• expired

nbn 250/25 Elite Mates Home Superfast Plan $99 Per Month (FTTP and HFC Only) @ MATE


Just stumbled across this. Was part of their 6 month discount promo but noticed it has now reduced from $109 per month to $99 per month. By comparison looking at ABB they offer 100/20 for $99 per month and Mate still offer the static IP and Aussie call centre. Pretty great deal

FTTP and HFC Only.

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closed Comments

    • That’s weird. I was with super loop and it was shi* Never a problem with mate. I’m on 100/40


      • -1

        Some ISPs throttle speed test sites, so can't really trust such sites :-(

        • Wow, is there a way to know your speed at all?

  • +2

    Stacks with the $20 on shopback.

    • Is that just $20 on the first signup of $99 I assume?

      • That's correct. Applies on any nbn plan.

        • BYO Modem is not eligible for cashback

          • @G-rig: Can't speak for others, but it has worked for me with BYO Modem.

            • +1

              @ozbargoUser: Cheers, worth a go hey

              just depends how much of a step down in performance vocus is, pretty happy with superloop but shame they can't offer the upgraded speed or so for exist customers. $55-$59 is really enough though for 50/20

  • +2

    Very good service. With them for 3 years now

  • Thanks OP but no FTTC support as usual :-(

    • +3

      Yeah, unfortunately had it not been for Abbott/Turnbull and we stuck to the initial plan fttc should've been a thing of the past..

      • The initial plan was FTTP. I'm not sure why you'd stop at the curb.

        • Just cutting corners and saving money wherever they can

        • Lots of people (especially older folks) didn’t want their front lawn dug up for internet they didn’t even use. FTTC is actually a pretty reasonable outcome (nearly everyone gets 100MBps on it), FTTN is where all the problems began…

          • @stirlo: The existing copper is usually in a conduit, they just send the fibre through it, majority wouldn't need to dig up their lawn at all.

            • @JonoEfthy: Only in newer builds. Most old houses had this issue and there were heaps of complaints during the initial roll out in Tasmania.

    • The upgrade path for FTTC is FTTP. Watch this space.

      • When?
        Only need 10m of cable for final hook up to house.
        Could do it myself?

        • When nbn announce it soon you can order FTTP from your ISP and no you can't do it yourself.

          If you don't want to wait get a $0 instant quote.

          • @Twix: Yeah of course can't do upgrade myself..
            Quote was $3000 couple of months ago. That,s a lot of money for such a short run.

            • @wetwork: $3k is on the low end of quotes. It might be cheaper from your ISP when it comes.

  • I'm FTTN. Am I eligible for this?

    • +1

      Nah FTTP and HFC only.

      • I just got a quote. It's not too bad. Only 16K! For HFC to FTTP.

  • +1

    Thought NBN is meant to make internet access affordable. Kiss goodbye $60/m access.

    • You can still get those kind of plans, check their site out. This is more enthusiast/high end speeds. You can do a 50/20 plan for $69 per month.

      • +1

        Most 50/20 are 70-75 for reputable suppliers.

        250mbps is hardly "enthusiast/high end"… well… globally anyway. Was running 1gbps…

        • +1

          Welcome to "no one should need more than 25mbps here in Aus"

          • @josh3003: And not held accountable for it…

          • +1

            @josh3003: What can't we do with a "basic" 50MBPS connection though to be fair?

            I'm sure there are some business have uses for huge 1000mbps connections etc but most businesses have had access to that sort of thing for ages here in Aus.

            I'm a big techy but honestly find it hard to justify paying for a faster plan than 50/20 as it does everything I need. Tbh the only thing I'd like and thats probably very niche is a faster upload… But I'm not paying $30 more per month for a 100/40 plan just for my Plex leechers to get a bit better connection 😅

            • +1

              @Binchicken22: Agree!! 50/20 plans does all the basic work.. streaming, surfing, day to day video meeting as well as system updates. Up to 8 devices connected so far.

            • +1

              @Binchicken22: Careful about making too much sense. Whinging abt NBN speeds that majority don't need is a sport of choice of those with twitchy speediest fingers and political persuasions

        • +1

          250mbps is hardly "enthusiast/high end"… well… globally anyway. Was running 1gbps…

          …at <1% utilisation, hence why most people choose 50Mbps or less…

    • 20 odd years ago, with a top of the range 56K modem, I had to pay $30 a month for a second Telstra line and $40 a month for Adam Internet (now iiNet). Today's prices seem pretty damn good to me.

      • +4

        I feel bad for those on low income. $70/m for basic internet is NOT cheap.

        • That's very true. It's almost an essential service these days, especially if you have kids.

        • And thats why i teach my kids, put low effort into school and get a low paying job, high effort, higher paying job.

          • @snipercat: no. should tell your kid/s to drop out at yr10 and pick up a trade. that is what i regret for not doing.

        • I disagree. Australia minimum wage is $20.33/hour.
          3.5 hours worth of minimum wage per month is cheap.

          • @dhnqt: You dont pay tax?

            • @[Deactivated]: Err, I do, but I thought we are talking about low income households with very small tax bills

    • NBN was never about affordable internet. It was a bloated government monopolisation of telco infrastructure where the aim was universal access to high speed internet with only a minor focus on affordability.

      The current business plan predicts average wholesale costs of $100 per month before the end of the decade…

  • +1

    I've been with these guys for 5 months on same 250/25 plan (6 month rate at $89) - Melbourne FTTP

    Honestly, a bit hit and miss.

    I used to get 240+ down all the time, then started having it slow down… 110s, 90s, 130s, so I started calling them as technically I was getting half the speeds I was paying for. PS4 was getting as low as single digits connected via ethernet.

    2 out of 3 tech support people have been great, one of them not so much.

    They did apparently escalate the issue to NBN, it's taken a couple of weeks, but seems to be resolved. Placebo perhaps, however, speed test right now:
    255.97 / 19.18 (WiFi)
    176.1 / 3.9 (PS4 ethernet)

    • How are you getting almost a 100Mb less connected via Ethernet? Have you tried WiFi to your ps4 and compared? I guess you're only after a stable connection rather than a fast one for gaming though

  • 2nd time with Mate here. 1st time I left as I found another deal better elsewhere. This time I'm going to leave as speeds have started to decline in the past month or so.

  • How good is this service compared to Aussie Broadband?

  • Is mate down? I am not able to sign up..

  • Had good speeds on mate during peak/off peak but certain services like Twitch and Youtube had terrible stutter/buffering/freezing during peak times even with good speeds. Thankfully though they have a 1 month risk free trial where you can refund if you didn't get the service you expected. I recommend trying them out and see how you go.

  • Mate are so good. I have been with them over a year. Never a problem, after initially there was a fault with nbn. Just tonight I have 107/37 on the 100/40


  • -6

    Why is this a deal?

    • $10 off, I think.

  • Do you get a static IP with ABB?

    • For $5 bucks extra a month.

    • Been with Aussie for a couple of years on HFC. Havent paid for a static IP but the IP has never changed.

    • With ABB, by default you will get CGNAT. You can ask to opt out from CGNAT by calling them and they know what to do.

      ABB IP is super sticky. CMIIW, IP will be the same all the time as long as you dont change the NBN router (im on FTTN in this case).

  • -1

    Tried signing up to this plan and the quoted speed dropped 75% with a 10% drop in price. No deal.

  • Been with mate for 3 years. Have moved house 3 times during that period. Been excellent each move, connection active in the new place as soon as we moved in. Gave approx 1 week notice each time.

    Service is 100/40 had both FTTB and FTTP speeds are consistent 96/36 any time of day.

    Can't fault the customer service either. Would recommend.

  • Based in Perth. Signed up to Mate. All traffic was routed through Sydney, and so I was typically getting 10% of the speed I was supposed to (20-ish megabit with spikes, signed up for 250mb. No, I am not confusing megabits and megabytes).

    Had transferred directly from Superloop 250mbit, and the speed dropped instantly.

    Churned out. Unfortunately was told on the phone that I'd get refunded, before being told over email an hour later that I wouldn't. Fair go, I never called them to troubleshoot, but they didn't stand by their word.

    • I tried Mate for a month and had to cancel my service early, I was getting 88-94 megabits during the day then at around 6pm my speed would drop to 3-6 megabits, I'm currently with Superloop and don't have any issues with speeds at night.

  • Aren't Mate just another Vocus reseller?

    • +1

      Wireline and Vocus.

  • +1

    Not much of a bargain, it was only $89 recently!
    nbn FTTP & HFC Unlimited 250/25 $89/Month for 6 Months (Save $20/Month) @ Mate

    I am on this 250/25 FTTP connection now, kinda disappointed.

    Speed seems to be highly volatile. Teams report 'poor network' quite often during my evening calls!
    Just did a test - only 67Mbps!!!

    Need to contact support, have been busy and procrastinating!

    • Contacted support finally.. after resetting NBN box, switching cables (Cat 5E -> Cat 7) etc.. seems to be better today, hope it stays same!

      • Unless you have some significate interference issues (or if the cable was longer than 20m), the ethernet cable upgrade shouldn't have made a difference. 5e can do 1Gb, but you do get better shielding with cat 6 and 7.

  • We are using 100/20mbps mate connection. The internet is highly unstable, and not happy with the service. Planned to move to another ISP. Mate blames NBN provider, and NBN says everything is fine. So many emails here and there, but all vein.

    Please suggest good ISP that has no buffering, high latency issues. Cheers

  • Thanks. I saw on Whirlpool that mate seem to be pushing through HFC NTD connections so will give them a try. Was happy with ABB at my last place but being stuck without internet while working from home is a bit of a problem.

  • Signed up with Superloop - they offering 250/25 for $100 for six months.
    AB won't price match even though they have the same offer for new customers (not offered to the existing customers, shame)

  • For that price I would expect pretty appalling contention ratios. Worth a try but have an exit strategy.

    • One month free with them. I am on 100/40 and no complaints. I can watch 4k tv in my upstairs lounge and I have two teens mostly upstairs.

      • Yep, If not many people in your area are using mates you'll have a good time.

        Contention ratios are how much bandwidth for an area Mate buys from NBN divided by number of clients.

      • When you say one month free, how easy it is to ask for that? It is not like ABB that they clearly offering a month's free.

        Lots of company throwing around the word 'guarantee' but when it comes to actually guaranteeing it, it is a different story.

  • TPG 250/50 for $99 a month for existing users coming off the 6 month free speed upgrade.

  • i got 200M from TPG $85

    • How do you get that, I dont see it on their site

  • Vouch for them, referred twice and payments is seamless. Never had to contact thier support. Seamless the service is.

  • Is this available for all addresses? When I check, the mate website says it is but it was not so a few weeks ago and so something has changed for the better?

  • And here I am reading the comments with FTTC. Having no way to upgrade from 100/40.

  • I'm on IINET Superfast and can't seem to break past 100M on FTTP. I reckon there's a fair amount of congestion where I live so will be going either Mate or ABB pretty soon if the techicians can't resolve.

    • Some other reasons are a faulty Ethernet cord between the NTD, router and devices or the router can't handle those speeds. Make sure you are using 5GHz for Wi-Fi. What router are you using?

      • +1

        Thanks, they are new ethernet cables and I've tried different computers plugged straight into my Asus rt-ax88u.

        • +1

          RT-AX88U has no problem handling Gigabit let alone 250Mbps. It has to be congestion or another problem on iinet's end. You can have Aussie BB or Mate connected at the same time as iinet running off a second port.

  • You quickly realise that you don’t want to stray too far from ABB, SL or Telstra if you value a consistent, reliable connection.

    You might save a few bucks or get a higher theoretical speed for the same price, as I was tempted by this offer but you quickly realise that even one poor meeting experience, or not getting a game patch at maximium line speed, or having a Kayo stream drop just isn’t worth a saving of $20 over a month.

    For that, I’ll take 100Mbps on those three RSPs over a Vocus reseller 250Mbps.

    • I have that issue with 100/20 ABB and Kayo live stream buffer/drops (NRL, V8s or F1 live for example) but playback is fine, but it becomes annoying trying to watch live sports sometimes.
      I also had the same problem with Exetel 50/20 plan.
      It might be the service in my area as I've switched from the Exetel supplied modem to Deco M5 mesh and it has only slightly improved wifi but the buffering issue is still present.

      • The problem is Kayo's CDN and the buffering happens with different ISPs.

      • Looks like it's a known issue with ABB when you're receiving content from the Akamai CDN. The Cloudfront CDN works fine.


        Okay so maybe ABB, take them out off the list - they were quite good until around July 2020 when I left them for SL because the CVC was congested in the evenings on my POI (and two others I know of in Victoria) and for some reason they didn't adjust it up.

        Superloop have been flawless for over a year for me, even with plenty of live Kayo sports from both Akamai and Cloudfront.

        No matter how good Mate customer service is, at the end of the day, it's just a reseller of Vocus which is known to have crap contention.

        • Thanks for the link, silly me I was searching aussie nbn instead of abb.
          How do you check the CVC are congested or not?

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