Kindle Case / Cover


Looking for an el cheapo Kindle 3 case.

Just want to protect it in my back pack when travelling.

Basic, no frills.

Thank you for any help :)


  • +2

    I think the cheapest no frills Kindle Case idea I've seen is a padded/bubble envelope. Otherwise, DX have a few simple PU cases around $10.

    • haha to padded envelope +1

    • mate that's the greatest idea!!!!!!! hahaha. i think ive saved some from all the stuff that gets sent to me.

      if that fails, i'll check out Deal Extreme. Never had anything to do with them before tho…

      what is PU?

      • PU: polyurethane leather. Fake/plastic leather basically.

        If you decide to go DX, make sure you allow plenty of time. It can take sometimes up to two months to receive your delivery! They are cheap, but you pay in time…

        • ok cool.

          thanks for the heads up!

          But is their stuff going to be really bad quality and fall apart? Of course i understand it's going to be "cheap" but is it going to be unpractically cheap?


        • I ordered this pink cover about a year ago and it's still going strong…

          As the casing is a little bit thick it provides a good level of protection. It does mean it weighs down the kindle, but I think most sturdy covers will be like that too.

        • sounds great! i want it to be thick and sturdy.

          So none of those 4 corner straps have broken yet? They seem like the weakest link.


        • Not at all. The top two are thick black elastic, like pants elastic for example. And the bottom are just holders, as in you slide your kindle down in the bottom two straps and then ease the top black elastic straps to secure the kindle in the case.

  • Otherwise checkout Ebay - tonnes of choice on there, especially if you pickup "worldwide".

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