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Whole Chicken $2.99/kg, Chicken Breast $7.99/kg, Bacon 1kg $8.99, Lamb Rack $19.99/kg, Beef Eye Fillet $21.99/kg @ ALDI

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    • +8

      Chicken are.. good… different.

    • +4

      No chickens in Australia receive growth hormones. Not sure who supplies the Aldi whole chickens but no grower or processor in Australia uses hormones.

      The chickens you get as whole chickens are anywhere between 1.5-2kg, meaning the bird itself was between 2 and 2.5kg.

      • +1

        ^ This.
        The large size of modern chickens is from selective breeding and nutrition science that focuses on energy dense food.

        • and less on taste

          • @BuyoTheCat: Chicken meat is a glitch in the matrix … just like déjà vu

        • right so why do the free range ones are much smaller - in fact half the size? why dont they use 'nutrition science' and breeding?

      • +2

        What about antibiotics?

        • +1

          Most do have antibiotics in the food. Same as any farming, food is supplemented to maintain the health of the flock

          • @formatc: You've never googled the word "lamb" before, have you?

            • @freefall101: Or they have. The definitions were changed last year, at least in NSW, and what was considered a hogget a few years ago can now be sold as lamb.

              • @mapax: a full grown sheep is tough as leather. it's also very inefficient to grow animals to adulthood for slaughter. The only adult animal meat regularly available is ex dairy cow beef.

                • @[Deactivated]: Your reply doesn’t make sense. I never mentioned “full grown sheep”, I mentioned the definitions of lamb and hogget being changed. Besides, it’s not like most people know whether it’s true lamb or not when they buy it unless they’re buying farm direct.

      • -3

        no chickens in Australia should* receive growth hormones. just like there free range eggs, there is alot more free range eggs available than there is free range chickens to produce.

        • If you're buying chicken from dodgy joints maybe, but the supermarkets are pretty stringent on investigating their entire supply chain, you wouldn't get away with that kind of thing.

      • -2

        LOL right. Have you seen a free range chicken vs one that is not free range (literally twice as large)> IF you believe that my friend…yes all gym guys dont use steroids either ;)

    • The chickens are small at aldi.

      • Oh, thanks.
        Last time I mistook them for quails…

    • +2

      lmao, this isn't america. no growth hormones. that is why we live longer here in australia.

      • +5

        Guns too

        • No guns rather

      • +1

        The only reason growth hormones are not used for broiler chickens is that it is not economically sensible. (Pretty much the driving factor in all animal agriculture).

        Chickens do however receive antibiotics which not only medicate the birds against the illnesses born of the horrors of their miserable existence, but also as growth accelerants. See here for more info.

        Chickens are arguably the most mistreated species on earth. Over 50 billion birds per year unnecessarily brought into existence and killed.

  • +1

    The eye fillet is gooood.

    • +1


      • +6

        Cook it. Recipe done.

      • +1

        Salt and pepper, chargrilled with your choice of sauce, garlic butter sauce is recommended. If you prefer a healthier option, Korean BBQ marinade is a pretty good.

        • +1

          If you prefer a healthier option, Korean BBQ marinade is a pretty good.

          How is adding sugar a healthier option?

          • @jv: Good pickup, I guess it is an alternative, not so much healthier.

          • @jv: because sugar isn't the devil if you can control your total caloric intake :)

          • @jv: Yeah Korean BBQ definitely isn't the healthier option. I also wouldn't use Eye fillet for Korean style BBQ.

          • @jv: It would be healthier in some respects than garlic butter.

            • -1


              It would be healthier in some respects than garlic butter.

              Both garlic and butter a much healthier than sugar.

              • @jv: Really? How is the saturated fat in butter much healthier? Genuine question.

    • +4

      The last time the eye fillet was on special at $19.99/kg, my local Aldi was frequently out of stock. It was pretty popular, the special carried on for a few weeks afterwards. I could only get some steaks then.

      But yes, I do agree that the eye fillet at Aldi is pretty awesome for the price. I much prefer this compared to overhyped and overpriced Wagyu. We are lucky that Australian beef is pretty lean and yet so tender(if you don't overcook it).

    • +1

      ^ Never had quality beef

      Jindurra brand is pretty bad!

      • +2

        I was surprised as well, because Jindurra is the more budget brand.

  • curious to know who buys middle bacon - we only even get short cut - am i missing out on something?

    • +1

      You are probably missing out on about 50% fat.
      Don't quote the numbers, I just made it up.

    • +4

      Just flavour…

    • Same as breast fillet v thigh fillet - different cut, different fat contents, different flavours

    • +1

      I buy it to put in my brazillian black beans. Makes it super meaty tasting mmm.

      I use short cut when I want to eat bacon.

    • +3

      Streaky has amazing flavour and moisticity

    • In our house, the eye of the middle bacon - or what is in the short cut - is what gets eaten first, as it tends to be drier and not as flavoursome as the streaky part.

      Try some crispy middle bacon!

  • +5

    Poor chook. You're so cheap

  • +6

    The chooks from aldi always taste a little worse imho. Given that WW and coles have them for 3.50/kg every day, it's not much to get excited over.
    The bacon I'll have to look into. Practically every product on the market in the big two have swapped to using overseas sourced bacon (which generally means china)
    Aldi tend to have more of the Aus made stuff though.

    • +2

      I agree. I have got chicken from Aldi a few times and it always smelled a bit off even through it was still weeks from expiry. Have not had that problem with beef or deli items.

    • +4

      No bacon in Australia is made with Chinese meat. The imported stuff is all from Canada, us or Europe.

      • +1

        Good Lord! I'd stay away from the imported pork from the US and Canada


        • The last pack of bacon I bought said product of US or Europe … so can't tell >_<

      • +1

        For real?
        Do you know why there's been the sudden change? For basically forever most bacon was Aus made and around $12/kg everyday, dropping to $8/kg on special.
        Then seemingly overnight, the whole range changed to overseas sourced. Now the only bacon I've been able to find is Bertocchi bacon, which at $9 per 400g is twice the price.

  • +2

    i just buy costco chicken that is already cooked, lol. dont have to pay for seasoning, electricity/gas, and especially time.

    • How does one go about paying for time, and can I sell some?

      Asking for a friend.

      • +1

        Watch in time, pretty self explanatory

      • You can! Go on seek.com.au and people will pay you money for your time spent working for them.

        It's this amazing new thing called "having a job".

        • +2

          I keep sending messages but nobody ever responds :(

          tinder all over again

  • When does this promo run from?

  • +6

    Anyone else considering going close to vego after the watching the David Attenborough doco on netflix? My kids are so (profanity).

    • +6

      I haven't watched the doco yet but it's definitely a good idea to limit meat consumption. if you don't want to go full veg, then having meat-free days can help.

      personally, I eat veg most of the time and when I do decide to buy meat I do it based on quality, not price. meat is quite expensive when you eat it daily. so allowing myself to eat it once a week or so, but buying good quality/sustainably farmed, ensures I am not adding to the market demand for cheap meat.

    • +2

      I think a lot of people can benefit from reducing their meat intake. or even general food intake.

    • link??

  • +2

    Been weaning off meat for a year or so, it's a challenge.

    • +2

      Mate one of my favourite hobbies is slow cooking meat over charcoal.

      It seems incredibly selfish now.

      I have reduced my meat consumption over the last couple of months due to health concerns and have been eating Vego a couple of times a week, eating fish a couple of nights a week and only going meat 3 nights a week. I've pretty much eliminated additional salt and therefore processed foods. It's a struggle but my eyes are open now. Feel really good. My blood pressure has dropped, my good cholesterol is up, my bad cholesterol is down. I have lost about 5kg.

      I think everyone should try it.

      • and your tastebuds will change too. These days if I eat overprocessed food, the flavouring stings my mouth and tongue.

      • I have a very high salt and meat diet and my lipid counts are great.

        Nothing wrong with eating a tonne of meat and fat if you worship the iron gods at the gym regularly and don't consume sugar and hardly any carbs.

        • 9-1 intermittent fasting?

          • @capslock janitor: I just don't eat breakfast and do a 72hr once a month.

            • @7hours 44min ago: oh yeah i meant 9pm-1pm which basically skips breakfast ; and you dont eat for 3 days?straight??once a month???

              • +1

                @capslock janitor: Yep. I make my own electrolyte water to sip on during the 3 day; had a black coffee in the morning as didn't want to deal with headaches too. The first time I did it this year was hard but easier now. Best thing I've done for my gut. Farts don't smell anymore!

                Even if you do it once or twice a year, highly recommend for the health benefits.

      • +1

        Mate one of my favourite hobbies is slow cooking meat over charcoal

        Mine would be eating slow cooked food. Beef cheeks are amazing, very forgiving too/hard to get wrong.

        But I'm with you on reducing meat consumption. Going to try Woolworths jack fruit bbq (half price at $3.50) supposed to imitate pulled pork… That among other things anyway.

  • +1

    Does Woollies still have roast chooks for $8 on Tuesdays? Probably a better deal.

    • Those are full of stuffing to make them feel heavier. The price per kg of actual chicken would be a lot higher than this.

      Still handy for a fast meal though.

  • +3

    True loving granny hippy vegan but sad days when an animal Is brought into this world and sent to Aldi to be bought an eaten for four or five dollars

    • That's life sonny Jim

  • +1

    Would be nice if you're going to eat chicken..buy free range….
    ( i do)


    Yeah sigh.

  • Does anyone have any good lamb rack or eye fillet recipe? I'm a cooking noob.

    • What about recipe for lamb rack on Aldi’s air fryer?

  • What discounts are these on normal aldi prices?

  • +2

    FYI at these prices you would definitely be supporting factory farming, this is a good video that shows what happens on Australian farms: https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko.

  • +1

    Soo.. I take it nobody has seen the new David Attenborough documentary?

    Or is willful ignorance (arrogance) bliss?

    • link

    • +1

      A Life on our planet? Just downloaded a few hours ago. I'm eating very little meat anymore but finding it difficult to adjust. In Australia at least we don't eat our pets, yet we have no compunction about eating a steak etc. Yet how many of us could look a cow, sheep in the eye and kill it? Not too many presumably but we don't like to think about it if we do at all. What hypocrites we are, why should animals die so we can eat?

  • Their eye fillet is not really eye fillet aye? Anyone could tell me why their eye fillet taste so much drier? Just inferior breed of cow?

    • Cow: inferior breed? yooouve offended me!

  • +2

    Can't live without MEAT yum yum yum bought a multi cooker for slow cooking, pressure cooking, Aussie born and bred on meat; sausages, steak, chicken yummy shop at Aldi all the time very good quality!!!

    And for the ignorant Aldi actually uses local producers for most of their items :)

    • Lol try importing beef or chicken from overseas. Wouldnt be worth it.
      Id be careful (risk of colon cancer with meat)i usually try to cut back by half nowdays

  • I've always been under-whelmed by Aldi's. I honestly do not see what others see as "good deals". True, occasionally they have some decent veg deals or "specials" for the people who have the time to camp outside their doors every so many weeks for the "1 for every 400k customers"— but otherwise, their meat looks terrible, even compared to Coles.

    Maybe I'm spoiled with Spudshed & Farmer Jack's? Spud for all things veg/fruit, Farmers for eggs & meats. For instance, FJ has beef filet on sale all of the time— at $18kilo or less. SS has their veg "3 for …some ridiculously cheap price".

    Before I'm brought to task, SS does put up local produce, picked fresh— so you have to do something with it right away. It doesn't "keep" because it's picked fresh and ready to eat. Supports local growers.

    I can appreciate the others who don't have this. In that case, maybe Aldi's is good?

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