Does This Sound Like a Normal Situation with an Accountant?

I took my tax info to an accountant on the first of July. I have still heard nothing back from them, I have sent emails, texts and made calls to check that all is OK and to get an update. They were all ignored [ I wasn't trying to be annoying so I was leaving a week or so between each one. ]

I have gone in there in person but the secretary said they're busy she would call me. That was a week ago and I've still heard nothing.

Does this sound normal? If not should I go somewhere else, but then I imagine they will eventually try to charge me for anything they've done so far [if anything]?
Its not a complicated tax it does involve crypto but I asked beforehand if they can handle that and they said yes.

Surely it wouldn't take them 60 seconds to reply to my email asking if all is OK with something like sorry we've been busy, all is good will be a bit longer. Or am I expecting too much? I genuinely don't know how busy they are this time of year.


  • +19

    No, not normal. Sounds like crappy service. Go somewhere else or learn to file yourself - it’s very easy online.

    • +1

      It's a massive pain because it's crypto I didn't know I had to report from previous years so they're meant to be editing my previous years reports before I can put this year's in.

      Can they charge me for what they've done so far [ I had about an hour meeting with them going over my transactions.]

      Basically I didn't know I had to report losses as well. I thought I had to only report profits. Stupid me. So they have to go back and edit the reports I put in from a few years ago and I don't know how to do that. I'm not hiding huge profits infact I've only made a loss, still unsure if I'll be fined I probably will.

      I'm dreading something like them saying they worked on it for 50 hours and it's 100 an hour or something.

    • +5

      No, not normal

      This, sounds like they playing accountant rather being a accountant

      • +2

        Yeah doesn't sound normal not to receive any communication at all and not even acknowledge of "sorry we have a large backlog, we'll be in touch in a week". Personally, I lodged mine with my accountant (not a simple return) mid last week and received an email yesterday saying it's ready for lodgement/just need to sign to send off.

        • I really want to go somewhere else but I have to imagine these people will want to charge me when they finally do get back to me.

          It's a bad situation since I can't put this year's in until they finish this editing work and I'm meant to do this year's by October.

          I really wouldn't care if they were busy it's the ignoring that's getting me nervous.

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: Perhaps clarify, if and what has been done/completed to date thus far. If they can not provide any evidence or an update let them know you've found another accountant who can assist/etc. There will be an accountant on OB whom will be able to provide some general advice. My best recommendation is to keep a spreadsheet for each tax year receipts/invoices/etc. and keep it updated regularly - don't use the 'shoe box' method.

            The October deadline is really if you are doing it yourself. I believe if you go via an accountant you have until early next year (Feb/March) but don't quote me on that - check the ATO website guidelines. I've lodge well past these dates before due to other circumstances.

            • @supajuicy: Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.

            • +1

              @supajuicy: If through an accountant April is about the cut off date.

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: They can charge you, but you dont have to pay it. A simple email saying 'im going elsewhere cancel my order' is sufficient, never return.

            Not an accountant thing, but I do travel 2 areas over to a dentist who isnt supervised by his mother

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: Yeah I might have to, it just seems so rude to me. Would take no time at all to reply to my email just saying all is OK were just busy.

              I wasn't sure if the time taken was unreasonable.

    • Is there a good link on 'learn to file yourself'? I'm looking for this

  • +3

    Definitely not normal and very unprofessional. Your concern that they can ask you for fees for some work done is also reasonable.

    Send them one last email asking for a final update within 48hours or will be assumed that they are no longer interested in providing the service.

    No service = no charges

    • Thanks. Can you see a situation where they try to take me to court to pay or send creditors after me

      • It's my understanding that the law is based on the concept of a reasonable person. It sounds like you've made more attempts to contact them than a reasonable person should have to. I think if you follow RM's suggestion they'd be silly to take it to court unless it was for $1000s of unpaid fees.

        • Even if it was 1000s… OP is not supposed to wait for an eternity without communication on what is going on.

          One last attempt and that's it.

          • @RM: Not saying they'd be in the right, only responding to OP's question of whether they might try

  • +2

    They might be in goal

    • +5

      Time for a goal-line drop-out kick then.

      • I hate typing gaol, should be jail. Gaol doesn’t even sound right

        • +1

          Not if yer innocent. Jail is Yank, gaol is Queen’s English proper.

  • +2

    Unprofessional for you but quite normal. Here is why.

    30th June is end of quarter for GST BAS returns. They would spend all of Jul doing those.
    JobKeeper monthly declarations need to be in by 14th of every month. So that means mid Aug before they would even pick up your file.

    Also depends on how busy their office is. That is why ATO gives you until end of Oct to do your taxes but if you are with tax agent you get until end of Jan the following year.

    If you got an easy tax return (like a group certificate and a few small items) might only take an hour.

    Tax office was saying they will not have all your prepopulated data until end of Jul therefore ATO said don't bother to do your taxes until end of Jul.

    • +8

      Surely a courtesy email reply stating they will get back to him whenever wouldn't take up more than 2 minutes of their time?

      • +1

        If you use auto reply then it doesn't even take 2 minutes. I am just explaining why it would be normal. I wouldn't say it is acceptable. But it is also a result of what you pay for.

        If you want personalised service like a personal banker think about the kind of banking relationship you need to have.

  • Unfortunately I've had to fire two accountants over the past couple of years for effectively what you're talking about. Both personal referrals as well.

    Some of these guys just don't care.

  • +3

    To put it in perspective, 2020 has been an extraordinarily busy year for accountants and tax agents. Personally it felt like I lost a cumulative total of somewhere between 4-6 weeks once the shutdowns commenced and Jobkeeper started and then over the following months - much of this was practically pro bono work trying to help clients who thought they were going to loose their business / jobs. I worked through most of my two weeks holiday that unfortunately started with the first Jobkeeper shutdowns. Then had a total of three days off out of two weeks at the end of June/early July. Have never been this far behind in nearly 25 years as an accountant, despite working nearly every Sunday and bringing work home at night to do. Don't pity me, just understand me.

    As netjock mentioned above, it is our crazy busy time of the year. On top of all the end of year reconciliation and reporting, some of the software programs are having issues with STP (or because this is the first year for many using STP, clients are giving us piles of payroll dog shit that we are supposed to fix for them) or the programs have changed how their licensing works which is causing problems in accessing client files, and now the banks are wanting 2020 financials as they won't accept 2019 reports due to potential the impact of covid.

    'Excuses' aside, I agree there is no good reason why your accountant can't contact you and give you an update, even if just to say they have a back log. They should then work out a date with you to have it done by.

    I would suggest that you consider making an appointment with them, in say 2-3 weeks, and tell them that you want to finalise and sign your return while you are at the appointment. If they think it will take an hour, or two, then set that time aside as the appointment is nearly always the best way to resolve queries and get the work done - no interruptions from other clients or co-workers, no phone tag, no emails going back and forth. That way if the accountant agrees, they will have to make the effort to review your work and give you any queries they need answered before the appointment. Make sure you have those answers ready. Alternatively, they could explain how they need the info presented to help them save time. It sounds like your work may be a little messy (time consuming), depending on how much crypto trading you have done and particularly if you are trading between crypto's, trading partial or whole holdings etc. Crypto is all CGT so for every crypto transaction, we have a CGT calculation to perform. It may not be difficult but it can still be very time consuming, so it will depend a lot on how you present the information to the accountant.

    If they can't make an appointment in a reasonable timeframe, tell them you will be coming by in x days to collect your work and you don't expect an account as they probably haven't done anything (apart from maybe the initial meeting). If they are well into your work, they will want to complete it so they can be paid. There is nothing better than a deadline to get one's self organised.

    In future, regardless of whether you stay or leave, or to who ever is reading this, make the effort to understand what it is you do and get your information together in a clear and presentable manner. Regardless of whether you only have a simple salary and wage return, shares, managed funds, rentals, an SMSF or a multi $M business, if you have been doing the same thing for the last few years, your accountant is probably going to need all of the same information you gave them and answers to all the same questions that they asked you last year. If you don't know where to start, look at last years tax returns (and/or financials).

    For noobs, just ask a few questions to get yourself on the right track.

    Finally, there isn't much that discourages and de-motivates(?) an accountant more than a client that doesn't care, doesn't make an effort to understand their own finances and gives us a pile of crap, knowing it is a pile of crap and they expect us to polish for them for the cheapest price possible in an unreasonable timeframe.

    Rant over.

    • She could literally tell her secretary, hey can you call him and just let him know its fine we just have a backlog.
      Its fine I just wont ever be going back to them.

      I dont really care how busy you are, when you tell me you are going to do something and dont do it, it rubs me the wrong way. The secretary would know how busy they are, but she hasnt mentioned anything. Are you really trying to tell me you couldnt write a 1 sentence email in 1.5 months? look how many lines I have written in less than 3 mins.

      I don't live in Sydney I live in a small country town.

    • +1

      Finally, there isn't much that discourages and de-motivates(?) an accountant more than a client that doesn't care, doesn't make an effort to understand their own finances and gives us a pile of crap, knowing it is a pile of crap and they expect us to polish for them for the cheapest price possible in an unreasonable timeframe.

      Isn't that your job? You tell them upfront when and what can and can't be done and then it's up to them whether they choose to engage you or not. And if they do, you have to hold up your end of the deal as well.

    • Thank you for this insight

  • Crypto lol, There’s your problem.

  • +3

    Speaking as an accountant, yes we are busy, but no, it's not reasonable to go radio silent. Something you may not be aware of, clients that make repeated contact about their returns before they're finalized are genuinely called "squeaky door" clients in the industry, and their returns are normally prioritized (to be blunt) to shut them up while still getting paid. (Not having a go at you at all, OP, just stating how I've seen things work in the industry in my 13 years of experience.) So for them to not contact you at all for a month and a half is really low. There is a certain major chain of tax agents that this is typical behaviour for as well, unfortunately, although I can't mention their name. If you do have questions about tax stuff feel free to private message me and I'd be happy to help where I can.

    • If I make an appointment with her so she has to deal with it during my appointment thatll run my bill up even more wont it?

  • +1

    Yes… it is a normal sign to take your business elsewhere

  • -4

    Hello Hello hello

    Dear OP


    Just chill out

  • My accountant of 25 years told me Tax Office won’t have sent him all ATO data (Interest, dividends etc) until end of July.
    30 minute phone appointment early August, all done. Admittedly 95% of my answers are “same as last year”

  • That's not only worrying it is unprofessional and I don't think I'd trust my finances with them.

    For your crypto have a look at using Sublime Ip. I decided that the Accountant I've used for the last 20 years probably wouldn't be very good at working out my crypto so for the last 2 years I've given my Sublime IP CGT report to the Accountant. I've got a referral link but I don't think we are able to use them here so here is the website link

  • If I don't touch my crypto for a financial period does it become a much simpler return I can go back to doing myself?

    The ato only care when I cash out and bring it back to my aud bank account right?

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