A great serious crime drama game Yakuza 0, currently only 6.24AUD
heres a brief outlook of the game:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQS4RMDbHvo but it gives you a general idea of the game.
As the words of the top-rated commenter on the video: "Yakuza is like the godfather except it occasionally gets interrupted by an episode of the Simpsons"
and then there's everyone's idol Goro.
if yer more keen on Yakuza series theres a bundle with 0, kiwami 1 and kiwami 2 for quite a steal $39.82. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/13660/The_Yakuza_Bundl…
although kiwami 2 is a little different in the battle style.
Nice deal! Any other games I should play before this? (I know it's called 0, but still)