Full Page Ads Should Be Disabled

I've been using ozbargain for a few years now, and always been fine with the ads, I understand they need to pay for upkeep. Since about a week ago I've been seeing these kinds of full page ads on mobile: https://ibb.co/RzSyGtH
I really think these should be disabled, they're really obnoxious especially on mobile.


  • Are you logged in when these display? Do you have banner ads disabled in your settings?

    • Yep logged in. Don't have that disabled, I'll check now.

      Edit: Still get them under the text ads only setting, don't get them under the no ads setting. I would still like to support so I want to leave ads on. Is there any option to turn off just those types of ads?

      • I've alerted scotty to the issue regarding the intrusive ad. It's something we need to check with Publift

        • Great to hear it's being worked on. Thanks for your response

          • @DvApps: Yep, I’ve had this before. They’re good - they’ll have ads as that helps fund the site, but the moment they start getting intrusive, they block the intrusive ones.

        • There are also some gambling ads if that is a concern.

  • We changed all our browsers and stopped receiving ads.

  • +1

    DNS66 for the win.

  • +1

    There's a high yield investment joke in there somewhere

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