Out 2 month old baby is exclusively formula fed. He was born underweight and was in NICU due to his body not regulating normal temperature however he has been very good with his weight gradually increasing and feeding 90ml to 120ml every 4 hours.
Since last 10 days, his intake has gradually decreased from 120ml to 30ml every feed. We have seen 2 X GP and followed their advice, changed formula, gave infant friend, Gaviscon infant as they assumed it was due to reflex. He now sleeps only 20 -30 minutes and constantly wants to be held.
Both the GP's have advised that this is a passing phase and we continue to feed him may be every 2 hours and his intake would automatically increase and have asked us to visit their clinic twice a week to monitor his growth . We are not really convinced with this approach and also anxious as his intake has dramatically decreased. We are first time parents with no support and living in Melbourne which has made it difficult as we cannot seek help from our friends.
I am not looking for a medical advise here and will be seeing our pediatrician on Monday and was wondering if anyone here has been in similar situation and what did they do ? Both of us are emotionally and physically exhausted and it breaks out heart to see our little one struggle ! (Sorry for the rant)
Any suggestions from personal experience would be appreciated.
UPDATE - Thanks you to everyone who provided supportive comments and suggestions.
Out little one was screaming his lungs out Saturday night and we couldn't wait to see our paediatrician on Monday, We rushed to Royal children hospital where he was diagnosed with bacterial infection and was admitted for 2 nights. We are back home now and whilst his intake is gradually increasing he is sleeping much better.
All i want to say is for anyone who is looking for help in future please trust your gut/instincts and seek help from specialist or visit a hospital if you are not satisfied with your responses from other professionals (GP,s, midwife etc ) They are there to help us but sometimes we as parents need to rely on our instincts and reach out for specialised help.
Thanks again to your everyone who tried to help :)