• closed

Winners for 10/05/2007 - JeffreyM and Shan



Closing Date 10/05/2007


No. of Prizes 1
Total Prize Pool $1,000.00

Entry Requirements

Open To VIC
Entry Limit
Entry Methods n/a
Prerequisites n/a

This week's OzBargain Competition winners are:

I have just looked at the books and OzBargain has been giving out almost $1,000 dollars worth of prizes over its 6 months of existence! Thank you all for your participation! We shall hopefully see the competition continue for the rest of the 2007.


closed Comments

  • I'd so just keep the $1000 to myself, Scotty. :)

    It's a great website though, thanks and keep it up. Maybe you should stop giving away prizes, $1000 sounds like heaps to be given away.

    • When I looked at it, yeah $1000 seems to be quite a bit to give away (something you don't think about when it's only $40 a week). Worse, I don't make that much in selling ads so I am actually on red for this site at the moment. But I do have income from my other hobby sites to cover the loss so I still have enough left to pay for hosting, etc.

      I am not trying to hide the fact that in some sense I am "buying" bargain posts. I've got too many things to do — family, church, work, etc — so I am more than happy if someone can help out with the work here, even with a bit of monetary incentive.

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