• expired

Quarter Chicken & Chips OR Chicken Roll Only $2 at 4 Red Rooster Locations in Canberra


Available at 4 locations in Canberra - Belconnen, Belconnen Food Court, Queanbeyan & Wanniassa.

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closed Comments

  • +26

    It's a shame no one lives in Canberra.

    • +12

      Jooooolia wont have to cook dinner for Tim tonight…

      • +30

        You mean Tim won't have to cook for Julia. We know who wears the pants in that relationship.

        • 2 ppl neg you … I wonder who … BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA ….

    • -4

      Correction: No one who with political competency lives in Canberra ;)

  • +7

    They used to have this every Tuesday at ALL Red Roosters, haven't bought it since they got rid of the tight-ass Tuesday deal….

  • +3

    I didn't even know there was a Red Rooster in Belconnen Food Court…

    • Oh yeah. There is too!

  • -1

    Here I was thinking julia prefered kfc!

    • +22

      you can still grab 2 x small breasts, 2 x large thighs in one red box @ red roosta

      • +6

        you can still grab 2 x small breasts, 2 x large thighs

        Oh my !!!! I'm blushing… :O

        • +5

          I'm sure you've read worse seeing as how you spend every waking minute on this site.

        • +4

          as how you spend every waking minute on this site.

          actually, most of the time, they are automated responses…

          //''This response failed to initialize because of unknown bargain.''//

        • +1

          Geez jv you missed the rest of the joke. Or do you stop at 33% off?

  • Hahaha OMG I just arrived at Canberra today =D
    But those four locations seems far away from City Centre =(

    • +3

      everything sustaining life in Canberra is "far away from City Centre"

      • +2

        no wonder why politics are hated so much…

        • +3

          But you can get fireworks and porn in canberra!

        • They banned the Queens Birthday fireworks a year or two ago :(

    • Belco is only 15 minutes away, otherwise Zambrero's would be a good choice for something quick in Civic.

      • +1

        Unless you prefer something quick in Fyshwick.

  • +1

    Chicken for dinner!

  • Chicken Roll—> YUMMY!

    You lucky people!

  • Thanks OP, got one. Pity they limit you to one though - I work near two stores and live near a third.

    No, I do no leave in Quangers. Ew.

  • +1

    Thanks TA, good find.

    Finally a deal just for ACT folk ;).

  • +1


  • Don't think twice…

  • Haters gonna Hate!
    Canberra FTW( well sort of)

    • +5

      I guess if you're living in Canberra, these small wins are what you get out of bed for each morning.

      • FML

      • +6

        The real question you should be asking, is what time we get out of bed each morning? And the answer is, about an hour or so after Sydney folk because we dont have to sit in the car for hours extra every day.

        It all adds up… 1 hour extra in the morning, 1 in the evening, 5 days per week… that's 10 hours extra Sydney people waste sitting in their cars every week- PLUS fuel running the car for those 10 hours. Then you factor in the carbon monoxide are breathing for those 10 hours every week, and the stress levels maintained over that time and there's no wonder Canberra folk live longer and are healthier than those in Sydney. Over one month and then one year, no wonder people are leaving Sydney in droves… it's slowly killing them :).

        I did the math 5 years ago and made the change. I wasted 15 years in Sydney- but never again!
        But hate all you like… I'm sure Sydney is much better traffic and pollution wise than it was 5 years ago. Right?

        • -2

          Well, I guess it's a good thing I don't live in Sydney then, hey?

  • +2

    Yay!! Canberra deal!!

  • +3

    Queanbeyan is in Canberra now?

    • +2

      yes. it is.

  • +4

    Why can't they have this everywhere? Red rooster is two street's away :(

  • +1

    $2 Chicken and Chips!
    I remember that jingle on tv back in early 90's… "2 Dollars, chicken and chips… at red roosterrrrr!"

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