Thanks all for the helpful information. While digging around the subject happened to stumble on this great little website as well which had really useful links.
Hello all,
Would like to know some of the best practices for keeping house warm in winter days without breaking the bank and reduce energy wastage. I live in 4 bedroom house with zoned ducted heating. (1 zone for master and one theatre area, next zone covers living area and last zone 3 other bedrooms).
Is there a particular time to schedule the heater to operate automatically and roughly how many hours do you guys keep the heater running per day (excludes extreme weather days of course).
Background : I've previously lived in 2 bed apartment which had split system for living area and we used oil column in bedroom. Now having moved to new place last year, it has zoned ducted heating (+ the oil columns Ive used previously, so quite different environments).
Totally dependant on how you use those zoned areas, over the period of the whole day.
And perhaps with a different program for weekends when the usage pattern may be different.
And what you find as a comfortable temperature, during the day, evening and overnight.
If your house is well insulated, it can be efficient to run the heating at a medium temp for longer, and let the thermostat do the work.