Firestick craps all over Chromecast

I just bought a $50 FireStick from the GoodGuys thanks to a deal kindly posted on here. It's the one on special from the GoodGuys that is reportedly the now 'old' version of the 'new' one they sell for $100 called the 'MAX'. I really love it/the thing absolutely rocks.

I can't believe how much better the FireStick is than ChromeCast (CC) devices; which I suddenly now hate, a lot. I have bought two CCs over the years in efforts to circumvent my crappy free-to-air reception, the most recent one less than a year ago. Those spectacularly suckworthy CCs have been and endless headache, in just about every way imaginable. No way to stream straight to the CC from the modem/router, stuttery/crap streaming from my laptop or any phone (tried numerous friends' top-of-the-line phones) to either CC, both CCs 'randomly' and frequently 'forgetting everything' and requiring a factory reset/totally new set-up process to get them back to functional, etc.

Compared to all that BS rubbish, the FireStick is like some sort of mystical little gateway to Utopia. I set it up in less than 4 minutes, and it works perfectly. It is preprogrammed (or is 'primed' a more correct word?!? Not my field!) to stream all the free-to-air channels live, direct from the modem/router; without the need for any intermediary device (no laptop or phone required). Similarly, unlike either of my puke-provoking CCs, it is preprogrammed to stream YouTube on demand, and it also appears that it can facilitate the use of the 'the internet in general' on my crappy old TV (though I haven't tried that yet; no real need to).

So in conclusion, if like me you have tried to transform your crappy old (but acceptably large-screened) TV into a ‘smart’ TV using a CC device and found the process lacking, I strongly suggest getting one of these $50 FireSticks. This thing is great, and it is right up there with the best purchases I have ever been led to by OzB.


  • +2

    You still watch free to air TV?

    • +1

      Mmmyeah, mostly the news and the like, but other 'non-torrentable' stuff as well. Even watching downloaded stuff on my TV was often a hassle due to my completely crapulous ChromeCasts. I feel like my life has turned a major corner digital entertainment-wise, thanks to the way worship-worthy FireStick I bought today.

      • Can it stream the WBBL/BBL from Channel7 which only seems to allow over-the-air reception as opposed to IPTV?

    • +5

      News flash! Not everyone is like you.

      • Sadly not operator, but just imagine what a perfect world it would be if they were!

  • +5

    Are yours chromecast or chromecast with google tv?

    • -4

      No 'Google TV' involved. I have heard that term, but I don't really know what it refers to exactly. Notably though, there is no 'Google TV' involved with this FireStick.

      • +5

        I have heard that term, but I don't really know what it refers to exactly.

        It is a media player similar to the fire stick, but better.

        • -1

          … and just to make sure we are 'comparing apples with apples' JV, can I buy it for fiddy bucks?

          • +3

            @GnarlyKnuckles: You can get it for around $40…

            • -1

              @jv: Does it come primed/ready to stream all the free-to-air TV stations in Melboure, via a remote, directly to the TV it is plugged into, via a modem/router? If so, I want to check this 'Google TV' thing out …

              • +3

                @GnarlyKnuckles: Yes, all the free to air apps work on it fine…

                You connect it directly to your home network. You don't need another device to control it, it comes with a remote.

          • @GnarlyKnuckles: This bundle comes with $95 Netflix credit…


            So the Google TV is just over $40….

              • +3


                No JV. What you have linked to costs $140.

                That includes $95.94 (6 months) Netflix credit that you can add to any existing or new Netflix account.

                • -8

                  @jv: Read above. Like the vast majority of Australians, I do not value 'NetFlix'. I'd much rather 'chill' without it (we prefer music).

                  • +4


                    I do not value 'NetFlix'.

                    You can sell it to someone for $85, you'll still be better off.

                    • -8

                      @jv: Erm … my time is worth money jv. How long/much hassle/risk do you estimate would be involved in trying to flog 6 months worth of (semi-worthless/easily attainable via other means) 'NetFlix' for $85? You should give up on this line of logic, you are just digging yourself into a deeper hole.

                      • +2


                        Erm … my time is worth money jv.

                        So is mine, so i got a shield Pro which craps all over the Fire stick and the Google TV…

                        If your time is worth money, you are better off getting the Google TV stand alone for $99 then rather than the Fire stick for $50.

                        • -2

                          @jv: You would need to explain why you think I would be 'better off' doing that jv, for your post to make logical sense. In my experience so far, this $50 FireStick does absolutely everything I need; and it does it rapidly.

                          • +2


                            You would need to explain why you think I would be 'better off' doing that jv

                            Because the Google TV performs better than the first stick.

                            • -1

                              @jv: 'Better' requires elaboration. There is no way for a reader to know what that vague/ambiguous/subjective terminology is supposed to mean; thus, it is meaningless.

                              • +2

                                @GnarlyKnuckles: It is less laggy for starters.

                                • @jv: I have been using my new $50 FireStick for about 8 hours straight now. It has not lagged once. What is your (seemingly 'random') assertion actually based on?

                                  • +3


                                    What is your (seemingly 'random') assertion actually based on?

                                    Using both devices.

                                    • @jv: Erm … as you (I would've thought based on prior posts) understand, that is merely more subjective meaningless piffle. What I mean is, can you supply actual reasons, or better still, verifiable facts?

                                      Your response amounts to 'Because I said so' … which is even more grating on the mind of any sane human than that phrase that young Americans are currently overly fond of:

                                      'It is what it is'. (?!?)

                                      … which is as if to state that it is a profound observation, that something cannot be something that it is not.

                                      • +7


                                        merely more subjective meaningless piffle

                                        You do realise that's all your post, and subsequent comments, are…?

                                        Are you aware of the hypocrisy?

                                        • -1

                                          @spackbace: Yeah, of course I realise that … but there is a big difference. I started this thread under no pretense that it was based on anything but my own personal experiences. That does not mean that anything anyone subsequently contributes to this thread/conversation that they 'dress up' as actual fact should not be questioned; or that they should not be asked to clarify what the derivation of their assertions is.

                                        • +8


                                          Are you aware of the hypocrisy?

                                          Well he did say "my time is worth money jv" and then got into an ultimately pointless debate - with jv - so maybe not?

                                          • @Chandler: Hmmm … you don't seem to understand the definition of 'hypocrisy', Chands …

                                      • +2


                                        Your response amounts to 'Because I said so' …

                                        Like the title of this thread ?

                                        • -4

                                          @jv: No, jv. One is overtly/obviously/clearly an 'I think' statement (because that is obviously implied to any 'thinking person' by the lack of detail contained in any five-word title here); the other is a vaguely phrased incongruous assertion that not only fails to 'stand up' to subsequent scrutiny … but is also rendered weaker by any substantial follow-up technical detail.

                                          • @GnarlyKnuckles: Let me preface this with that I haven't read all the comments in this thread, let alone the post.

                                            I (and I am assuming here) think JV's point is that you've had a fantastic experience with Firesticks and a terrible experience with Chromecasts, while his own experience has basically been the inverse of that: good with the Chromecast and less so for the Firestick.

                                            Your comments on this thread basically boil down to demanding proof from jv where you have provided no such validation yourself (again, that I've noted in my short time skimming over some of the comments)

            • +1

              @jv: That is not $40 you are assuming everyone uses Netflix just like the first comment assumed no one watches free to air TV. So can you actually buy it for $40?

              • @bobwokeup:

                That is not $40

                It's around $44

                • @jv: Cheers jv 👍🏽

                • @jv: jv, re:

                  'It's around $44 ..'

                  Erm … where/when/how? Surely this is magnanimous BS of the highest order?

                  • @GnarlyKnuckles:

                    Erm … where/when/how?

                    From the Google store.
                    I bought two.

                    I actually paid $34 each as Google sent me $10 vouchers.

              • @bobwokeup: Re:

                'So can you actually buy it for $40?'

                No, you can't. Not even close.

  • +2

    I've never understood how something defecating on something else is a benchmark for it being superior. I mean maybe if there was some sort of pigeon challenge but beyond that..

    • +2

      'I've never understood how … (etc.).'

      Perhaps you could relate the concept metaphorically to 'Ye Olde England' …

      Back then, the rich/more functional/more elevated peeps (or more likely, their servants) used to 'empty their chamber pots' out the back window from above, onto the backstreets and their hapless residents below. There are also more literal senses of the concept that could be evoked (think S&M, and 'superiority' in that context), but far be it from me, a cultured and respectable member of society, to elaborate on such things beyond that …

  • +5

    Own 2 chrome casts for several years, one of them is chrome cast 1 Never experienced what OP described.

    • I am happy for you cloves, and also I am interested to know; can you stream content directly from your modem/router to your ChromeCasts, or do you need to use an intermediary device to access the content, then stream it from that device to your ChromeCast/s?

      • When you say "stream content directly from your modem/router to your ChromeCasts" what do you mean? Do you have content on a USB/HDD/SSD/NAS attached to the modem/router? Do you mean the modem/router has DLNA and you use this?

        • -5

          In my experience with CCs (one many years old now, the other bought less than a year ago) there has been no practical/useful/even vaguely functionally acceptable way to stream—for example—'7+ free-to-air' live TV channel content directly from my modem/router to the CC. The only way to stream live TV content from the net to a CC has (in my limited experience) been via the use of an intermediate device. Without that intermediary device, there has quite literally been no way to control even basic aspects of what was going on/being sourced/how (etc.) on the TV screen.

          This $50 FireStick is not like that at all, and it was cheaper than both of the CCs (including the relatively new one; I am not simply comparing a cheap/long-outdated CC with an expensive new/different type of device). This FireStick is a beautiful piece of gadgetry. It's so enticing that I am legitimately contemplating ditching my wuzza, and just hanging out with the FireStick instead, permanently.

          • @GnarlyKnuckles: Google TV does not require another device, it is a stand alone media player that plays directly from your network..

            • @jv: I made no comment on 'Google TV' in my post.

              • +5

                @GnarlyKnuckles: Well that is the current generation 'Chromecast'… Google calls it "Chromecast with Google TV" and yes it has all the apps loaded on the device and a remote, just like the Firestick i presume…. apples with apples.

                If you've got yourself a new gen Fire Stick you might as well compare it against the current google competitor to be fair. But it may not suit your narrative.

                • @Lichen6420: Stringers, I guess now that I've learned of this newfangled 'CC + Google TV' shenanigans, which evidently costs in excess of $100 even on a good day, what I am comparing that to (just now in my mind) is the FireStick thing I just bought for $50. Which works like a dream, and does precisely what I've always wished my constantly crap-worthy ChromeCast devices would do … but never did.

          • +1

            @GnarlyKnuckles: The original few CromeCasts (not the latest with GoogleTV) was never sold as a standalone streaming device, you always had to have a device that effectively cast the screen to the CC and it converted it to a HDMI signal for display on the TV.

            Next time make sure you read the details of what you are buying and the reviews to see what it can do.

            You are doing is the equivalent of comparing say a set top box and a media player which are both connect and show video on a TV, but are NOT the same and should not be compared, unless the media player includes digital TV decoding feature (which is rare now days).

            • @AndyC1: Anders, re:

              'You are doing is …' [sic]

              Nah, what I am doing is alerting long-suffering peeps who have outdated/crap ChromeCast devices that were so dysfunctional it is questionable as to whether they should ever have even been allowed to be sold, to the fact that currently/right now for a mere fiddy clams they can get a FireStick device that will take all their headaches away. Trust me, I am in that boat. The word 'nirvana' spring to mind.

      • +8

        I think you are misunderstanding how chromecast works. Although streaming is initiated on a 3rd party device (phone/tablet), they are not usually streamed through the phone/tablet. It merely acts as a remote control, albeit a nice one with a display. The chromecast then directly streams from the source. You can turn off the phone or tablet and the stream will keep going (of course you might want the ability to use the controls).

        The only time this isn't true and the stream is via the control device is due to terrible poorly coded apps, but I'm not aware of any top tiers apps that do this.

        And of course, the chromecast with google TV has it's own remote and UI and doesn't need anything else.…

        • -7

          '… of course you might want the ability to use the controls'

          Yes, this. Surely everyone would want this, the entire time they were watching anything? Also, the initiation step that you (I think?) acknowledge has to be conducted using a 3rd party device, is almost always the painful/flawed/ball-breakingly annoying one. Sometimes, if that initiation step goes smoothly, the intermediary device becomes superfluous/the stream might continue without a hitch. Often not though. It's very hit-and-miss re the CCs capacity to 'hang in there'/not 'drop out'.

          • +5

            @GnarlyKnuckles: Well I presume you use a remote for the fire stick. What's the difference? In any case, the device comparable to a fire stick is the chromecast with google TV that I linked above. It does not require a phone or tablet to use as a remote.

            Also, I have never once had playback fail in the manner you describe. Perhaps it's your network/wifi and not the actual device that has issues.

            I'm not saying the fire stick is a bad device, I'm just pointing out that many people don't have the issues you describe and you're comparing two different types of product.

            • +6


              the device comparable to a fire stick is the chromecast with google TV

              This has been pointed out to him several times, but it seems to upset him…

              • @jv: Chuckle, jv …

                If you read the posts above carefully and with due comprehension, you will correctly deduce that they amuse me … they don't upset me. In fact I am far too old and wise to let just about anything upset me these days …

          • +2

            @GnarlyKnuckles: Outside of the reliability issues that you've experienced with CC.
            That's disappointing, but 2 from 2 sounds like user error somehow, rather than a faulty device or design. I can assure you that CC has not become an uber-popular device as a result of the user experience you've had.

            But to counter your main argument, you still need the remote (ie a third party device) to navigate the Firestick…
            Each to their own of course, but I think navigating with my phone is vastly superior to navigating with a dinky remote control.
            Single swipe to scroll multiple lines of shows versus multiple clicks.
            Takes 3 seconds to type in a search on a phone, rather than 10s of seconds either trying to convince voice search to correctly hear what you're saying or pecking out letters one by one.

            And Chromecast with Google TV solves this issue for everyone, no matter the preference.

            The other advantage of CC is that it's compatible with EVERYTHING, versus FireTV which is compatible with a lot on things, but others are simply not available even by sideloading. eg Kayo

            • @ESEMCE: Ermyeah, we evidently disagree on most things. Lose your phone (or have it nicked) and you can no longer control your TV? Phone is inconveniently charging, so cannot be used to control your TV? Buy a new phone, then (etc. you get the drift).

              To my mind, in essence the small remote becomes the 'FireStick' in a way. After the actual FS is plugged into the TV, the 'powered up' (for at least for years by 2 AA batteries) is all you need.

              As long as you don't have a severe speech impairment, voice-to-text commands work almost flawlessly with a standard Australian accent, and are a lot quicker that 'pecking out letters' (?) .. i.e., it's as quick as 'swiping'.

              Re 'CC with Google TV', one of the aims of this entire post was to alert poor saps who don't have that (and perhaps have the old/mega-crap CCs) that they can currently leave that bad sitch behind for a mere fiddy clams by scoring one of these FSs that are currently on special from the GoodGuys. Conversely, 'Chromecast with Google TV' evidently costs about $140 … according to jv. He/she's notoriously unreliable though. It might cost more.

              • @GnarlyKnuckles: Lose phone - use partner's phone (I'd also use it to call my phone to find my phone), alternatively I'd use my old phone that's in a drawer as a backup, or a tablet, or a computer for those few days it might take to buy a replacement or find it.

                My argument right back at you is what happens if you lose the dinky Firestick remote??
                This is far more likely as it's smaller, lighter and you can't easily locate it using a phone call or find my phone features.
                Seems like you lose your phone a fair bit for it to be a significant enough issue that it's a negative to the CC, so losing the remote would be a terrible inconvenience!

                On charge.. I have one of my many chargers acquired across the years next to the couch. If my phone is on charge, it's right next to me… easy peasy.

                You're conveniently ignoring the reduced compatibility with apps cause it doesn't suit your narrative.

                'Chromecast with Google TV' evidently costs about $140 …

                Nope you're deliberately ignoring the bundle as if it's worth nothing. The $140 deal is a Netflix bundle including $95 worth of Netflix Subscription… fantastic value if you were buying the Netflix anyway, but not required to buy a CC with Google TV.
                If you only want the device, cost is $99 same price as the Firestick 4K which has comparable features to the CC with Google TV.
                The comparable (non 4K) CC device to your low end (non 4K) Firestick is $59.
                Doesn't include the remote but the value of that varies by user.

                For what it's worth, I have old USA model Gen 1 CC, second Gen CC, Xiaomi MiBox with inbuilt CC (and a remote interface), Vodafone TV with inbuilt CC (and a remote interface) and a USA 1080p Firestick. The Firestick is usually in a Drawer, but is currently plugged into our second TV as we loaned out the Xiaomi Box to friends.
                Gen 1 and 2 CC are used exclusively as CC Audio devices into HDMI amplifiers.

                • @ESEMCE: Erm … you have conclusively confirmed that using your phone as a remote introduces numerous potential complications. Re 'losing the FS remote', there is no reason that would ever happen because it is never taken anywhere … unlike your phone, which if you're like most peeps, you take everywhere. Re 'compatibility with apps', I'm ignoring it because it's irrelevant to my purposes. If you think that my purposes = my 'narrative', that's fine by me, I care not how you personally define English words. Re cost, what NetFlix is 'worth' is entirely subjective (to me for example it's worth zero), the FS device I am posting about which I just bought is currently on special at GoodGuys for $49 (not $59 as you incorrectly state; and less than half the $99 you allude to for the CC with Google TV), it does come with a remote, and it is 4k. Ergo, everything you said about cost is demonstrably false.

                  Happy trails

  • +7

    Which CC are you using? Are you comparing gen 1 or 2, against a Firestick?

    It's like when people constantly buy $200 Android phones, then get a 1yo flagship iPhone and go "omg you guys this is so much better, Apple is so good!"

    CC w/ google TV is the current benchmark budget media player, not gen 1 or 2.

    • -1

      Ah OK. How much is 'CC w/ google TV, spackers?

      • -1
        • -2

          'Not hard to search…'

          It was a rhetorical question spacks. The 'not so hidden' interpretation of it that I thought you would capably glean instantly is:

          'Yeah, but "ChromeCast with Google TV" costs more than twice as much as this $50 Firestick'

          • +1


            'Yeah, but "ChromeCast with Google TV" costs more than twice as much as this $50 Firestick'

            If your happy with a laggy firestick, go for it, and save $50….

            Most people would be happy to pay the extra $50 for a better device.

          • @GnarlyKnuckles:

            Erm … my time is worth money

            Yup, and a possible $30 more is worth it to me, and many others, for a better experience

            Tho yes, I also have a shield pro on the main TV as it shits all over both

            • -6

              @spackbace: Noted, and thanks for your input. I, conversely, have just 'stepped up' from years grappling with dysfunctional clunky ChromeCast BS (without the seemingly expen$ive 'Google TV add-on'), to what appears to be a blissfully autonomous and highly functional unit, which only cost me $50.

              I'm happy … and while I'm usually not one to hold grudges … now I actually hate ChromeCast. A lot.

              • @GnarlyKnuckles: I feel bad for you if you think Chromecast with Google Tv is expen$ive.

                • @mooney: OP is comparing the old crappy FHD firestick to the 4k chromecast with google TV. As I pointed out above, the new 4k firestick is exactly the same price as the google tv.

                  You can also frequently buy the google device for cheaper (eg $79). I bought on the recent deal where it was $120 with $95 worth of free netflix - so equivalent to $25 if you were already planning to pay for netflix.

                  • +4

                    @lunchbox99: OP has picked a weird hill to die on. Bless.

                  • -1

                    @lunchbox99: Hey grass-cutter, re:

                    'OP is comparing the old crappy FHD firestick to the 4k chromecast with google TV.'


                    I am clearly comparing a blissfully functional FS that I JUST BOUGHT for $50, with two different (and both crap) CCs that I bought ages ago. I have no idea what you are babbling on about …

                    • @GnarlyKnuckles: The $50 firestick is FHD, the $99 google device is 4K. The 4K firestick is also $99.

                      So the $50 firestick is cheaper because it is less capable and has lower spec (new one is 80% faster and double the ram) because it doesn't need to play back 4K. The new model also has better codec/format support (eg Dolby Atmos, Dolby Vision). The new model also has faster wifi and bluetooth (wifi 6 and BT5.1).

                      It's not that complicated.


                  • @lunchbox99: Lunch, re:

                    'OP is comparing the old crappy FHD firestick to the 4k chromecast with google TV'

                    Why would you post that BS assertion? The FS I'm alluding to cost $49 currently at the GoodGuys (on special), and it is 4k (and comes with a remote).


                    • @GnarlyKnuckles: So you're comparing the sale price of the 4k firestick to the RRP of the chrome cast with google TV. Lol… OK.

                      Also that's the old 4k model (slower than the new one that costs $99).

                      For $50 on sale though, that is a good deal. have fun

  • +7

    Google tv crap all over firestick end of story… firestick is a laggy p.o.s end of story.

    • +6

      your story ended twice… which one is it?

      • +1

        Choose your own adventure?

    • +1

      Google tv crap all over firestick

      It does, but I recently got a Shield Pro, and that craps all over the Google TV…

      • -1

        My kid's pet chicken recently got into the house while we were out, via a doggy door that the cat broke. That chicken crapped all over every digital device I own; comprehensively. That chook only cost $6. So there's just no rhyme nor reason to such things I guess …

  • +4

    I really love it/the thing absolutely rocks.

    Opinion, not fact.

  • +2

    So, how much money did Amazon fling you to post that tripe? And did they also ask you to shout out to their dog's Instagram?

    • lol …

      Yo AMAZON

      Take note, the flying horse decrees that you owe me bulk cash. I agree. PM me Amazon, and I will supply the relevant deets. A four-figure sum should suffice. This time.

  • "way to stream straight to the CC from the modem/router, stuttery/crap streaming from my laptop or any phone"

    Except that isn't what happens. It is "streaming from the modem", your phone and/or laptop are merely the menu and remote. That's how you can choose to allow control of the stream from other devices on the same network.

    When Lunchbox pointed this out you headed off into what can only be charitably describes as a rant about how the Firestick is better suited to your network and choice of router than a Chromecast.

    Lucky you. Chromecasts - 1st. model, with TV and emulated in a Pioneer AV receiver (sound only), could splutter and freeze using an ISP supplied Netcomm as the access point and router on FTTN, but don't (aside from the AV which I can't be bothered trying) miss a beat with a nominally downgrade step to a D-Link router on a 5G modem.

    At least you still have your menu and app choices [ the little elves sitting behind the little coloured pictures on your screen] up on the big screen, instead of having to relate the screen in your hand or desk to the one you want to watch and negotiating the onerous steps of <open chosen program> <choose media desired><push play>.

    You also get to speak to a differently voiced and hosted AI if you want ease of use and a clever new digital friend to find new things you really need to hear, watch or purchase.

  • So you are watching free to air channel without any external antenna?
    do you need to make an account on each channel to do that?

    • It's been quite some time since I set it up, and hardly watch FTA now so my information might be out of date.

      I'm in the same boat and can't get FTA reception where we are. So when we access FTA content, we do it via stream and chrome cast. 3 years ago, I didn't need an account on ANY of the FTA channels. Lately, we've needed to create an account and sign-in to the few channels we still access. It was a one time thing since it the accounts store your credentials. Still it was an annoyance for us.

      An even bigger annoyance was the Freeview app. Several years ago, when accessing live streams, it would just play the stream. If you wanted to access an on-demand stream, then it would switch to the native app of the channel in question, which is fair, I guess. But now, the Freeview app doesn't do anything but switch straight to a native app and if you don't have the app, then nothing will play. And yep, you'd have to create an account on the native app. The experience has been so annoying that it's just been another nail in FTA's coffin for us. More friction to get to the FTA stream that I was only marginally interested in seeing. ergo, might as well not bother.

      • +1

        creating account is painful and whole app experience to watch live tv is not great. my FTA stopped working since last windy day. dont have big enough ladder to climb roof… I thought I had a bargain with fire stick compared to antenna tech…. sighhh….

    • Yo syd, re:

      'So you are watching free to air channel without any external antenna?'

      Yes, exactly that. With the $50 FireStick (the one recently posted here by someone as a GoodGuys deal) the set-up time was minimal and the process was so easy a young child could do it. I can now watch all free-to-air channels with flawless picture/sound, plus a bunch of 'on demand stuff', for free, without any other device involved (except the one providing the internet access). Evidently the most recent generation of ChromeCasts coupled to Google TV do this same thing—though I don't have any experience with those (don't know how easy the setup is etc.)—but that setup seems to cost substantially more than $50.

  • Firestick vs Chromecast with Google TV (vs generic Android TV box) would be a fairer comparison.

    • Which one can Kodi be installed on is the real question.

      • +1

        All of them. Can run Android version on FS or CC, tv box either Android or if you get the right one CoreELEC or similar if Kodi is all you want to run (usually a better experience for the cheaper tv boxes).

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