, I started out as a Financial Accountant (think AR/AP/Financial Statements) and it took me nearly 7 years to transition to Management Accounting/ Systems Administration with our FMIS.
                Im not sure if it was luck to how i got to where I am now, but I started by trying to streamline and automate as much of my boring ass tasks (e.g. learning how to use and then create Technology One/Electronic forms to improve the workflow of how invoices are submitted for processing). Once i achieved a small improvements, I would add them to my CV and use that to sell myself to my Manager, and then later, to sell myself at interviews.
                This, I believe, shows initiative and self drive.

                It is much more enjoyable these days (not my passion), but it has held me up for the last few years…….

  • +3

    Before you do anything you need to figure out what you want to do. My first degree was Chemistry my second IT. My IT career drove me mad, kept me sane, but overall it was terrific. I finished the first degree because I started it, the second because I really liked it. Maybe look at dabbling with things during your leisure time to see what kindles your interest.

  • +2

    I've hardly made any progress in my career as i have no motivation to improve or do better.

    Could it just be you? Irrespective of whatever career you're in, you might respond the same way.

    What alternative do you think you'll be supermotivated?

  • +1

    Yes, I was 34 and 10 years in an industry I did not enjoy. I knew what I wanted to do and threw everything at it to make it happen. I suggest don't make any changes until you search within yourself what you are really passionate about and then give it all you have got. You are young and have plenty of time for a career change. Don't rush it, think it through.

    And don't think you uni studies were wasted, you may be able to leverage them to help you get a job or into another course. My first degree enabled me to do a masters to get me into my current occupation.

    • +3

      What were you doing and what are you doing now?

  • +1

    only every single day of my life.

  • OP: Have you only ever worked in one workplace your entire career? You will be surprised that moving to a new workplace that values the skills you've learnt over the place where you were the kid that joined them and had no idea will make a big difference. Try a new role in the same or adjacent field and see if that improves anything.

  • +2

    Like other posters, your accounting degree should be useful in many other disciplines. Maybe you need to branch out into an area of more interest. More interactions with people perhaps?

    If you're looking for a growth industry where you can genuinely help people and feel rewarded then look at underpaid employees!
    There are many employees lacking the accounting skills to calculate amounts owed to them. It would involve a new skill set though something that can be learned and build on your current skills. You could try and volunteer at a community legal centre as a starting point. Maybe helping others will bring some satisfaction/motivation for you.

  • I have a feeling op has mainly worked in small tax firms.

    • +2

      yes that is correct, i've only worked in small tax firms. the place i'm working at the moment isn't great. It's pretty isolating and i just punch out tax returns all day :/

      • +3

        I worked in a small accounting firm as my first office job. My advice is to try and get a role in a medium/large corporate. Management accounting maybe? There's more opportunities for advancement and you might find a better culture and more social team.

        I have an accounting and financial services degree. Started off in accounting, hated it, moved into financial services and while it's not mind blowing fun it's a lot less monotonous than accounting.

      • well of course you aren't motivated. That kind of job will do that to anyone.

        People I know who do well in your role would be a middle aged mum who works part time.

        the job allows for pulling a reasonable salary, work from home, and it isn't too important when you finish the tasks (to an extent)

        I think you haven't necessarily chosen the wrong career (maybe you have?) but you definitely have not managed your career.

        You need a goal in your career.

        You need to put yourself in an environment where you can be developed.

        your priority now is to move sideways into a career path where experience is meaningful. I imagine there isn't such thing as a career ladder where you are now. If your job can be done by a fresh grad, that is very very poor for your potential career progression.

        How will you get there?
        Let's be realistic. You could spend the next year applying for jobs where you have no experience in. I don't think you will even get an interview.

        You have a network of clients. You also have an alumni network at your university. Try and use that network to get a job in a large corporate- doing the same thing you do now.

        the difference is in a large corporate there are other roles available.

        once you are there, you get further education - short courses, certificates, attend industry networking events - with the aim of moving sideways out of tax returns and into a career. You could focus on corporate finance, or marketing, or M&A, or business analytics.

        Then you apply internally within your corporate for a new role - a role you will never get offered with only some suburban tax office on yor CV

        • Thank you so much for your advice!! You seem to know exactly what I’m going through. You’re right. Most of the people at my work are Mums that work part time. The problem is though I’m not sure how exactly I could get into a larger corporation. I don’t have good work history or the experience to get into mid tier firms or places like that. Sometimes I think about quitting and working in a bank starting off in a call centre and trying to move around? I’m not sure. At the moment the firm wants me to start my CA but I’m not sure if I should. They only pay half of it and pay the rest of it when I complete my CA. That’s 3 years at this place. I think I’d go mad. Maybe I should do it, start my CA and then try and apply at these big corporates? What should I do?

          • @Sandman2019: Someone who helped me a lot was Deniz Sasal. He runs a YouTube channel, I recommend you look it up

            I wouldn't be planning on spending another 3 years.

            I am not sure what is the best way into corporate. Maybe a Masters degree and actually study this time? That is expensive though.

            I have been told getting in by the call centre can work. You have to upskill while you are there, then you can apply for better jobs in the company as an insider.

            The path may pigeonhole you in the sales team through, you may prefer more technical roles so if that is the case go with the Masters option.

            Otherwise think laterally, you work in tax, look for backoffice / tax / admin roles in NON finance companies, like a hospital, or a school

            • @[Deactivated]: thanks for the advice!

              i nearly cried at lunch a work today. I really hate this job. I've become a very angry and depressed person.
              i try and apply for other jobs but no responses.

  • +2

    Your work environment/culture can have a big impact on job satisfaction. Perhaps look for an accounting job with another organization, including in an industry that has more appeal.

    As others have said, most of us would rather be doing something else, at the same time not knowing what that perfect something else is. Or if we think we do, it’s often a ‘fantasy’ conception and the realities of that job are not what we expected, and we would soon tire of or hate that job too.

    On the flip side, most of us would still much rather be doing what we’re doing now than most other jobs out there.

    Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide to do. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained. And you can always go back to accounting if other ventures don’t work out.

    BTW, as soon as my Grade 3 teacher got us started on add ups, I knew straightaway that accounting was not going to be my career path.

  • +2

    Every day. I work as a psychiatric nurse. I recently left a ward that had the highest rate of assaults in the country. The violence from patients ebbs and flows, but the unchanging fact that is the real cause of the problems are the morons who run the system… add to that a useless police force and a pathetic judiciary. Making a name for yourself whilst ticking all the boxes of the various interest groups and being p.c. is seen by the powers that be as being more important than patient outcomes.

    • +2

      I have had a number of issues with "inmates" you describe let out in society, where the police seem to protect them, than the individual they target. Recently my landlord was ordered by NCAT (Tribunal) to pay me $2,500 for their negligence in properly dealing with my "seven years" of complaints regarding a neighbour. Seven years of my being verbally abused and physically threatened, each and every time this neurotic individual set eyes upon me. The cops would fabricate false accounts so as to down-play the issues, and the landlord would twist facts 180 degrees, somehow finding ways to place blame on me.
      Anyway, I'm the one with $2,500 in my pocket.
      The neurotic neighbour is now placed on an APPVO for two years, and is down $3,000 for paying a solicitor who could not defend his neurotic client. I surmise he knew this, but still sponged 3k from the prick.
      So hopefully for the first time in seven years, I can now sit back and enjoy my tenancy.

    • +4

      As you are someone working on the frontlines, in the trenches, I thank you for your service. Nurses are saints in my eyes. All that suffering that you reduce ends up going onto your shoulders. Tough job.

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