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Breville The Barista Pro (Smoked Hickory) + Bonus 1kg Coffee via Redemption $899 @ The Good Guys


Great coffee machine with 1kg bonus coffee (via redemption). I think $999 at other places

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys

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  • ive had my barista express for 2 years now. love it. is this a upgrade?

    • +1

      Believe it is similar except has that digital display

      • And no pressure gauge on the pro.

        • No deal! I love that gauge to an unreasonable extent.

        • what pressure gauge does? I mean how it helps?

          • +2

            @wrx5: the gauge lets you know how much pressure is needed to press the water through the coffee - too much and it will taste bitter, too little and it will taste sour.

            This machine uses volumetric instead of the gauge. So you can set it to pour through 30ml of water in 30 seconds. If it comes out in 20 seconds then you know it's too quick. Also, you can easily look at the stream of coffee to see how the pour is going.

            That said, I would not recommend this machine to beginners as it requires more baseline understanding of how coffee is made than the express for example

            • +1

              @Sir Flabo: Thank you, that was interesting.

            • +1

              @Sir Flabo: thanks for the explanation. looks like making good coffee is not as easy as it looks… a lot to learn to enjoy something good.

        • Pro got a slightly upgraded heating system too.

        • +1

          And no pressure gauge on the pro.

          And basket is 54mm (not 58).
          And grinder is built-in.

          It should not have "Pro" in the name.

          • @SickDmith: Compared to my sister's $5000 rocket giotto this machine holds it's own very well. I've come from a dual boiler 58mm basket and separate grinder and have not noticed any difference in taste or the consistency of the shots.

            I'd think that in a blind test you wouldn't be able to know. My 2cs anyway

            • -1

              @Sir Flabo: Dude, this is ozbargain, it's not about results, it's about how the stats measure up so that when you're measuring your epeen against other ozbargainers you have something to point to.

    • I've been looking into upgrading my barista express also. I dont think anything below the double boiler is an upgrade for breville, but even then, its still Breville and has the likelihood of failing within 5 years so I'm told. Next step for me will be a Gaggia, Rancilio or Lelit

    • In short, no not worth it at all. Very minor upgrades from your current machine.

      • I've never used the express but my understanding is that it takes ~30 seconds to transition from coffee to milk frothing? If that's the case then the pro is ~3 seconds. It's also ready to go pretty much instantly compared to the express (assuming after you put through 1-3 ghost shots first to heat the metal up).

        …basically, I agree with you totally but given the choice between the two at a modest mark up, I'd go for the pro (which I did).

        • Yup that's pretty much the main difference and for me I don't think that is worth the extra coin just for a few less seconds but, to each their own :)

          I think there is more value in having a pressure gauge personally even if it's on a model down version.

  • +2

    I'm not sure I want my coffee to taste like smoked hickory….

  • My Barista express stopped working today. It is about 4 - 5 years old. Should I repair or replace? I

    • +1

      Repair. Not a good time to be buying a new coffee machine. For example, pre Covid, this machine was often on special for under $700.

      • $699 at Costco online at the moment. If I buy the steam pump assembly and try to diy I would be up for $100. If I get it checked out and fixed it might be around $250. but then something else might go wrong. It's always the problem with appliances.
        But thanks, I might have a look at it tomorrow and make a decision.

      • yes looks like it went down to $638


    • +1

      4-5 years is actually really good for Breville/Sunbeam machines. If budget allows, I'd go an entry level Italian heat exchanger around $1-1500. They generally have a much better lifespan and even if something do fail, it's cheaper to fix.

      • which HX machine for that price? other than the oscar 2

        • I was thinking Oscar 2 - probably the best bang for money. Never had an issue with mine before I upgraded to dual boiler.

          Quick Mill Silvano, note it's heat block, not HX.

          Have also came across a couple of Isomac display units around 1500 mark.

          • @sky42856: cheers thanks for the tip. I've been researching, but couldnt see many "cheap" HX machines other than the oscar 2, then the 2k+ machines. I'm just not completely sold on the aesthetics of the oscar…

            • @WillisAU: I agree with your assessment of the aesthetics…I know the features should trump form, but it will be sitting on display and needs to have WAF.

  • +2

    I have this exact unit and it's flawless - for the price. Although, I managed to get it about a month or so back with the good guys 20% online sale. I went in person and they ended up reducing the price to ~$600. Based on that I'd say this isn't a deal. It's not worth $899 for what it is and these shops are clearly just sitting on fat margins.

  • Question for anybody who has this or the Express or the Touch….

    Can you grind into a different container or only into the portafilter? For example could I use the grinder on this machine to grind for pour over or cold brew?

    • +1

      I have got the pro version.. you can grind into different container by holding the little switch at the rear of portafilter holder under grinder … its little tricky to reach though .. I do it for running out the residual beans when i change the brand of beans or grind size

    • +2

      The touch does the automatic milk frothing.

      This one you need to hold the milk jug until it frothed..

      I have this one and its good bang for you buck when you can get it around $600-$650

      • +1

        Agreed. Alternatively, if you love the automatic milk frothing but don't want the price of the touch then consider the bambino + separate grinder

    • +1

      yeah you can press the grinder button with your finger then catch the coffee in a receptacle of your own choosing. Easy

  • Sadly this price you are pretty much paying $50 - $99 for the extra 1kg bean, before any discounts.

  • Same here..

    great machine but I got it for like $600ish with GG on eBay PayPal coupons.

    If you want the automated milker Costco sell the next model up

  • +2

    Was umming and ahhing for too long, now coffee machine prices are off the charts!

    • Wait till black friday - or the like

      Hopefully will go on sale again - i bought mine circa $630 in previous sale with bonus things

      Great machine!

  • For this money I'd be looking for the dual boiler thb

  • The one at work crapped itself after about 12 months.

    • How many people using it, ie how mayn coffees per day? Brevilles are meant for home use..

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