Core i3 notebook for $400-$500


Anyone seen any good deals on a notebook in that price range (but preferably closer to $400)? I'm a uni student looking for something that'll last for a 4 year degree. No gaming required, just word processing, web browsing, online lectures, etc.

Ideally I'd like a Core i3 processor, with a 15.6 inch screen. I've seen Core i3's come up in that price range before, but can't seem to find anything now. Any ideas?



  • +1

    Here's one for $399 after cashback…

    Have you thought about buying something smaller/lighter? If you're going to be carrying the laptop with you everyday, you may be better off with a netbook e.g.…

    • Thanks v1c, that Acer looks pretty good. The only thing I don't like it about, having read some reviews, is the glossy screen - I'd prefer something less reflective. Other than that it looks pretty good. I'll see if I can find one in a store nearby and if the screen is reasonable, it might be the way to go. :)

      (BTW I won't be taking the laptop with me to uni very often, so I'm happy for it be a bit on the big side. I'd rather a nice, big screen that's easy on the eyes, instead of something more portable. And I'd like more power than a netbook offers.)

      Anyone have any experience with this Acer (or Acer laptops in general)? Any other recommendations?

      Thanks again for the suggestion.

  • Still looking. :) Thanks for the suggestion cwongtech. That Lenovo looks pretty good, though I think you meant the first option (the i3 for $499)? Any other comments on whether that's worth buying?

    I also have come across a deal from Australia Post, that can be seen in their online catalogue:…

    It's an Acer Aspire AS5750, with a 15.6" screen. The only other details they give are: "Intel Core i3 Gen 2 processor. 4GB RAM. 640GB hard drive." Anyone familiar with this model? I guess the screen will be glossy though, given that the other Acer from is glossy. Annoyingly they don't give a full model number or say which i3 processor it has.

    Any thoughts on which of these deals is the way to go? Or anyone come across any other deals? What are the odds of a coupon code coming up sometime soon for the Lenovo website?

    • Ah, the 2nd option was at around $539.10 or so previously during their sale, $39 more than your targeted price range, but now it's jumped back up to $599.

  • +1

    I bought a Lenovo Edge E520 off these guys at
    Pretty good,got my cash back soon after, and now waiting for Lenovo's cash card.
    Took a while for the laptop to arrive though (3 weeks).

    You can get a Lenovo 15% off code from them as well, or ask lenovo on twitter

    • Alternatively, whim a user called "lead_org" for a code on Whirlpool for a code

  • Considering your usage I would strongly recommend the Lenovo G570 from MSY. It is a B950 instead of an i3 but you wont notice any difference. $349 after cashback, you can use the extra $ to buy an SSD or something.

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