Shorts That Don't Need Ironing

I'm looking for some shorts I could wear to work, something semi professional, semi casual. I really want them to be non-creasing so I don't need to iron them!

Budget… around $30-$40 per pair. Any ideas on where to shop? Thanks!


  • +3

    What do you do for work? Shorts generally are not considered professional, however you can try chino shorts. As for non-ironing, when you find out can you let me know??

    • +1

      Shoot pigeons at the airport

    • Last I checked women get to wear skirts, men should be able to as well, or at least start with the two legged equivalent.

      • Men should be able to wear skirts?

        Should men also be able to wear heels as well?

        Men and women both have professional dress standards - what is considered acceptable for one gender doesn't necessarily have to be considered right for the other. Don't push the word equality in the wrong direction.

        • +1

          If females can expose their legs with a skirt or a dress them males should be allowed to wear shorts. The reason these archaic ideals are still in place is because people don’t challenge them.

          And what is wrong with males wearing heels? There are lots of male shoes that have a heel on them these days. People should be allowed to wear what they want, it’s not the 1950’s anymore.

          My dress code at work specifically states that shorts are not allowed yet when it is 35°c + I wear them anyway. I’m sure fair work would have something to say about someone being sacked for wanting to be cool and comfortable on a hot day.

          • +1

            @rbrb: Me too but 30 degrees. These policies are why buildings are over air-conditioned so are bad for the environment. Challenge them!

        • +1

          Equalising an arbitrary dress standard based on what's between your legs would be the absolute, common sense definition of equality. Why u mad?

      • You mean a kilt?

        • I’d wear mine a lot more if it wasn’t so damn hot when you have one on.

    • +2

      Infants teacher. Our principal lets us wear shorts.

  • +2

    Please, please not with the long socks.

  • Is your time spent in an office, traveling in vehicle, worksite or outdoors? Do you require extra pockets on the legs? I have Hurley dress shorts that are 65% polyester that always look wrinkle free and ironed.

  • semi professional,

    Ctshirts have non-iron shorts I think. You need to buy chinos for a semi-professional look. EVerything else looks like activewear.

  • +1


  • +1

    probably stubbies ironless. Don't get the super short stubbies that truckies/plumbers/electricians wore in the 70's/80's that will not go down well with a shirt and tie in a professional environment.
    can you let me know how you go with shorts? I wore them every summer, but then had a meeting go south that manager said was due to my attire (ie. wearing shorts to a business meeting) I still had the jacket, shirt and tie so don't know what the problem was, but have banned shorts across the company now.

    • -3

      I think you're probably trolling but if not and you really think shorts with jacket and tie is OK, you really need to re-evaluate your choices.

  • Should have mentioned, I am a primary school teacher. Our principal has always been fine with shorts at school.

    • +3

      shorts should be fine every where imho

      • +1

        I'm with you! Just thought best to clarify as it was asked in the comments. Particularly here, where our summer temperatures are regularly above 40… Shorts are a must!

      • +2

        only if you have sexy calves

        • And do squats

          • @jackinyourbox: if i do a squat i wont get back up

            as a man i have often wanted to wear a short skirt and singlet, instead of long pants and shirt, just to express how stupid it is to walk around in 35+ degrees with ur nuts sweating like hell….

            however i have not got the balls to do so.

            • @Donaldhump: But you do have the balls to do so, which is why you don't.

      • Damn right.

  • Buy polyester and cotton, but they are hard to find. I found some made by Wrangler once and even some at Kmart (but they were elastic waisted). The time spent searching will be saved many times over in not ironing, plus polyester and cotton doesn't fade.
    As a lifetime non-ironer, I don't understand why this isn't a widespread consideration, or why anyone has ever bought anything made from viscose or rayon, the ultimate wrinkler.

    • can't help what the work uniform is made from and can't turn up in a wrinkled shirt, but they are the only things that get ironed. (can't afford to have them dry cleaned).

  • +1

    ironing shorts??
    …you australian mate??

  • actually Dickies shorts don't need ironing either now that I think about it again. envious that you can wear shorts to work.

    • +1

      All types of Dickies? I've just looked them up, and there's a sale on at surfstitch, but they don't mention they're non-creasing etc.

  • Never ironed shorts ever

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