Dilemma: Spend $239 to Replace Battery for a 7 Years Old MacBook or Buy a New Laptop

Last week I was told by Apple customer service on the phone that it cost $129 to replace battery for my Macbook Air, but when I went there today I was told, it would cost $239. The staff in the store tried to convince me to buy a new one. I am still weight the pros and cons for this, would like some advice.

Some people may advice me to buy a battery and DIY but i am not confident enough to do it, I watched a clip on yourtube and its seems rather difficult. I do not use my Macbook much, only for word process once or twice a week.

If to buy a new laptop, what is your recommendation? I want a reliable and easy to carry around in my handbag, so light weight is the most important fact to me.



  • +2

    I want a reliable and easy to carry in my handbag one, so light weight is the most important fact to me.

    Buy a new one if you are ok to spent the $$

    • -2

      I see'd what you did they're

  • +5

    I do not use my Macbook much, only for word process once or twice a week.

    You don't need a new Macbook. Get a quote from someone else like those mall/phone kiosks to replace the battery and/or call Apple customer service again tomorrow to confirm and let them know the discrepancy advised in-store.

    • I should make it clear the store they told me to go its only an authorised dealer

      • Authorised Service Center you mean? Should be same price as Apple anyway. Try again with support on the phone tomorrow and see what they say.

        • Yes Authorised Service Center. Ok I may try tomorrow.

  • -4

    what is your recommendation?

    Use the free ones in your local library.

    • +3

      after I finish put in my handbag to carry it around? I am not that brave

  • +4

    The new M1 Air would be an incredible upgrade from the old Air. It is a very powerful machine, screen is better and battery lasts ~16 hours now. For the price vs performance and features it is good value for money, which is something I thought I would never say about an Apple product. You can get them on sale for under $1349 so probably worth considering if you want a computer that will provide years of service.

  • -1


    you can buy a 2011 macbook pro for that price :D

  • +2

    Upgrade. 7 years is a bloody good run.

    • Yes I am very happy with it, but its a shame to upgrade when its still works fine except this battery issue.

      • +3

        Call Apple support tommorow and tell them that the store told you its $239 and you want the $129 price to be honoured since you were already told that it was $129 in the first place.

        • Thanks but I do not think they will as the store its only an authorised dealer

      • +3

        If it works fine and meets your needs just buy a new battery for $239 and move on with your life.

        You will struggle to sell it 2nd hand if the battery is gone, and why create more e-waste if it works perfectly well. 7 years may sound like a long time but CPUs haven't advanced that much.

        • +5

          PCs/Laptops use to be obsolete a couple of years old, but these days even 7 year old CPUs have enough grunt to handle most office based software/web browsing without feeling slow.

          A OS reinstall also does wonders.

  • +10

    Just plug it into mains power when you use it and put it back in your handbag when finished.

  • -4

    Some people may advice me to buy a battery and DIY


    • Come on teacher :)

      The only time when it should actually be s.

    • I twitch too when I see that but with "only word process once or twice a week" I'm thinking English is not OP's first language and I relax.

    • Thanks for point it out. yes I am a bit confused between "advice" and "advise". I will google them

      • Advice is the words given to you to heed, Advise is the act of giving the advice. A wise person gives you some advice!

  • It is actually surprisingly easy to change the battery on the air, I've done it a couple of times. However, with these third party batteries from ebay, they start playing up eventually and its not really worth it. Would try to replace given you rarely use it.

    • yes quality of battery is also my concern, now I am think to do it myself. Where to get a quality battery?

      • is your air a 2014?

        have a read of this guide and post back here if you feel you're comfortable with this process :)


      • +3

        actually further to my post:

        is it a 13" air?

        getting hold of a battery from a reputable seller may be a challenge. Seems like macfixit are out of stock for any batteries for Macbook Air 13" in the ~2014 era. likewise Battery Expert is out of stock for that series of Air, where i got a macbook battery last year. (for a 2013 Macbook Pro)

        I think the advice on the M1 Macbook air (in that its good) is valid, for these reasons: Its lightweight and also sturdy and strong. keyboard is nice to type on (im typing on one now). its a very capable computer, and if you do something that makes it stress, it will just get slightly warm instead of getting super hot like your current Air might. but even if you wont be using it for heavy work, for light tasks its a good choice. FYI zoom, facetime etc wont make it run hot either, unlike your 2014.

        basically, if you can find a battery, and are happy with the process, repairing your air is a good choice, which will extend its life. But buying a new Air, and selling the old one on gumtree after you're all set up on the new one (2014 13" air with dead/dying batt, 400 maybe) will be the lowest effort choice.

        generally, I dont like to be rushed into buying tech, so my advice is dont wait till it dies. instead upgrade while it is worth something to the next person, so you can upgrade on your terms, on your timing. Thats literally what I did when i upgraded my 2013 to the M1 (after years of waiting for the dodgy keyboard models to be replaced). the old pro is still in the household getting use though. But the point is that i dont like having something that is near the end of its life, because the day it dies may be a bad time to have to buy.

        thats just how i see it, I hope the viewpoint helps but theres plenty of other good advice here too

        sorry long post!

        • I really appreciate you take your time to give me some very sound advice. My battery still works ok last more than 5 hours but its hard to start, ie need more than 50% to get start.

          I am starting to looking for a new now and think your advice is very sensible. thanks

          • @jowu15: thanks for reading through my inconsistent capitalisation!

            • @yahms: Thanks for your advices they are very sensible and your invaluable links, you are much quicker than me, so now I read these links.

      • Go to ifixit.com and look in the repair guides to see how to do it yourself.
        IFixit have batteries in stock. I ordered one for my 10 year old Air on Sunday and it arrived yesterday.
        I did my son's 8 year old Air battery 2 months ago and it took about 20 minutes. If you can follow detailed instructions and know which end of a screwdriver to hold you can do it. Only thing is you MUST get the right screwdrivers. iFixit have a battery kit that includes them or if they don't have the kit you can buy them separately.
        iFixit charge AU$120 + $11 for the battery and $130 + $11 for a kit.

        • yep, do it yourself if OP wants to keep it, though at 7yo I would seriously consider upgrading to a base model M1.

        • pb924 thanks for the advice. Just wonder how many hours your son's new battery last from 100% to 0. Do you think battery quality is comparable with original Macbook? thanks

  • +2

    Battery is $189 to replace from the Apple store (see: here) - $129 is what they charge over in the US.

    Could be worth considering a new laptop as the 2013/14 Air's won't get the next MacOS update (Monterey), but probably not if you're only occasionally using it for word processing.

    • Thanks for the info, when I rang they told me because my laptop is an old one, so many store may not service them or have the battery. They found a Authorised Service Center for me, so not an apple store. I am in Melbourne CBD, so they are many store I can go but they may not have stock.

  • +1

    Definitely replace the battery. Either do it yourself with an iFixit battery or get Apple to do it. iFixit can get stock if they don't have it in stock right now. It's super easy to do yourself.

  • It sounds like you've had a good run with the old one, but it seems a shame to throw it away just because it needs a new battery?

    As mentioned above, the new M1 model is leagues ahead and will last you at least another 7 years - so that would be my suggestion, unless money is tight.

    The old one? it's likely to stop getting software/security updates at some stage so an upgrade is inevitable. Some Gumtree/Facebook person might also want it "as is" if the price is right. Otherwise, take it to a 3rd party repairer, get a cheap replacement battery and sell it straight after (assuming the repair cost is worth it).

  • aliexpress has your battery. Do you have any friends who are more confident with replacing these things?

    As above, you'll find someone in your community with the skills to undercut apple no problem.

  • Definitely look into changing the battery yourself to save some money. I got a replacement battery from ebay and it came with a special screw driver too, but for a late 2010 model. Total cost was around $70.

    • thanks for the info. Just want to ask how long your battery last from 100% to 0.

  • OP has stated that it's an 11" MacBook Air.
    These machines are highly regarded by some (for tiny size) and not available any more.

    I'm getting the feeling that OP does not want to do the job themselves, so I'm going to say- get the battery done
    Overall it's a small amount of money that may keep the machine going for a long time

    • Its easy to replace the battery in these, but I have more experience I assume than OP. I have an 11", and replaced the battery for $60 last year, however When I run Mainstage on battery, it lasts less than 2 hours (not sure if that is normal?)

      • Probably normal for a $60 battery. Have you run Coconut Battery on it to get some real battery info?

    • iFixit have local stock of batteries for the 11" Air for $117 or $125 for the kit + $11 shipping.

    • Hi Kaos thanks for the advice. Initially, I was thinking to go to Apple for the quality of the battery and do not want the risk of damage the laptop. Now i am thinking of doing it myself.

  • I have a spare battery for macbook 2011. Not slimlne though, which I think your air would be. I put 8gb ram in it / high sierra OS . Still runs fine.

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