Is It Normal That It’s THIS Dusty during The Summer?

Hi fellow Ozbargainers,

I’ve never spend my summer holidays in Australia and this is the first time I’m spending my summer holidays here due to COVID. This might sound like a dumb question but is it normal that my room gets a lot dustier during the summer?

Like, I wipe my bed headboard with a microfibre cloth and literally in two days it’s just full of dust. I tried vacuuming my carpet floor regularly to decrease the amount of dust but the results were to no avail. Also, I don’t open my windows.

I came from a place that is humid and did not experience this (it wasn’t this dusty) Hence, it’s frustrating to me to see a lot of dust in my room and wondering if it’s caused by Australia’s dry weather.

On a side note, does anyone know if an air purifier actually helps in decreasing dust? I’ve read comments on the Xiaomi purifier 2H/3H and someone mentioned that it does not help in reducing micro dust so any insights or reviews would be greatly appreciated.

1. Is it normal for dust to collect easily and quickly in Australia given that the weather is drier?

2. Is it normal for your room to be dustier during the summer?

3. Is Xiaomi Purifier 2H/3H good in reducing amount of dust and microdust in your room?

Thank you in advance for any advice and answers. :D


  • Yes, Yes, Yes

    Thank you in advance for any advices

    No thank you. I was unaware there was a plural form of advice.

    • +1

      You can probably tell that English isn’t my first language from all the grammatical errors in the post :) Thanks for the answer though :D

      • Well your English is better than my (insert your native language here).

  • Where are you op?

  • Re: the purifier - I get a lot of dust in my room, I bought a 3H purifier about 6 months ago and while I believe it did reduce dust a small amount I still have to dust regularly.

    For dusting I just throw the dusting brush attachment on my vacuum and run that across all the surfaces in my room. Makes dusting super quick and easy.

    • Ive never used the dusting brush attachment so I should def try it now. Thank you so much for the tip :D

  • Probably just dust blowing in off the Olympic dam mine. Nothing to worry about.

    • :o Hopefully it stops blowing towards my direction

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