• expired

Undersink Water Filtration Unit, w/PH Balancing approved by NATA for: $39.95, Normally over $150


Contaminants Gone! Undersink Water Filter with Tap and One Filter Included,Special Water PH Balancing and Anti-Oxidant effect on the water with this filter. Limited Stock and reduced especially for OZbargaineers

Water filters like this one sell for over $150 at Bunnings.

"If you don't have a filter, you become the filter!" What peace of mind to know that the Filter Direct PH Balancing and Anti-oxidant water filter – it represents the state of the art in water filtration. Chlorine, heavy metals, parasites, organic hydrocarbons and a long list of other contaminants never reach your lips. It is shocking to find out what's in your tap water.

Ionized Water restores your body's acid and alkaline balance.
"Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with acidity" Dr. Robert Atkins, noted author, health and diet expert.

This filter helps to neutralize this acid condition. Just by supplying your daily drinking and cooking water from this alkaline water purifier (high pH), you can restore a healthy alkaline environment in your body. This process is detoxification; and there's a vast body of research about the importance of maintaining a proper acid / alkaline balance
Product Benefits:
Anti Oxidant Effect
Increases Alkalinity
Increases Essential Minerals
Reduces Chlorine Taste and Odour

Product contents:

Single stage filter
Mains connection piece
Shut off ball valve
1/4" tubing (3m)
Teflon tape

Filter life: 12 months or 3000 litres, which ever occurs first.

We also sell the replacement filter units. Delivery is $7.95 to Vic and $9.95 Australia Wide, only $2 extra delivery cost for extra units in the same order.

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closed Comments

  • Site down. or stupidly slow.

    • Hi Kiwipride, I have checked from two different internet connections and the site is working quite fast. Very strange, not sure what may be going on at your end, but am looking into it further? Thanks for the heads up.

      • yeah thanks. I would really like one of these. your page is still loading. tried Chrome, IE, safari on my iPhone. Nothing.

        • Ye, it is a great deal, my brother paid almost $400 for one of these 4 years ago, because he wanted an alkaline water filter. try going directly to the site: www.esold.com.au I am still not experiencing any issues here so am thinking there may be a routing issue for your particular area? Please, give it a few minutes or an hour and try again, maybe it will be sorted. :) If anyone else is experiencing any issues accessing the site, please let me know?

  • Seems you are basically paying $40 for a tap, with one free filter. Filters in the future will cost $25 each (plus $8 delivery), which for a year isn't too bad but almost the cost of the original unit. What if the company who produces the filters closes up shop?

    • http://www.waterfiltersdirect.com.au is the distributor and they have been around for over 10 years. They actually supply bunnings and other large companies but retail mark-ups are horrendous to the end user on water filters. This is a genuine clearance sale on this model

    • Well, if the company producing the filters go bust then you are much better off with this unit (as you said costing you almost nothing on top of the filter) than with a unit for which you would pay $150 and then you would have no cartridge to put in…
      Good deal in my opinion. Moving soon and this is a good deal for a cheap tap system (hate bottled water and sometimes the tap water is not that great). Once I decide what to do with the kitchen I may replace with expensive Zip, but until then this one should be good.

  • +4

    This is probably a reasonable price for something that is essentially snake-oil. See http://www.chem1.com/CQ/ionbunk.html for facts on alkaline/ionised water.

    While this seems off-topic for whether or not this is a bargain, the part of the title that reads "approved by NATA" is misleading. NATA doesn't have anything to do with the purported health benefits of this device, they are only responsible for making sure that people meet Australian Standards. So it's uncertain what "approved by NATA" actually means. It might only mean that they keep their manufacturing equipment safe and calibrated.

    Caveat emptor.

    • Fair Point, but this is a water filter function mainly that also PH balancing built into the filter. The web link you have posted is about a multi-level marketing scam where they sell cetain filters for hundreds of dollars to poor unsuspecting customers. Not really a fair comparison to a genuine filter that is selling in places like bunnings and other retail outlets and we are doing a special clearance price of just $39.. Not really a MLN scam.. Right? :)

      • +3

        From the link:

        "Ionized water" is one of many products and panaceas that the wonky-water wellness industry flogs onto the large segment of the general public that lacks the scientific background to distinguish scientific fact from pseudoscientific hype when the two are closely intertwined.

        From your ad:

        Ionized Water restores your body's acid and alkaline balance.
        "Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with acidity" Dr. Robert Atkins, noted author, health and diet expert.

        This filter helps to neutralize this acid condition. Just by supplying your daily drinking and cooking water from this alkaline water purifier (high pH), you can restore a healthy alkaline environment in your body. This process is detoxification; and there's a vast body of research about the importance of maintaining a proper acid / alkaline balance

        From your comment:

        The web link you have posted is about a multi-level marketing scam where they sell cetain filters for hundreds of dollars to poor unsuspecting customers.

        Nice bit of handwaving there. The link is primarily about the bollocks that is ionised water. It just so happens that it also talks about people charging a lot more than you for this quackery but that does not make you any different. Wether you're charging $40 or $400 for a lie it's still a lie and you're still trying to paddle it.

      • +3

        what are specs for your filter
        in microns and results.
        per US standards certification.

    • +3

      Yep - the "approved by NATA" is DEFINITELY misleading advertising.

      NATA is the certification body for testing facilities. It mainly ensures that the documentation of testing and the processes are performed in a repeatable way. It has noting to do with either accuracy, quality, testing or approval of any devices.

      It might be that the device has been tested to some Standard by a Nata-registered test laboratory. But there are no details so the claim is spurious at best. Might as well say that the product was "Approved by the United Nations" for all it matters!

    • +4

      lovely article.
      bunnings is in the business of making money. selling a product is not an endorsements of its integrity. snake oil is still snake oil even if mixed with some useful gadgets like filters. but they quackery detracts from the product's valid uses and attacks the integrity of the seller in subtle ways.

      for filtration we need to know the micron level and what it removes. unless it is low enough it will let through bacteria and maybe viruses [recent macro virus found in amazon!]

    • Hmm my doctor got me to start drinking alkaline water 6 months ago to address a balance issue in my body (I've was quite sick).
      I don't actually own one of those filters, I buy bulk bottled alkaline water quite cheap.
      Is my doctor in on this scam? :(

      • +1

        Either that or he has bought into the scam. Unfortunately though they are supposed to be trained in scientific methodology and critical thinking, sometimes doctors are taken in by scams too.

        Your body has a very strong mechanism to tightly regulate it's pH (mainly the pH of the blood plasma). This is known as acid-base homeostasis and is a vital function performed chiefly by the kidneys (though it's also regulated in the short term by varying your breathing rate to change the level of CO2). For this reason drinking some alkaline water is unlikely to have any effect on your body's pH - and there is no empirical evidence to suggest otherwise.

        Acidosis or alkalosis (both of which can be either respiratory or metabolic) are serious conditions that could lead to death. To diagnose one of these conditions the doctor would have needed you to get a blood sample to perform arterial blood gas testing. If he did send your blood for analysis you should ask to see the report and know what the diagnosis was specifically ("balance issue" is not very specific). If he didn't refer you for a blood sample then I would be inclined to assume he's either jumped on the alternative medicine bandwagon or he's lying to you. Either way I'd seek a second opinion.

        Out of interest does this doctor often recommend acupuncture, homeopathy, kinesiology, chiropractic treatment and other "alternative" forms of therapy?

        • I've had several blood tests (which revealed a high white blood cell count) and a MRI.
          He did refer me to a Occupational Therapist however who did some acupuncture in the neck muscles.

      • +1

        Now I'm more confused.. I'm no doctor but a high white blood usually indicates an infection. Really not sure what the "unbalance" was and how he was hoping to balance it with alkaline water. I'd definitely try a different doctor if I were you.

  • Well, doesn't matter for me as the site won't load. Maybe next time.

    • Very Strange Kiwipride, as we are getting quite a few orders coming through now and no issues. Try again a bit later as I think it is a local issue. Have a great day :)

      • every other page on the internet is working fine. could you post a link direct to the product page?

        • The site loads OK for me on Optus in Sydney. These kinds of issues are usually caused by slow or bad DNS propogation to a particular ISP…

          Just ask people (with problems) to post what ISP they are with, so you can track it down.

        • ClubTelco using Telstra lines I believe.

        • Strangely, was able to sign up though a google search which brought up a random ACA article. Got confirmation link and activated. BUT….sill will not load the product page lol.

          I give up.

  • Had no problems loading page. Also fast.

  • That seems a really good price to me. I just bought a bench top filter, otherwise I would have got this.

  • The page loads fine.

  • +5

    Ionised or alkaline water is a scam.. Our bodies have a fantastic natural system to regulate our pH. In fact once any alkaline substance passes your oesophagus and enters your stomahc, the hydrochloric acid, naturally produced there will instantly change the pH of the water anyway.

    If you're even considering buying a device that claims to produce ionised or alkaline water please research some credible, peer-reviewed literature or at the very least please watch this vid: http://youtu.be/NIq9zbd6-zA?t=1m15s

    PS - I'm not saying this device claims to work like the one in the above video. For one it seems this device doesn't claim to work by electrolysis. But the basic point that it uses the BS health claims of ionized, alkaline water to sell itself should be enough for you not to touch it with a 10 foot pole. As someone has already said, if you need a water filter, get a plain one that simply filters the water and tells you in its documentation how many microns the holes in the filter are, and what exactly it does and doesn't filter out. As soon as you see "ionized" on any health product you should get suspicious. It seems to be the woo buzz word for every bit of snakeoil these days.

  • sounds like a good price to me, looking at them the other day they are expensive and big w had one for $299.

    I just want it so I can stop buying bottled water. hate the taste of our tap water and the chlorine in it which affects my homebrew.

    • +1

      the chlorine in it which affects my homebrew

      If you can let it sit for a day before using it, the chlorine will dissipate.

  • Page loads fine for me - anyone have a link to how this is supposed to be installed ?

  • is this a good buy or not. what advantage do the $299 ones I saw at Big W have over this??

    I just want something that will remove all the bad flavours from tap water and chlorine.

    • +2

      I would say spend a bit more and get the dual filter one ($80) from their site:

      It does not make any pseudo-science claims and uses standard filter technology:
      Stage 1 polypropylene spun filter reduces dust, rust, silt, sediment and turbidity.
      Stage 2 active carbon filter reduces chlorine, taste & odour.

      • thanks Rudd bought that one, looks to be a good deal and I look forward to receiving it. hopefully the install is not too difficult.

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