X9000h HDMI2.1 Blur Is "Normal" According to Sony, How to Organise Return?

Don't know if anyone has been following this saga with the x9000h series, but here is the latest update from Vincent Teoh with Sony's response:


This is a deal breaker and I want to return. Problem is I bought via Sony corporate back in early September.

Do owners have a dispute here? How do we organise a return past the one month window when Sony claims there's no issue?


  • -3

    You won't have any luck because it isn't an fault with the TV, it's inherent to VA technology which the X9000H uses.

    • +2

      That's not true at all, when its set to 4K60 all text is clear. It's going to 120hz that everything becomes blurry, at all resolutions not just 4K. If it was really only the VA panel at fault it would be blurry at all resolutions.

      Again this has been an issue since Sony launched the firmware update 2 weeks ago and 3080/90 owners started experimenting. It's well covered over at the AVS forums.

      • +2

        My apologies, I thought you were referring to motion blur, not a loss in sharpness

        • +1

          All good mate. As you could imagine there's tons of frustration over at AVS forums right now, but they're mostly US based so I was seeking here on what our options are as Aussies.

    • There are plenty of VA panels on gaming monitors these days that no noticeable blur/ghosting, even at 144hz. I have an LG 32" one, and yes i've owned/own IPS and TN.

      • +1

        In most transitions yes, but the only ones which don't have dark smearing are Samsung's new G series

        • I game my LG all the time and setup correctly i've never seen any, even in dark scenes. Sure i'm not going out of my to try and make it happen, but the same could be said about a lot of things. My 28" IPS is now a work screen.

  • -7

    The other two TV costs much more if I am not mistaken, so there had to be compromises. I am afraid this was intentional decision, and it is not a defect, although, it sucks they didn't tell you in advance.

    It is a bit similar to buying a camera and complaining it cannot make nice pictures in dark.

  • +4

    It is a bit similar to buying a camera and complaining it cannot make nice pictures in dark.

    Soz mate your analogy is way off. This is more akin to buying a camera and it taking blurry photos at it's highest resolution. It's not right just because 'it works.'

    • -1

      There are actually cases where lowering resolution in your camera will produce photos with less noise.

      I know, it is frustrating, but it will be hard to return this TV, Sony will always claim that's how they designed it. If you will claim it is false adversiting, they will tell you the TV can do 120Hz, they just didn't specify how well. Nevertheless, good luck and keep trying!

      There is a chance they might patch it by increasing input lag, so they have more time to process it? Who knows…

  • +1

    Wow .. that is a bit deceitful. Its claiming to be able to do 120Hz 4k 4:4:4 .. when it actually can't, and this is a feature that a lot of gamers have bought this TV for.
    Case for a class action I reckon..

  • How do we organise a return past the one month window when Sony claims there's no issue?

    1. Do you have Sony's claim that there's no issue with your TV - in writing?
    2. Do you have photo/video evidence of the fault?
    3. Yes to 1 and 2 above?
      3a. Yes - go to Fair Trading in your state with the above.
      3b. No - make them a yes. In that process Sony may arrange return, or you will then complete step 3a.
    • Cheers mate. Pitchforks are up at other places so we'll let that unfold for now.

      • Your problem will be unless Sony comes to the party for all owners, you will have to get your situation resolved personally.

        Whether that be through Sony of through Fair Trading depends on what happens when you get answers to those questions.

  • +1

    This is shocking if True,,,, This is a Selling point for the TV

  • +2
  • From What I read in the AVSFORUM, there is a huge stink about it already… I wonder how they will address it.

  • +3

    I was strongly considering this tv. Now it sounds like the Q70T or Nano86 may be better choices.

    I think I'd preference the Samsung over the LG as it uses a VA panel. I don't think full array dimming works at 4k120hz even if the tv supports both so may as well go with the one with better blacks.

    Either way, I'll wait & see what the upcoming sales offer, may end up with an OLED.

  • Damn just bought the 65 inch yesterday :(

  • +7

    Oh man. One time my procrastination has saved me from heartache.

    I'll just wait until both consoles are out and see what people have to say.

  • +1

    Australian Consumer Law should cover you here, the tv is advertised to do 4K120 and it cannot do so satisfactorily. Might be a battle to get Sony to agree but your protections are much stronger here than those in the US suffering this problem.

    If you can live with it you could also negotiate a partial refund.

    • The only hiccup here is Sony haven't released the firmware OTA for Australia, or have the download link at the Sony AU page. It's available at the AsiaPac link as a manual update.

      I don't know if that's ammunition enough for Sony.

      • +1

        Well if they don't release it at all then you have even more reason! As they promised the feature to be released soon after launch.

  • -3

    The new consoles will most probably get nowhere near 120 FPS at 4k, so it will probably turn out to be a non-issue. Just leave ut at 60Hz.

    • +1

      Problem is i have a RTX 3090…

      We're over at AVS forums where the pitchforks are gathering numbers.

      • I bet

      • how are you getting on with this? any luck with a refund?

        • Haven't pursued it yet. Since its already 2 months old I'm waiting another week until the consoles launch and if Sony will fix the firmware by then. They've apparently pulled it from OTA in the USA & Canada as per AVS forums, so we'll see what they do.

  • We are trying to see our options with returning the TV we purchased via Good Guys which has the hdmi2.1update with blurry 4k120, using a RTX 3080 source. We have to send an explanation and photos showing the issue, then they will arrange a Sony person to come out and check the TV to see if it's faulty. No option was given of just returning the TV or exchanging for a different brand and model. That's the process despite the fact that Sony will be biased and won't want to admit that they've advertised the TV falsely. Foreseeing this to be a long battle…

    • Thanks for the update

    • Well thats understandable why it'd be a long battle. What are they gonna do with that TV once they take it back? The retailer won't want a second hand tv back and Sony cant sell this as a box damage product or even a refurb. Always gonna be a problem with a high cost item thats been opened already. I doubt Sony would need to do much, the only people complaining are like hardcore tv enthusiasts. I didn't even know this was an issue until you listed AVS forums (which most buyer wont be paying attention to).

      Sony are very unlikely to mass refund everyone, best bet is personal case reviews. Are there no software patching solution to this? It sounds like Sony has purposely prioritied smoothness in software.

    • Hey OP here. So I take it you've manually installed the Asia/Pac firmware? Also, how long have you had the TV for now?

      I didn't update with the Asia/Pac firmware as I'm worried Sony might use that as a weapon since they never made the firmware available for Australia OTA or official AU website.

      As for sony being biased, they've admitted themselves in Vincents video that i've put in the OP, that the blurriness was intentional on their part. Today in the US Sony Support reiterated almost word for word what they sent to Vincent:


      Post #9205. You could use these as proof against them saying they advertised the TV falsely.

      Funny Sony's saying its a bandwith limitation when the LG BC/CX have a gimped 40gbps bandwith as their hdmi2.1 and they've made it work.

      • Yup installed the update manually as soon as people found it, but discovered the issues pretty quickly. The update version number is the exact same across all regions, so even if they tried to claim it was installed manually, well it's the same update that's been released in the Us and Europe.

        The comment from Sony made in Vincent's video is what prompted us to start looking into returning it, as Sony have pretty much admitted its working as intended. Seeing that comment reiterated today is just rubbing salt in the wound.

        Yes it doesn't make sense that it's a bandwidth limitation if LG can make it work with less Gbps, Samsung can display 4k120 properly too! It's not like Sony was the first to attempt this, and they've really botched it.

        • Yeah it's frustrating that Sony Support says all that but they still haven't made an official statement anywhere about the blurry image, nor the other amounts of issues the firmware bought like random reboots / clicking noises / earc dropouts that people had to discover workarounds for.

          What will you guys do if Sony 'miraculously' fixes it within the next couple of weeks? Will you guys keep it?

          Please keep us updated with your battle with GG/Sony. I bought from Sony Corporate directly so I wonder if that battle would be even harder.

          • @f0x13: Yeah it is very frustrating, and people having been having heaps of other issues too. We've had random reboots a few times, but not having any issues with sound.

            If they fix it then we won't have an issue. The main reason we bought the TV was for 4k120, we already had the Sony X9000e which can do 4k60 well. So currently the only upgrade we've seen over the old tv was an increase in size (went from 55 inch to 65 inch). Even 1080p and 1440p is blurry at 120hz, it's ridiculous.

            We're currently waiting for a technician from Sony to arrange a time to come and see the tv, so that's the stage we're at now. Doesn't seem like there will be any changes before Sony's own PS5 comes out next Thursday, so will be interesting to see what that looks like. Will let you know if that's blurry too as we're getting one on launch day.

            • @kittymtd: It will probably get more attention once PS5 is released. Although not sure if any of the titles support 120 FPS.

              • @Mistredo: COD Black Ops Cold War will, and we will be getting that game so can report back how it looks.

                Meanwhile Samsung has officially announced support for their Q80T and Q90T with the NVIDIA RTX 30 series cards, really wishing we'd just got this instead. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00087803/

                • +1

                  @kittymtd: Too bad that Samsung costs much more…

                  • @Mistredo: Yeah it does suck and it's why we put our faith in Sony… Sighs

                    But would rather pay more for a tv that implements the feature properly than one that lies about supporting the feature.

            • +1

              @kittymtd: So i've been collecting website info for those that are reporting this issue.

              The latest one is with the new XBSX since the embargo has been lifted:


              Confirms it is also blurry @ 4K120 but not 60hz.

              This should help our cause further.

              • @f0x13: Yes I saw this, the blur looks horrible at 120hz! This can't be acceptable.

            • @kittymtd: Just tell the store "your salesman sold this too me and we discussed this feature. Here is proof (a picture) here is online content about it (websites) and I would like to return this as not fit for the purpose it was sold to me for. I'm happy to take store credit and we can look at replacing it with something that will do the job.

              Be nice throw them the store credit.

              • @Slippery Fish: Unfortunately we bought the TV online so can't use that line. We did mention though that we're happy to exchange for another TV with The Good Guys, but they reiterated this is the process we have to go through. Sony hasn't sent out a technician to look at our tv but has just said to wait for the update. We will give them the benefit of the doubt for now given they've at least officially acknowledged the issue, but if it's going to take more than a few months to rectify then we will put more pressure on.

  • So much for SONY…. all the Sony fan boys will be crying

    • +1

      I'm both happy and sad that the XBSX has finally come out, but that it too suffers from the 4K120 blurriness.

      Across Reddit and other forums, people were going through lengths trying to blame PC users only, or shifting the blame to Nvidia only and that consoles weren't going to be affected.

      Gatekeeping is such a funny, sad thing.

      • Don't understand the people defending Sony for this. They've now changed their tune and saying 60hz is fine though.. Problem is, we didn't buy this TV for 4k60! Do they enjoy being ripped off?

        • Its a software issue. Sony will fix it in time.

          • +1

            @fuzor: Lots of conflicting reports from reputable sources like Digital Foundry are suggesting it may be a SoC limitation. But we can't know until Sony make an official announcement, that is if they ever do.

  • An update on the situation. Got a call from Sony this afternoon asking for us to turn on the TV so they could access it(?), however we weren't home at the time. Asked us to confirm we're using an 8k ultra hd hdmi cable which we are. Then said they'd send us another email and for us to reply with photos of the 'fault' AGAIN. We've already sent photos of the fault to Good Guys when we started the process, not sure why they need them again.

    Get home, no email. Seriously how long do we need to put up with Sony dragging their feet? It's like they're purposefully trying to stall rather than addressing the problem.

    We thought they were arranging a technician to come and see the TV, instead they just want more evidence which they've already been provided.
    This isn't a fault just with out TV, no ones TV in the world displays 4k120 clearly. Do we just need to put our foot down and say we're going to Consumer Affairs if nothing is done?

    • +1

      Sure does sound like dragging feet. It goes in line with how Sony have handled the whole thing. Their support staff across job tickets and in their official YT pages are saying it is a known issue and a fix is coming, but Sony has yet to officially admit it themselves. So lots of confusion as to whats really happening.

      They're very much keeping their heads in the sand until the PS5 is launched worldwide. Don't want that negativity before launch.

      You can try ACCC but keep in mind they're an intermediary, they'll fight for you but they serve as a mediator first and do their own investigation, set up meetings with parties, which is a long process in itself. I went through this before when a mechanic botched a repair on my car.

      • Part of me thinks once the PS5 is released on Thursday and everyone sees how bad the blur is, they'll have to act. But then why would Sony not make sure that their own console looks good with the tv? Doesn't make any sense…

        ACCC is last resort, hoping just the threat of it will get them to act.

        • +1

          Over on the AVS forums, I've mentioned that with the PS5, if Sony has applied the blur right from the get go, menus and everything, then the PS5 users will deem it normal and unnoticeable since they don't have another image to refer to. Not their fault really.

          I still fear this might be the case but we'll see very soon as embargoes have already started to lift.

          • +1

            @f0x13: I wouldn't be surprised if they've done that.

            Sony did finally send through the email this morning so we've responded with links to the petition, AVS forums and that post showing the difference between 60hz and 120hz using a Xbox Series X. Also included our own photos showing the blur with a PC source. We've mentioned that we're not confident that a fix will be able to be made and are seeking a refund or to exchange for a different product, and that if our request isn't addressed in a timely manner, we'll get Consumer Affairs involved.

            • +1

              @kittymtd: So Sony responded saying that the Asia Pacific update has been delayed indefinitely and that a new update should be coming out soon and to keep an eye on the product page.. Didn't actually specify whether this is the same update America and Europe got or whether they're making a completely new update which addresses the blur issue for Asia Pacific. Didn't specify when the update will come either, so the PS5 may come out and these 'Ps5 ready' TV's won't actually be ready…

  • Is the 2.1 update applicable for 85inch as well ?

    • Yes all models but it hasn't been released OTA in our region yet and has been removed from Sony's website from what I have read.

      • Yes update was delayed indefinitely and they're working on it at the moment. No ETA at all though.

  • Wow i was literally about to order one of these using the 11% off at JB HiFi

  • +1

    I'm still tempted to buy this TV as I don't see myself using the 4k120hz too often. Especially as there won't be any PS5 games that can play 4k120hz

    • +2

      Honestly I'm using 4K60 on this, which is a waste with a 3090, but the TV is amazing at that res with all settings on ultra with Ray Tracing & HDR.

      You are correct not many games on consoles will perform 4K120 natively without resorting to tricks like Gears5 and dynamic resolution.

      But for those games that WILL support full 4K120 though…

      I still stand by the fact that at 4K60 gaming the tv is amazing. But truth of the matter is plenty of people have bought this tv for the promised 4K120 at it's native resolution.

    • If you're not buying the TV for 4k120hz and your current TV can't do 4k60hz well, then it's a great TV. For us it hasn't been the best upgrade as our previous TV can do 4K60hz really well so there currently isn't much of an upgrade for us unless they can get 4k120hz working well.

      Sony have just said there will be an update coming out addressing the 4k120hz and other issues with that update and their engineers are working on the blur issue. No guarantee whether they can do anything.

      • +1

        How'd you go with your ps5? Did you guys pick it up yet? I'd like to know your thoughts on the blur with the console.

        • +1

          Yup picked it up this morning! One thing I'll note is that it doesn't have Optical like previous consoles did, so that does limit options with audio setups. It also doesn't come with a USB-C cable to plug the controller into the PS5 to set it up and the first cable we tried wasn't recognised by the PS5 and we panicked thinking our PS5 was faulty! A second cable worked.

          Need to wait until tomorrow when Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War comes out to test the blur, as the games we got only do 60fps (Demon's Souls & Assassin's Creed Valhalla).

          • @kittymtd: Mine had a usb c cable? Didn't notice lack of optical as I go through the tv but there was a while I had the ps4p straight into the hifi. That's very disappointing!

        • +1

          So there is definite blur at 120hz on the PS5 in COD Black Ops Cold War. It's not as obvious as say looking at a desktop because the text is blown up and you're normally moving around quickly, but you can tell everything isn't as sharp and defined. There doesn't feel like much of a difference playing between the 60hz and 120hz either in terms of smoothness.

          • +1

            @kittymtd: So are you guys happy with it or still going ahead with a refund?

            A guy on Whirlpool said he spooke with Sony Support yesterday and they told him the new firmware will be 'middle of november', which is now lol. So maybe in a couple of days if you wanna wait for it? But its hard to trust low level support staff.

            • @f0x13: Well after seeing the comment you mentioned below we will keep waiting for now. It isn't acceptable even on PS5 with that level of blur. It's still up on the air though of how long it will take them to fix.

              Yeah saw on Reddit that update was meant to drop yesterday/today? Haven't seen anything of course haha.

  • Sorry this might be a complete n00b question but will 4k120 have an affect if you're just watching foxtel sport channels?

    If I don't game and mainly watch sports, is there much point getting this TV? Am I better off going for Samsung Q70, LG NanoCell (looking at LG 65NANO80TNA) or Hisense 65Q8? Or would the X9000 still be superior despite the 4k120 issue? Thanks

    • +1

      Gaming only. Otherwise great TV

      • Thanks cheapaschips. $2042 at JB Hifi, hold or buy? I hear there is a bit of stock shortage across the board.

        • +1

          Depends, It's not the cheapest it has been (I think I've seen close to $1900)

          I'd expect it to get around this price again before the end of year in a special…just if you can wait or how badly you want it/need it now.

          Edit : try using cashback or gift cards to reduce price further

  • +2

    For anyone following this, Sony has FINALLY acknowledged there is a blurriness issue with their firmware:


    "Why is the text on the TV blurry when receiving a 4K 120Hz signal from another device?"

    Looks like my suspicion of them holding off announcing the issue until the PS5 launch held true.

  • +2

    Vincent Teoh has just shared an update on this matter - TL;DW:- a potential fix is being prepared. Sony is aware and will be potentially issuing a firmware update at “some stage”


    • Any updates or fixes appeared yet? Looking at this TV myself, but waiting to see if the issues are resolved.

      • +2

        The update/fix for this issue is being “looked at”. I think Sony’s announcement was more of an acknowledgement of the issue rather than a fix for the issue. It might be a while before the latest firmware containing the fix is issued, if at all. I am hopeful though, I only recently purchased the 75” x9000h and I love this thing.

        • I'm hoping by acknowledging the issue officially they're aware of it being able to be fixed. You'd think they wouldn't acknowledge it if it couldn't be fixed.

  • +1

    Another update:

    Sony has REMOVED VRR & ALLM from the HDMI2.1 features list of the x900H on the AU store page:


    I did grab a screenshot of it before the change, but it doesn't show the URL address unfortunately.

    • What?? You can't just remove features like that.. Optimistically I'd think they just removed it because they're not sure when it will be implemented, but seriously. They're still showing 4k120 and that hasn't been officially released in Australia yet. It also still shows those features on the American version's website. Might need to contact them about that…

      Edit: Also checked the Reddit post and someone posted this about the American version of the TV. https://upload.vaa.red/i/cZ2ew.jpeg States VRR and ALMM will be available Spring 2021.

      I got an older version of the website which lists those features, here for reference. https://ibb.co/HPtjNF9
      We're going to contact Sony about this because if they're seriously pulling those features from the Australian version, we're demanding a refund. VRR is also essential.

      • +1

        Yeah one of the guys at AVS forums was kind enough to do a Wayback machine comparison for me, i think its the same image you've grabbed.

        Speculation is its AU lawyer speak, but they had the stipulation of 'pending firmware update' on the page anyway, so it doesn't make sense for Sony to go through the trouble and remove it from the AU page. I checked other regions pages and they all still have VRR & ALLM featured.

        Honestly its making me believe its a hardware issue, as Sony stated the blurriness was a bandwith problem. Adding VRR and ALLM may just trouble it further.

        How did you guys open a ticket with Sony? Via the contact us page email / phone?

        • Yeah that's how I got the comparison too.

          Even if it is lawyer speak, they're still advertising 4k120 which still hasn't officially been released in Australia, so why remove VRR and ALLM?

          There are no live chat support people available so we are trying to call them. Got through before and the person said they needed to check with someone why the website has changed, was on hold then got hung up on, how convenient. Tried calling again on the same phone, hung up on before getting through to anyone. Now trying a different phone number.

        • +1

          Ok big update. Got through to someone the third time. Her initial response was to wait for the update to come some time this month, but we questioned that as the website still mentions 4k120 which hasn't even been officially released in Australia yet. We asked again why those features have been removed from the website. She actually didn't know what to say (poor girl), so we suggested either Sony could work with us to arrange a refund otherwise we will need to get Consumer Affairs involved. She then asked us to send the invoice for the TV and said we will be contacted in 2 business days, either with an outcome as to why those features have been removed, or to organise a refund.

          So there's a few things that could have happened here:
          1. Someone 'accidentally' removed those features from the website, but it had the disclaimer saying those features would come in a future update so that doesn't make sense.
          2. They removed the features as they aren't planning on implementing them, or the timeframe for implementing them is a lot longer than they originally intended.

          Either way, despite the girl we spoke to speaking with a manager, they couldn't give an answer as to why those features were removed from the website. Not good at all.

          • @kittymtd: Geez that's a huge and troubling update.

            Even if someone 'accidentally' deleted it, its a very pronounced part of the list to make a mistake on.

            So wait for the new update, but Sony can't give an ETA. The set will be 4 months old in December and getting harder and harder to make a case for return the longer we have to wait.

            Please keep us updated mate.

            Edit: Just chatted with Sony AU - girl was very rude and unhelpful. I've saved the transcript for the record. Anyways she said too the removal was a mistake and that VRR ALLM will be in the next update.

            She also said that they are the ones to determine if there a refund. This made me lol in surprise.

            • @f0x13: Oh so it's a 'mistake' is it? Why hasn't it been fixed and put back on the website? I don't believe that, looking at the previous version of the website the footnotes were the same for 4k120, VRR and ALLM, that they would be provided in a future update. Why remove them when the footnotes were still correct? The footnotes for VRR and ALLM were 6 and 7 respectively, and now they've been removed 6 and 7 have now been allocated to other areas.

              Also saying it will be in the next update.. But when exactly will the next update be? If it's Spring 2021 that's between March and May for us. Surely by then you could also use the argument that it hasn't been provided in a reasonable timeframe as per the guidelines with Consumer Affairs.

              You could try calling instead? We'll definitely keep you updated what happens with us, but just fed up with the whole 'it will be in a future update' line.

  • +1

    BIG Update:

    Sony never bothered calling. Sent an email at 7am with a reference code saying they've approved our refund, and to contact the retailer we bought the TV from (The Good Guys) to sort this out.

    Checked the website today, those features still aren't listed. So Sony isn't even trying to argue with or convince us that the omission is a mistake or to wait for a further update, they'd rather just give us a refund.

    Doesn't bode well for the VRR and ALLM features to actually be added here in Australia.

  • Thanks for the update. Saga's finally over for you guys! What's next?

    • We haven't contacted the Good Guys just yet. Trying to look at other options for HDMI 2.1 TVs in case they try and say we can only get store credit and not a full refund (not sure what the rules regarding this are??).

      Not many options though, limited to the Samsung Q80T or Q90T (apparently issues with VRR and HDR in game mode, ghosting), LG Nano91 (no local dimming and has bad blooming) or LG CX (expensive and burn-in issues). At least all those TVs have working 4k120 with no blur, VRR and ALLM unlike the Sony.

      I'd personally prefer to get a full refund and just see what TVs come out next year as we've still got the Sony X9000e which does 4k60 really well we can use in the meantime, but who knows when the new TVs will be released and what improvements they'll make??

      What is your plan?

      • Yep sadly the other option is the CX but yes burn-ins are still a thing unless you want to babysit. Or get the dull gaming presentation of a Q80T. Both are more expensive also. But BF sales are next week.

        The other option is to refund and wait if you can? CES is in January and that's when they announce the new TVs which then gets released around April/May. We got the x9000s late here in Aus because of Covid. Might be the same next year, who knows at this point.

        I was going to wait until the new firmware before requesting a refund, but who knows when that'll be. Sony Italy say December but we never officially got the 1st firmware update in Australia as you know, let alone the 2nd one released yesterday in the USA. I'm in the middle of trying to buy a house so dealing with this TV has been an added hassle.

        • Yeah I'm thinking the best option is to get a refund and wait to see how they can improve the HDMI2.1 technology in the TVs next year. Will let you know what we decide, we're going to think about it over the weekend.

          Not sure if you've browsed the AVS forums today but the new update in the USA didn't even do anything different, it's got the same patch notes as the prior one. Maybe it just fixed the extra bugs such as the TV restarting and audio issues, but the 4k120 is still blurry.

          Also the fact that the Australian website still has the VRR and ALLM features missing is concerning. You really need VRR to utilise 4k120 properly without screen tearing.

          That is a hassle, good luck with the house hunt! I'm pretty sure based on our experience you'd be able to press them for a return also if it came to that, as they can't argue against the fact that they've removed previously advertised features.

          • @kittymtd:

            Not sure if you've browsed the AVS forums today

            This is funny to me because out of all this time, the Aussie info you've been telling me is the one I've actually posted over at AVS, as i'm active over there. Obviously you don't recognise my username :)

            I post all the info there first before posting here, then cross it to whirlpool.

            Yeah be interested to see what you guys decide on. Apparently the VRR issue with the CX was patched 2 days ago. Its amazing that LG can address their issues so quickly whilst Sony, whom are supposed to be more superior, go for months without saying or acknowledging anything and take just as long to release updates.

            Aussie poster on Reddit got a refund yesterday from Sony, and you got your approval, so it does look like they're at least doing it despite the support girl being rude to me about it.

            • @f0x13: Haha nah I've seen you posting in there, just don't check all the posts as too many people post stupid questions they could answer with a quick google, so I skim through.

              Checking the CX sub on Reddit they're still having issues after the update I think.. Again only skim read, didn't go into detail.

              That may have been my partner as he doesn't have an Ozbargain account so has only been posting there. I'm posting here also so the issue is more well known.

  • +1

    Quick update. The Good Guys emailed us before contacting them confirming they'd received Sony's request to return the unit. However The Good Guys only asked what unit we want to replace it with. According to the Consumer Affairs Victoria website if there is a major problem with a product, we can ask for a refund or replacement. So we are responding back to clarify what our options are, as initially they're only offering to replace it. They're probably hoping we'll just ask for a different TV rather than giving us the option of a refund.

    • +1

      Ok that's interesting that Sony actually contacted GG. Thanks for the update.

      Black Friday sales this week so if you guys wanted to exchange now is the time. But as you mentioned before, the options are pretty slim. Good luck!

      • Yes we will keep an eye out for any sales. GG came back today and clarified that we do have the option of a full refund (they were trying to hide it!), so will give it a good think over the next few days. If their warranty covers burn-in we may consider the LG CX if prices come down. LG has at least shown that they address issues in a timely manner.

        • Get your money then decide what to do, even if you decide to purchase from them again there is no advatage to using credit! If your store credit card offers extra warranty/insurance etc you want that cover to start again.

          • @911r: Do you mean no advantage to using store credit? We purchased the TV outright, not using a credit card.

            • +1

              @kittymtd: damn sorry i made the wrong edit - i meant no advantage to using "store credit" but there may be advantages to using your own "credit card".

    • +1

      i will go to jb hifi tomorrow and request a refund for mine, im done with this sony bs

      • Love the username! We had a good experience with our last Sony tv and trusted them, so we're super disappointed. FeelsBadMan

        I've just checked the AU website and they still haven't added the VRR and ALLM features back despite our query about it resulting in them offering us a refund, so it makes me think they're just not promising those features to Australians at all. Mention this to JB Hi-Fi, that features that you purchased the TV for were removed by Sony after your purchase. There's not much they can argue against that, Sony didn't even want to try and explain why the features have been removed from their website and offered a refund very quickly as soon as we mentioned Consumer Affairs.

  • Was looking at this TV for my new PS5.

    So there has been no firmware updates to address this issue?

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