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Baccarat Barista Coffee Grinder $10 + Delivery @ Bunnings


Indulge in fresh and delicious coffee wherever you go with the innovative Baccarat Barista Coffee Grinder! This easy to use, manual coffee grinder is a staple accessory for any coffee-lover. Equipped with an adjustable grind feature, this intelligent tool creates fine to coarse results depending on your personal taste. Perfect for travelling or for the office, the Baccarat Barista Coffee Grinder is compact in design and easily transported.

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closed Comments

    • +4

      You get what you pay for I guess. A good coffee grinder for $10 is surely too good to be true.

      • It's good for grinding nuts and legumes

    • +1

      I have a Porlex with porcelain grinding "stones" and it's been amazing. Made in Japan, with spare parts available if needed, it's been going strong for 4 straight years now.

  • +4
  • +1

    Yeah as the others said, you get what you pay for. Entry level is around $60-$100 for one. Most will recommend $150-$250 or so for a mid range hand grinder that will last and perform consistently.

    • holy moly.. i remember buying my porlex for about $60 - prices have gone up.

      • My mate grabbed one for around $80 a couple of months ago but they have gone up to around $120 now. From everything I read online though it's… fine. The main issue a lot of people have with them is the lack of a consistent grind. They can also be prone to breaking after a few months of use.

        I personally ordered a 1zpresso JX which is around $210 delivered this morning.

        • 100% this.

          I own a Porlex, didn't pay anywhere near $120, and wouldn't.
          It's my 'go to' camping grinder as it fits neatly inside an Aeropress, but there are far better grinders out there for that money (read: stupid money).

          I will say I have had no issues with it breaking though, and I use and abuse it. It was my daily driver grinder for a couple of years.

        • Where did you find the 1zpresso JX for ~$210? Looking to get one myself actually.

          The 1zpresso mini Q I got from Amazon over a year ago stopped working less than 6 months in (the inner shaft would spin with the handle, rendering it useless). Amazon never replied to a single message I sent about it so ended needing to go through a chargeback to get a refund - not the best experience.

          • +1

            @merivetio: Amazon AU had it surprisingly. Going to take a while to arrive though.

        • Can you tell me what your first impressions of the 1zpresso JX are? Just wanted to get your thoughts if you don't mind.

          • @2-1: Not going to arrive for quite a few weeks unfortunately. If I remember though I can!

    • Entry level is around $60-$100 for one. Most will recommend $150-$250

      I bought a Hario MSS-1B several years ago for around $35 and used it as my coffee grinder for years, and it was pretty good. Still is. I wouldn't expect it to compete with a much more expensive hand grinder, but $30-$40 can get you a decent ceramic conical burr grinder.

  • +1

    This or the Breville Smart Grinder Pro.?!

    • +2

      Had a mate bring his $80 hand grinder to my place over the weekend and make me an aeropress with it. The grind was incredibly uneven and there were so many large pieces as, when you are near the end of the beans in the upper chamber, gravity is not enough to consistently push them into the burrs and they bounce around before essentially falling through.
      I looked at my Smart Grinder Pro and was happy; been perfect since I got it over a year ago.

      • +1

        Artisan Coffee grind mate…. it's an ART to be inconsistent, try it with Smart Grinder you won't get it LoL

    • +2

      Not this.

      I recommend the Breville for people who want 1 grinder that will do pretty good espresso or filter and don't want to grind manually. Very little grind retention and good digital controls makes switching between espresso and filter settings easy too so you can use it for both functions back to back. It's a great grinder for the money.

      If you want better it's lots more to go to a better espresso grinder. For better filter grinders you need to get up to $250 and beyond.

      • I have a feeling ash2000 was being sarcastic, comparing a $10 plastic hand grinder to a $300 240v grinder.

      • I must say that as a filter/pour-over/cold brew only drinker at home, the Smart Grinder Pro was essentially useless, and a cheapo handheld burr grinder (for small doses) in fact did a much better job - the Breville grinds way too fine and I don't think is really suitable for anything much coarser than espresso.

        • IDK, I've used 3 different smarts over the past decade (2x the original, and the newer version with the improved interface) and they've all been pretty good for espresso or filter. I got one for mum, she grinds at 50-something for french press, I grind in the 40s for v60 and the 30s for aeropress. I have a Lido at work and a Feldgrind at home and I think they're both better grinders, but I was using the smart for a long time as a dedicated filter grinder and it was just fine.

  • +2

    If you live in Melbourne, it easier to go to house directly and use the code SHIPMELB for free shipping

  • -1

    prefer baccamouse

  • I would say don't go for a bad grinder like this…at least something like porlex mini is better

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