Self Isolation for People Living in Shared-House

I believe many university students and young adults are living in a shared-house environment.

I have my own bedroom, but I'm living in a shared-unit with only one bathroom, share among 4 tenants including myself.

Just wondering if I were asked to self isolate due to COVID-19, what should I do? Or where shall I stay? Provided my symptoms were not severe to get hospitalised and my flatmates were not comfortable sharing the bathroom with me.


  • +3

    Put up a tent in the back yard

    • Living in a flat. We don't really have a backyard. Also bathroom?

      • Balcony, with a potty.

        Jokes aside, the whole flat should go into self isolation.

        The rate confirmed cases are going up and the slow responses from government, we are not far behind from becoming the next Italy.

        Whilst self isolation does not prevent COVID 19 from spreading, it will slow it down and give a lil bit more time for health care resources (and other government measures) to take place.

  • -6

    You would need to get seperate accomodation for that period of time - hotel etc.
    Also, inform the hotel that you have the virus so they can advise accordingly and be aware (i.e. room service, cleaning etc)

    • +14

      I doubt someone living in a sharehouse with 3 other people and one bathroom can afford a hotel for 2 weeks.

  • -1

    Why are you being asked to self-isolate? Is it bad breath? Are you clogging up the shower drain with falling hair? Maybe it's body odour. You could consider less drastic options than hospitlisation unless your housemates injure you enough.

  • +2

    They're going to have to share the bathroom with you. I'm sure if you wipe everything down after you use it it will be fine. It's a short term inconvenience.

  • +3…

    Try to separate yourself from other people in your home and keep the door closed. If you cannot stay in a separate room aim to keep 2 metres (3 steps) away from the other people in your house.

    If you do share toilet and bathroom, it is important that you clean them after you have used them every time (for example, wiping surfaces you have come into contact with). Another tip is to consider drawing up a rota for bathing, with you using the facilities last, before thoroughly cleaning the bath, sink and toilet yourself.

    If you share a kitchen with others, avoid using it while others are present. Take your meals back to your room to eat. If you have one, use a dishwasher to clean and dry your used crockery and cutlery. If this is not possible, wash them using your usual washing up liquid and warm water and dry them thoroughly, remembering to use a separate tea towel.

  • +4

    They all have to self-isolate as well.

  • +2

    You’ll have to use baby wipes to wash and shit in a bag.
    It’ll be fun, like camping

    • +8

      Remind me not to go camping with you 😂

      • +1

        I know right, who shits in a bag? Dig a hole, shit in that. What's the bag for, a memento?

        • +1

          Hope he’s not using single use plastic bags!

        • +2

          During the wet season, especially in flood country best hygiene practice is to use a bag instead of hole to reduce contaminating waterways, hardly anyone does though and then people wonder how bacterial or viral outbreaks occur.

          • @mapax: I am unsure what the significance of the bag is? Are you supposed to take the shit with you until you get to a city or something?

        • A gift.
          What better way to say 'I love you'

  • just wear one of these when you have to go to the kitchen or toilet…

    • That has exhalation valves on each cheek, it only protects the user.

  • +1

    If you are diagnosed and need to self isolate, so do they. Simple as that. COVID-19 is most contagious BEFORE symptoms start showing. They will likely have it as well.

  • +2

    I'm told that if one of the tenants gets confirmed case of coronavirus then all tenants must also self isolate too as a precaution. It sucks. To keep people from rioting, the Liberals created a few payments while you're isolated and sick. Oh wait, there's no money if you're not confirmed.

    Go out to a Liberal safe seat please and ask why we have Liberals in government.

    • +3

      That's really unfair of you to say. We're all in this together you know

      Scott Morrison would tell you that himself if he could, but all this stress is making him ill and he needs to get away.
      Hawaii or some other tropical island should do it. A few weeks lying on a beach until this all blows over and he'll be right as rain!

  • limit your exposure to common areas and wash your hands regularly

  • -1

    "Can I self isolate at a mate's house?"

    Hi, my uncle will be coming back from a non-High risk country.

    Things are complicated, He's been staying at one of the cousin's houses here for months and most his belongings are there (instead of his registered address).

    So is he allowed to self-quarantine at that place,
    so he doesn't need to pack the stuff he needs over?

    Will he/they be fined?

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