Free Month of Premium Usenet
Free Month of Premium Usenet

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Choose: Premium One Month
Code: pcwelt_xsu

100mbit, SSL, 12 connections, 400 days retention!

No payment information needed. Details sent to your e-mail address! New accounts only. Tried to add code to my free account and it didn't accept it. Limited to one account per IP address.

I found this on the Usenet Deals thread at:…

just signed up and using the free month right now! not sure how long this promo will run for


  • sorry for stupid question but wikipedia is too complex and google is not helping…

    what's Usenet?

  • Nice find, thanks!

    Quoting 'Brandon' from the Redflagdeals thread posted above;

    "Wikipedia states that Usenet is a global, decentralized, distributed Internet discussion system. Within Usenet, there are newsgroups for different types of threaded discussion, typically accessed through newsreader software. However, discussions aren't the only things taking place on Usenet newsgroups. The alt.* hierarchy of newsgroups, for example, is home to binaries newsgroups where people may upload and share various types of files and media.

    Unlike BitTorrent, a popular peer-2-peer communications protocol, interacting with newsgroups only requires downloading from a server rather than downloading from peers and uploading to peers. As such, downloading through newsgroups is typically extremely fast, given a proper Usenet service provider. Also, you are only connecting to your Usenet service provider — not any peers or other computers — making Usenet much more secure.


    Check out the thread above and it might help you understand it a bit more.

    • i got page not found. lol

      anyway thanks for info!


    Currently downloading at 1mb/s+ :)

  • +1

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  • Doesnt work => 'coupon incorrect'

  • +2

    shhh first rule of usenet is not to talk about it…

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