Pepsi Vs Coke, Which Do You Prefer?

Which soft drink do you prefer drinking?

Poll seems hard to change, please think of Coke Zero as Coke No Sugar as the Zero is unattainable (Credits Loulou1)

Taste is different depending on if you drink the canned or bottled version. Glass bottles contain real cane sugar and taste the best.

Poll Options

  • 36
  • 369
    Pepsi Max
  • 3
    Pepsi Vanilla
  • 18
    Pepsi Max Vanilla
  • 309
  • 232
    Coke Zero
  • 159
    Coke Vanilla
  • 20
    Coke Zero Vanilla
  • 83
    I can't seem to wrap my head around this question and will choose this option like a good citizen.


  • +37


    • +2

      Where can you even buy cane sugar doctor pepper these days. I remember you used to be able to buy it at off the shelf at BI-LO, but when I go to BI-LO today there is a Coles instead.

      • +2

        Candy stores usually sell imported dr pepper varieties….

        • +1

          Candy stores?

        • those are the corn syrup ones.

      • +2

        Sometimes they have it at Woolies in their international UK section in bottles.

      • +2

        Spudshed in WA. $13.00 / 12 cans? Special goes down to $7.00/12

        Also have A&W Root Beer, Canadian Dry Ginger Ale, Cherry Coke.

        • A&W root beer…..drool

        • Which spudshed? Morley never has any…

          • +1

            @Michael15286: Spudshed Joondalup has them every couple of weeks. It goes pretty fast.

      • +1

        Costco is where I buy mine

  • No Other option?

    I like kirk's sugar free lemonade and lemon squash

    • +1

      I can make a seperate poll later for subsidiaries. Kirks Lemonade is the best I've had and its owned by Coke Amatil

      • +2

        Amatil is no more by the way.

      • +1

        Kirks is the most inferior lemonade flavour.

        Schweppes is where it is at.

        • Sprite Zero is the king of lemonades.

    • +10

      Fresh, filtered water - there's nothing better for your health.

      And it doesn't rot your teeth

      • -2

        "Fresh, filtered water - there's nothing better for your health."

        Not so good for your enjoyment of life though … you must lead a very boring life with all those "health foods" and only water to accompany them.

        • +2

          I really like Soda water actually, I find I don't think many soft drinks anymore.

        • +21

          no YOU must lead a boring life if you rely on coke to provide you with enjoyment

          • -2

            @Mr Haj: "YOU must lead a boring life if you rely on coke"

            I imbibe a variety of drinks such as beer & wine, with Coke being a fairly minor player nowadays.

            What's with "relying on"????????
            Are you implying an addiction?
            I've never been addicted to anything.

            • +2


              I've never been addicted to anything.

              Evidently it seems as if you're addicted to making yourself look like a fool.

      • +2

        And it doesn't rot your teeth

        TOOTH-BRUSHING to the rescue !!!!!

        Hurray !!!!!!

        So easy, so simple :-]

        • Do you brush with cola?

          • @scottySK: Do you?

            I know brushing with scotch or vodka. That is it really.

        • +2

          I'm pro softdrink, but FYI the acid in Coke or Pepsi temporarily softens tooth enamel, so brushing soon after drinking it is a bad idea as you'll actually wear away the enamel with the brushing.

          • @bmerigan: it will make the teeth cleaner ;)

          • @bmerigan:

            FYI the acid in Coke or Pepsi temporarily softens tooth enamel

            For how long teeth have to be kept submerged in Coke or Pepsi for the enamel to soften ???

            Usually a soft drink will be swallowed rather than kept inside your mouth.
            And after swallowing, natural saliva will wash away whatever is left within minutes.

            NOT brushing your teeth after eating and/or drinking is, on the other hand, the real problem.
            Not what you eat or drink

            It is inexplicable how some traditions teach about brushing your teeth as soon as you get up in the morning … and then nothing!.

            Should be the opposite: brush your teeth after eating or drinking (except water!!) as many times as needed. Simple.

            • @LFO: Your dentist might be a good person to ask.
              The only additional info I can provide: Drinking with a straw greatly reduces the tooth contact.

            • @LFO:

              NOT brushing your teeth after eating and/or drinking is, on the other hand, the real problem.

              I don't really believe this. I think it really depends on what you eat / drink in general. I brush my teeth only once a day at night and I even miss some nights. My dentist says that my teeth are great. I don't have any issues or holes in my teeth.

              Brushing your teeth too hard can also wear down the enamel.

      • +3

        Fresh unfiltered fluoridated water protects your teeth.

  • +12

    I used to love Coke Zero, but they didn’t make that anymore, now they make coke no sugar and I don’t like it at all so drink Pepsi Max. Coke no sugar needs to replace Coke Zero in the options because Coke Zero is unobtainable.

    • Might not be possible, will note the change.

    • +3

      Same here. Coke No Sugar has a rank aftertaste.

      • -4

        "Coke No Sugar has a rank aftertaste."

        Someone has woken up to the synthetic crap being foisted onto us in the name of "health".

      • +13

        disagree. I think Coke No Sugar is pretty hard to distinguish from regular coke. Me and my friends did a blind taste test when it launched with reg, zero, diet and No sugar. And we had great difficutly telling reg from no sugar. I was actually surpised how little the difference was. That being said i do think you notice the difference after a whole can where you can kind of feel the lack of sugar in your system.

        Interestingly, I read that the rebrand (and accompanying new formula) was driven because Coke's research showed like 50% of american's didnt understand that Coke Zero, meant that the drink had no sugar. So i guess they are like, people are so dumb we have to be hyper literal. It's a godawful name, its such a pain to order in a restaurant and mcdonalds, i feel like the waitstaff dont pay much attention after coke, and a good percentage of the time you end up with a regular. The Zero branding was also apparently targeted at men, because basically the people who buy Diet Coke are women, and Coke has been unable to shift that over time until they brought in Zero and No Sugar.

        • +5

          " I think Coke No Sugar is pretty hard to distinguish from regular coke"

          Your tongue is NUMB!
          Also explains the inexplicable popularity of all the other synthetic soft drinks here.

          • +5


            synthetic soft drinks

            I didn't realise Coke or Pepsi are natural 😂

            • @spackbace: "I didn't realise Coke or Pepsi are natural "

              NATURAL SWEETENER.

              Now you know.

            • @spackbace:

              I didn't realise Coke or Pepsi are natural 😂

              Or wine … beer … vodka … cappachinos………..

          • @Gekov: Well it wasnt just me, about 5 of us. Some in NSW and some in VIC, and so we had different sources. I think 3/5 were able to pick, but importantly they werent sure, they were very unconfident.

            We chilled them, drank them from glasses.

            I think coke typically doesnt taste great out of a can or bottle. The bottles are always a bit flatter, the cans are usually less flat, but theres just something wrong about the taste out of it.

            Anyway, your perception of the flavour is influenced by the presentation and the packaging. I certainly dont mind if you strongly prefer one or the other. I just dont think its necessarily factual.

            • +2

              @modiika: "your perception of the flavour is influenced by the presentation and the packaging"

              … partly … BUT mostly from the taste.

              I've yet to find a soft drink to match the taste of classic Coke.

              All the synthetics I've tried have a chemical hint …
              and then comes the aftertaste!

              Of course presentation is important because WARM, FLAT classic Coke tastes horrible.

            • @modiika: too cold a drink reduces your ability to taste it so you would have had a hard time telling the difference

          • @Gekov: Actually the opposite.

            People who can drink regular coke without gagging from all the sugar are completely numb to sweetness.

            Diet coke does have some after taste but someone who drinks that would be much more sensitive to sweet taste then a regular coke drinker.

            • @samfisher5986: "People who can drink regular coke without gagging from all the sugar are completely numb to sweetness."

              Only if you drink it by the bucketful!
              I drink no more than one 375ml can at a time and SLOWLY to enjoy the taste.

              • @Gekov: Not sure you understand. If you drink coke slowly, it doesn't change how sweet it is.

                • +1

                  @samfisher5986: " If you drink spoonfuls of sugar slowly"

                  HMMM … how does one drink "a spoonful of sugar"??

                  And why would anyone compare that to drinking a refreshingly chilled glass/can of classic Coke and claim to be unbiased with respect to sugar [A NATURAL SUBSTANCE]?

                  I think you're a victim of all that anti-sugar propaganda floating around lately.

                  Sugar is OK in moderation, as with all things.

                  • @Gekov: I have no idea what you are talking about, did you drink too much sugar today?

                    • @samfisher5986: "did you drink too much sugar today?"

                      As I've said elsewhere, I drink in moderation, but nowadays I tend to drink mainly ultra-low alcohol beer and sparkling wine with my meals.

                      Occasionally a refreshing, chilled 375ml can of classic Coke doesn't go astray.

                      So you decide if that's "too much".

                      Judging by your extreme anti-sugar bias, even a spoonful of sugar is "too much".

                  • +1

                    @Gekov: 40grams (8 teaspoons) of sugar per can of coke is not "in moderation"..

                    • @Lichen6420: " 40grams (8 teaspoons) of sugar per can of coke is not "in moderation"."

                      Yes, BUT, BUT, BUT, … the enjoyment!

                    • -2

                      @Lichen6420: Try this …

                      Drink an ice-cold, freshly opened can of classic Coke and tell me you didn't enjoy it.

                      I DARE YOU!

                • @samfisher5986: "If you can drink slowly, you can drink quickly" #twosetviolin

              • +1

                @Gekov: Sam's point is the volume you drink regularly. Not how quickly you consume it.

                If regular coke (and/or other equally sugary drinks) are a regular part of your diet, then yes it will influence your perception of the sweetness of other things. You will be biased to find that sweetness normal.

          • @Gekov: Shit you not girl I worked with could narrow it down to from plastic, can or glass as well.
            Yes she is quite large 😂

        • +1

          I though Coke Zero and Coke no sugar taste pretty different. (No sugar being much better)

          • @trapper: Yep, definitely different recipes. Just as diet is different again.

          • @trapper: Yeah I found them quite different too. But more importantly Zero was consistent in flavour, whereas I find No Sugar tends to vary batch to batch. I don't know if maybe it's more heat sensitive or something, but when they made the switch from Zero to No Sugar, we found that some blocks just tasted bad compared to others. Switched over to pepsi max and haven't gone back since.

            Just don't let any of them go past the expiry date - it turns real bad very quickly at that point (mum used to keep a few cans in her fridge but wouldn't drink it quick enough, so we just take our own to her place now…)

          • @trapper: I agree they are very different… I preferred Zero personally.

        • In the US they renamed it to Coke Zero Sugar.
          Meanwhile in Australia they called it No Sugar. Which I thought was odd

        • There's lots of variations in people's tastebuds. Zero is by far the worst of all of them IMO, and as different from Coke as Fanta to me. Interestingly whatever the artificial sweetener is in Diet Coke / Coke No Sugar / Diet Pepsi simply doesn't bind with my sweet receptors and doesn't taste even slightly sweet (just bitter). But Pepsi Max / Kirks no sugar varieties do taste sweet like their sugar containing versions (not the same, but at least characterisable as 'sweet'). But then I'm also one of those people who gets a soapy taste from Coriander.

          One of the things that caused 'new coke' was that blind taste tests showed people preferred Pepsi, but as it turns out, people that drink Coke, did not.

    • I used to love Coke Zero, but they didn’t make that anymore, now they make coke no sugar and I don’t like it at all so drink Pepsi Max.

      These are my thoughts exactly and this is also what I did.

    • Coke no sugar seems to go off relatively quickly. When it's fresh it's best.

    • Are we still calling Coke No Sugar, Coke Zero? That should be the real poll. I've ordered it once very recently since name change and asked for Coke Zero.

  • +16

    Chilled coke vanilla is king

    • +3

      Just make sure u don't grab vanilla no sugar by mistake..

    • +3

      This. Vanilla coke > everything else.

      But for no sugar options, Pepsi Max > Coke No Sugar

    • +3

      Pretty surprised by all the vanilla coke fans on here tbh!

      • "Pretty surprised by all the vanilla coke fans on here tbh!"


        • I've always wanted to like it more than i do, I'm just not sure theres enough vanilla flavor or something. ALso i rarely see regular vanilla coke, i only ever seem to see no sugar or other diet versions.

      • Based on social circle, I thought I was the only one out there! Love it!

      • +1

        Gotta be chilled tho. Room temp is a deal breaker.

    • +2

      Cherry Coke Vanilla is King

  • +3

    Pepsi max mango
    once u add that
    Pepsi max creaming soda

  • +7

    Diet Coke (and it's not the same as Coke Zero/Coke No Sugar).

  • Apple Coca-Cola is amazing when it was out. Vanilla coke all the way.

    • +3

      are you trolling JV with that pfp?

      • +2

        Why was he banned again?

      • Trolling? Nahhhh he's in OzGaol.

        • Ah no jv, I was wondering why I was enjoying my OzB experience so much today. Who did he offend?

  • +1

    Diet coke if any, but I don't drink any except if I forget to change my order at the drive thru and get the default soda coke.

    Mrs has coke zero by the carton.

    I prefer any other soft drink. Mountain dew, crisp apple, coles lime is good.

  • +3

    Pepke or Cosi.

    • Bepis and Cook

  • +1

    Whatever artificial sweetener option has the best special when I go to buy some.

    $2 for 2L Pepsi Max is my go to with no specials. If they're all a similar price then I'll go for Coke No Sugar Vanilla.

    I love Pepsi Max Vanilla and would mainly buy it if I lived alone, but the SO isn't a fan and I'd rather get something else than have to buy two and deal with it getting flat :)

  • does anyone know whats the difference between Pepsi and Pepsi max in terms of flavour?

  • had a pespi after a long break. Was surprised, coke is more flavourful, but less sweet. Went through 2ltrs in two days.

  • Que Cola, just 75 cents

    • +1

      LA ice, but cheaper.

      • LA Ice is crook

  • +2

    Schweppes lemonade.

  • Coke or Coke zero. No substitutes.

    • +2

      "Coke or Coke zero. No substitutes"

      Getting one right out of two ain't bad …

  • +2

    Burger/Chinese - Coke
    Sushi - Coke Zero
    Indian curry - Pepsi Max
    Fish & chips - Pepsi

    • +18

      Burger/Chinese - Beer
      Sushi - Beer
      Indian curry - Beer
      Fish & chips - Beer


      • +1

        You left out …

        Pizza - Beer/Wine

        Actually, I think the Fish&Chips/Burger would go better with classic Coke.

    • plot twist. that’s how they are partnered with

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