Donner DMK25 deal. Anyone doing anything interesting with it?

Hey OzBees, I was one of the lucky ones who grabbed one for $64. It sat around for about four days and risked slipping into that drawer
Anyway I have it plugged into my gaming Optiplex now and we are using it with Caustic 3. I watched some YouTube videos that helped me make that choice, it is $10 for Android and free for Windows.


  • After about three more days of piddling around with this combo (Caustic + DMK25) I have started to get it configured to a sane starting point. Keep in mind I am starting from a decent base level of technology enthusiasm, but have never used any MIDI device or DAW…

    The DMK25 works with both versions of Caustic I have tried, Win10 and USB OTG to my phones (LG Q6 and Realme C3). Also the QCY T5s in gaming mode really work pretty well with this setup.

    For sanity sake you want the MIDI setting to "one instrument per channel" and to load your BeatBox in to channel 10. That'll make sure the drum pads work. The keys will always play the instrument on Channel 1. I mentíon this because I spent days trying to figure it out.

    The next few settings I want to really lock in is the knobs and dials on the RHS, alternate banks for more drums (or likely for really silly samples) maybe make a cat meow/dog woof novelty instrument to entertain my kids. It is funny how this started with a cheap MIDI board, but the real spark has come from Caustic 3.

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