OzBargain Tags for gift ideas with Gender, Age, Price Range and Occasion filters?

As usual did not plan ahead and now panic searching. It would be great to be able to do a last minute search of all current ozbargain deals to search for a birthday gift for my 10 year old son in the $50-$100 range. Is there a way to do this already via tags?


  • +1

    Kids& Toys is about as good as you are going to get. The rest of the things mentioned are something retailers like Amazon Gift Finder are good for.

    • Cheers mate, I wasn't aware of the Amazon gift finder, she'll do for now. Maybe you will consider implementing something similar for ozbargain in the future.

  • +1

    I don't think tags would work for personal gifts, as there are too many variables.
    No-one knows what, in your case, a 10y.o. boy likes, what his interests are, etc.

    • Yeah, agree. Great idea in theory but would require a lot of data analytics on the products and their recipient and then for staff to manually tag it. I'm guessing Amazon looks at the recipient name if gift message is included (e.g. Happy Birthday Thomas) then estimate that the present is likely for a male. Toys usually have age ranges on the box so possibly that's how they get the age.

      • Got it, I assumed that OPs could somehow include this data as part of the deal submission process, it would be highly subjective but useful. Never mind I'm sorted for now.

  • +1

    And then the issue of the PC crowd these days, in that it should be just a present for a 10yo, not a boy specifically.

    Plus they could be different - could be a gamer, could be sporty etc. There's no "1 size fits all".

    my 10 year old son

    Yeesh, I'd expect this post for a niece/nephew, family friend etc but your own son…?! Dude…

  • +1

    the forums have shown we have set presents at all ages
    5 ~,wii
    6 switch
    7 ps4
    8 ipad
    9 iphone
    10 mac air
    11 mac pro
    12 Toyota
    13 merc amg
    14 house
    15 train
    16 plane
    17 island
    18 planet

    then ur out if the.house

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