Applying for Personal Loan with a Terminal Illness

Hi All,

I've had personal loans in the past and it all was relatively straight forward, but I will admit I am fairly green when it comes to knowing the ins and outs of getting a loan. That being said, our new circumstances push us into weird territory that I don't really have any experience in and I was hoping that someone on here may work in the industry and have some suggestions on how best to approach getting a loan with our circumstances. Done some googling but hasn't helped me a whole lot.

Key details:

  • My wife (27) has grade 4 brain cancer, which generally comes with significantly shortened life span (on average ~18 months)
  • Post treatment she is back at work for three half days a week ($1.6k p/m), income protection insurance (~$700 p/m) making up the gap and will do so until she is able to return to work full time.
  • From a loan perspective I'm not sure if the income protection insurance can factor in and I believe there is a max term length for income protection benefits of 5 years, awaiting call back from provider to confirm.
  • I'm currently back at work three full days a week ($3.5k p/m) and being a carer for the other two.
  • Wife's bucket list item was to have a decent car, which is what the loan will be for, currently looking at a Subaru Impreza @ ~$20k, mostly due to safety features.
  • Looking for loan for full amount, but if not realistic can offset and borrow $15k

My concern is that it will be nigh on impossible for her to get a loan given the circumstances, but with me also working shortened hours I'm not sure I'm going to be in a much better position.

Please ask any questions or for any info I may have left out that would be applicable, I will update the OP with details.



Thanks everyone, pretty overwhelmed by all of the comments and appreciate all the kind words alongside the helpful suggestions. Some additional info/thoughts based on the comments:

  • She wants a decent car as she is still driving around the MY2000 Toyota Echo she got when she turned 18, window-winders and all. The car has issues and she is just after something reliable, relatively nice and with cruise control.
  • We are not fancy people and she's not after a sports car or anything. The dream was initially a Mini, however we've been to a tonne of different car dealerships and ultimately she like the Impreza the best, so thats the avenue we are currently pursuing
  • Crowdfunding - Mentioned in the comments that a friend had set a GoFundMe up for us and raised a significant amount, however majority of these funds went to medical and living expenses during her treatment and our subsequent time off around this time.
  • Driving - Luckily my wife didn't discover her condition via a seizure, which means that she only had to wait 6 months to drive post-op. If she had've discovered it after having a seizure she is deemed as a higher risk and would have had to wait 12 months prior to driving.
  • Renting/hiring - This is something we are looking into, however as mentioned she has her heart set on the Impreza at the moment.
  • Experiences - We have some savings that we have earmarked for experiences/trips, so having the loan shouldn't affect us being able to still do this sort of thing.

Some of you mentioned you would like to help, here is the link to the aforementioned GoFundMe:

Please don't feel obligated at all to donate, I just came here for a bit of a discussion about what options we may have available to us. Hard to know with this stuff sometimes, nobody really teaches you how to handle something like this.

As it stands we have applied for tax-free early release of a superannuation death benefit, just awaiting feedback from the insurance company.

Again, thanks everyone for all of the information and kind words. Honestly feeling the love from the community over here <3.

Cheers all,


  • +32

    Tough gig, feel bad for you OP.
    So car is 20k, - how much loan are we talking?

    • +5

      It sucks, but it's our new reality so we have adjusted as best we can.

      Hopefully the whole amount, but we can offset with some savings to bring it down to $15k for the loan.

  • +43

    I do not envy your position, my thoughts are with you

    However is a car really #1 on that bucket list? Not experiences or have you managed to get through those already? $20k can buy a lot of experiences to create memories - although I recognise a car could also help create some its just a poor time to need to get a car given the shortages pushing new and used car prices up. Is there an older car being sold off that will also help pay for this?

      • +1

        I remember when my brother and I did this.
        Now my kids do this constantly.
        I feel like going back in to work sometimes.

    • +10

      Appreciate the kind words, thanks.

      100% get where you are coming from on this. We've had this conversation a bunch of times, but its also really difficult to get out and do the things she wants to do with a compromised immune system and during the pandemic. Honestly COVID and restrictions have made all of this an absolute nightmare and 100% harder than it already is. That being said we are also realists and we can't just wait out this period due to the above, its a difficult line to walk.

      In answer to your question, our intention was to finance the car and utilise our savings for experiences. As you mentioned however its not the best time to buy a car, just playing the hand we were dealt.

      We will most likely be trading in her old car, but we won't be expecting much more than $500 based on what we've seen around.

      • +4

        i was under the impression doctors were obliged to cancel licences with such conditions?

        are their some leasing/long term rentals that could do and maybe offer the fun of changing cars?

        • +2

          This is usually the case, high risk of seizures etc…

          Maybe OP is driving though?

          Sorry to hear OP. Cancer is a bastard.

        • in VIC (generically, I don't know OP's situation): drs are obliged to tell patient that they are legally not permitted to drive and if they do they are driving unlicensed (legal and insurance implications). After proving a disease is stable (specific guidelines for each disease), GPs, specialists or in some conditions OTs, can clear the patient to drive.

          Only if the drs believe the patient will be non-adherent, then there's an online form that the medical team can submit to VicRoads to forcibly review the patient's license conditions / cancel the licence.

          • @diazepam: thanks Diaz that sounds familiar to what was described to me, i also believe to be cleared you need to redo some test for which there is a long waiting period (?)

            take it easy, well i guess you do

            • @juki: Depends on the condition. Neuro degenerative conditions like Parkinson’s require a driving assessment by the occupational therapists. Conditions like epilepsy have specific criteria (I think seizure free 6 months and well controlled on medications, or 12 months if not medicated) that a specialist can clear. - this is from the top of my head, it’s been a while since I’ve had to look into it so might have changed since.

          • @diazepam: I may have missed it but has OP’s wife had a seizure or is it being suggested that her increase risk is enough to trigger her not safe to drive.

            I worked at a major Vic hospital with Neurosurgery and Neurology departments, both of which I spent some time. Never heard of recommendation against driving because of increase risk due to a diagnosis. There were times we made the recommendation due to severe mass effect, possible seizure like episodes or undifferentiated loss of consciousness, or a diagnosed seizure.
            We counselled on the possible risks in future and warned to be careful for any warning signs. Certainly only reported people with clear contraindications of driving.

            • +1

              @Gradesbrah: it's spelt out here

              A person is not fit to hold an unconditional licence:

              if the person has had a space-occupying lesion that results in significant impairment of any of the following: visuospatial perception, insight, judgement, attention, comprehension, reaction time, memory, sensation, muscle power, coordination and vision (including visual fields).
              A conditional licence may be considered by the driver licensing authority subject to periodic review, taking into account:

              the nature of the driving task;
              information provided by the treating doctor about the likely impact of the neurological impairment on driving ability; and
              the results of a practical driver assessment if required (refer to

              • @May4th:

                that results in significant impairment

                Yes, and as I questioned, although to specifically, was it simply the theoretical risk or the actual present of symptoms/secondary conditions. I listed events that are commonly associated with the proactive recommendation of not driving, but that would also extend to significant impairment but that has nothing to do with brain cancer just a general assessment of an Individual and recommendations fitting their current capacity.

        • It depends, the way it was explained to us was:

          • If you have a seizure prior to the discovery of a brain condition that you are unable to drive for 12 months post surgery.
          • If it's discovered via other means (eg: my wife discovered via occular migraines, vertigo) you're unable to drive for 6 months post surgery.
      • Sorry to hear OP - I don't log in to OzB often, but this comment compelled me to.

        First, I see what you are getting at here - 'Experiences' that people are discussing are off the table due to medical reasons/risk of contracting COVID and also border restrictions/cost of flying overseas. Therefore, a nice car to help enjoy local experiences will augment those experiences.

        Second, I highly recommend you try and sell your current car privately -> I don't know about you, but in my neck of the woods bottom of the barrel poop-boxes are going for minimum $1,500 - Make/Model/Kms/Condition of current car will help OzB ballpark fair value for you.

        Third and final, whilst the Doc's have likely given you terrible news - Don't give up hope, thinks can turn around. Try alternative therapies, apply for clinical trials. Mind over matter.

        Wishing you and importantly, your wife all the best!

  • +2

    Sorry to hear about her condition

    I mean, you could have a bucket list item, borrow to your eyeballs for not even a brand new car, but then you'd have no free money to enjoy time together - Dinners out, entertainment, weekends away, etc etc.

    Do you still have the 2015 Liberty? Honestly there won't be much difference between a 15 Liberty and a 17-19 Impreza…

    • +9

      Basically replied to this above in response to @shadowsfury.

      Still have the Liberty, this is also something we have discussed but I'm not sure it fits what she is after. I know this might seem like a weird response but I'm just trying to fulfil her wishes as best I can.

      • +1

        would she enjoy hiring a different car every week?

  • +56

    Because your wife has and is working, she will be paying into a superannuation scheme. Unless your wife opted out there will be life insurance cover. Typically, your wife should be able to make a claim for the tax-free early release of a superannuation death benefit if she is suffering from a terminal illness, which clearly she is. Again, typically this is a medical condition that two medical practitioners certify that she is unlikely to survive more than 24 months.

    I do empathise, and this is just a sincere suggestion, that may help you both in these awful circumstances.

    • Great point

    • Thanks for the suggestion, this was something I was looking into this morning. The income protection insurance benefits she currently receives are via her superannuation fund and has life insurance as well.

      Again, appreciate the response and I will discuss it with her.

      • +4

        Sorry to hear that your wife is in the situation same as me.
        My advice is to get the death cover from super (if she has). I had two super accounts from different companies so I got them both.
        It’s bit tough with the lengthy application paper works but they will surely help you.
        As someone said before,you need two doctors to certify her condition. Get her neurosurgeon or some specialists to sign it will make the process quick.
        For me it took some time as I was on salary continues pay first.
        Good luck.

        • Mate, I'm sorry to hear that. If you need to chat or if I can help with anything at all please sing out. No pressure, just here if you need.

          Thanks for the suggestion and letting us know your experience, we put in a claim on Friday. The insurance rep said to expect a wait of upto 10 business days, but just gonna play it by ear.

      • I am also going through this and I still have one year income protection left on my policy and have returned to work three days a week after a year off but they are cutting my income protection as "income protection" is deemed a temporary condition and if signed off by two doctors as less than 24 months, Insurance classifies it as permanent.

        They will most likely cut her income protection at some stage so better off getting the permanent payout plus access tax free to your Super.

        I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I know exactly what she is going through.

        • +1

          Mate, sorry to hear that. No doubt thats pretty stressful.

          Yeah we are aware that it will be temporary, we've seen similar things happen to my wife's parents. We have placed a claim so just waiting to hear back. Thanks for the advice and sharing your experience.

          Per above comment, if you need to chat or if I can help with anything at all please sing out. No pressure, just here if you need because its a (profanity) tough time.

  • +7

    Honestly sounds like you should make a kickstarter or go fund me. Quite a sad story.

    Going to be a lot more bills, in the futre you dont won't to go too into the red.

    • +6

      A friend set one up for us and raised a significant amount, however majority of these funds went to medical and living expenses during her treatment and subsequent time off. There is a small amount left that we moved to savings with intention of using it for trips/experiences.

  • Sorry to hear.

    If the loan is going to be under your name, realistically how much disposable income you going to have to service the car loan, given medical cost?

    You are not going to put the car on her name, right? Does she really need that financial stress?

    • Ideally, no I don't really want to put that on her.

      As mentioned I'm a bit of a novice on this front and am just trying to get a best plan of attack at this point and manage our money as best I can with the circumstances.

      I just finished paying off my own car loan this month so taking on repayments for another in its place isn't the end of the world for me.

      I guess I'm just trying to be mindful of what happens down the track and plan/take the best action I can now. I dunno, it's a hard line to walk.

      • It is hard line. I mean, gotta live the moment. I would say be mindful of your mental state when that event happens. You also don't want to be in financial strife on top of all the dealings.

        My experience is - income protection premium is hefty, and not sure whose income are you trying to protect from what medical event etc.

  • +14

    Dealing with a terminal illness is always difficult. Only people that have experienced it will understand.

    Renting a car to cross off the bucket list would be a more responsible financial decision.

    • +1

      Yeah I was about to say rent a really cool car for a weekend.

    • +1

      Same thoughts here. Go out and hire a real dream car for her bucket list. Surely she higher aspiration than an Impreza…

      It’s going to be a bitter pill to keep swallowing after she has gone to keep up payments on a car you only got for a bucket list.

      • +1

        Yeah you're right, her dream is would be a Mini but after looking into it that would be significantly more difficult to achieve. Significantly more expensive (for one without transmission issues) and the highest servicing costs for a car in that bracket just made it too hard a pill to swallow.

        I mentioned in an earlier comment that I just finished paying off my own car loan this month, so taking on repayments for another in its place isn't the end of the world for me. But knowing what is almost guaranteed to come may make repayments difficult. As I also said in that same comment, its a hard line to walk.

    • Not wrong.

      Appreciate the feedback and I understand where you're coming from. I'll discuss this with her and see how we go.

    • +3

      I agree, the opportunity to experience a few different cars that you'd never ordinarily drive would be memorable.

  • +5

    if her doctors have diagnosed her terminal (less than 2yrs) you can make a claim on your life insurance policy. If you dont have retail life insurance, go to your superfund as you will have it there as well

    • Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into this tonight. Appreciate the feedback!

  • Are the income levels you quoted pre or post tax?

    A $15k secured car loan spanning 3 years @ 7% comes to $470 / month repayment.

    On the surface that is affordable.

    But after all expenses per month how much do you estimate you have left?

    • Post tax. As you mentioned, affordable on the surface.

      At this point I estimate $1.5k leftover p/m, just trying to determine any outliers. But also medical costs are subject to change which makes it difficult also.

  • +3

    Others have said a car hire, there's quite a few car subscription type places now that have a minimum 3 month term. Maybe get a Tesla or something? They're expensive though, around $400 / week.

    • +1

      I wasn't really aware of services like CarBar, etc. Something we are looking into as well. Cheers

  • +2

    Sorry to hear about your circumstances. Have you thought about negotiating a short term lease for the car? I’m not in any way an expert but I imagine if you were lucky enough to find a sympathetic Subaru dealer (or even go straight to head office) with your details, they might find a way to get your wife in a vehicle without having to shell out a huge initial amount. Just a thought!

    • Thanks for the suggestion, not something we've tried but will discuss with the wife. Thanks again!

  • +3

    Mate Prayers for your wife and you.

    While the dream car/fulfil bucket list is always admirable to someone with a wife with terminal wasting disease. You need to step back and really think this one over.

    Like in this current overpriced 2nd hand car climate what year and mileage model do you really think 20k will get you? a 15 yr old, 190,000 k thrashed sh&tbox?

    Also your poor wife having a brain illness, can you be assured that her cognitive and motor senses will be unimpaired long enough for her to continue driving at all, let alone enjoy her dream car for any real period of time, not forgetting that some medication carries warnings against driving.

    Lastly does the Starlight foundation have an equivalent make a wish/dream thing for sick adults? may get a weeks hire of whatever to go wherever?

    Blessings Shannon

    • Thanks mate.

      Yeah I understand where you're coming from, I'm quite a financial-risk-adverse sort of guy. Kind of why I'm here discussing haha.

      Re: Starlight, unfortunately not. She was diagnosed at 27, which is a bit of a grey area as far as support associations go. Canteen support cutoff is 26 years old, but I've been in touch with them and they were happy to help us out with some info wherever they could. That being said, so many people have bent over backwards to do whatever they can to help us out. So while its been a horrible change to our lives, the support from everyone has been overwhelming and so humbling.

  • +1

    OP be sure to checkout your wife's super and super insurance, with a terminal illness you should be able to get it and claim.

    That doesn't help with the loan but at least she can enjoy the money.

    • +7

      Been looking into this today, got the ball rolling on a claim. Thanks!

      • +1

        I hope it is enough to buy the car she wants and enough left so you and your wife can enjoy your time together without stressing too much about money.

  • Hi,

    I'm not aware of your Insurance cover but do you have Major Trauma Benefit (also called Lifetime Trauma Cover) either independently or via Super.

  • +5

    Plenty of Minis on Carbar subscription. Seems like the best option. It will take about 4 weeks…

  • +16

    Do it. Fulfil her wishes in whatever way you can. Later on, the $20K is going to seem like nothing. The lasting thought of her being happy will be worth it.

    • I would say 20k is nothing if op had the money in savings.

      Bit op is going into debt. For this and no doubt more. 20k will become 30k. And then consider other expenses.

      • +12

        OP is still relatively young (which makes his situation even more unfortunate) and seems to be at the start of his career. The repayments on a $20K loan is relatively small at a few hundred bucks each month. As time passes and he moves up in his career, the amount will be look trivial. Most people who have the ability to pay off a mortgage can pay that off in less than a year.

        I was lying in hospital a couple of years ago and, for a little while, I wasn't sure whether I'd make it or not. Lots of things came to mind at the time and money was the very very last priority. I did think about it briefly only once and the thought was "even if I had a few million in my account now, it'd make no difference". Just before the major operation I had to have, I went out and bought the car I'd always wanted and I'm still enjoying it now.

      • +3

        I'd put myself into a million dollars of debt if the same thing was happening to my wife.

    • +1

      Thanks for the input, my heart 100% feels this way but my logical brain gets in the way you know.

  • +5

    Very sorry to hear about your wife. Just buy her the mini if that's what she really wants. Servicing is the same price as anything else with an independent.

  • +3

    That sucks all round mate. If I was in her position (without the family) I'd be racking up debt left right and centre.

    If you just finished paying one car off you won't really miss the same amount of repayments if you get the same loan. That's the track I'd be taking.

    • Thanks mate

  • Man I am so sorry to hear this, it really sucks. Try for a joint loan, with both incomes to support it will be easier to get. I wouldn't go into the medical history unless you're asked. Not sure whether the income protection would be accepted as income ( at the two places I've worked over the last 28 years, it wouldn't be considered, but that's only two out of how many). Your absolute best bet is what's been mentioned above by a few people ie life insurance claim via super due to terminal illness.
    Whatever happens, I hope your wife finds some happiness from the car.

    • Thanks for the kind words and suggestions mate, this was the route we were going but just applied for tax-free early release of a superannuation death benefit.

  • +1

    I am very sorry to hear about your position and your wife's diagnosis. Cannot even imagine the struggle you must both be experiencing right now on top of covid.

    All of the above are valuable contributions and it will be up to you guys to decide on what to do.

    The only thing I can add is to make sure she hasn't had a seizure or she won't be able to drive, and you wouldn't want her to hurt herself or anyone else on the road. Maybe discuss with your neurosurgeon the risks of a possible seizure or the likelihood? She may already be on Keppra etc.

    • +1

      Also, if you are proposing to get Car Insurance, are you under a positive duty to disclose this Health Issue?

      Talk with your Doctor, maybe get a Letter to say it won't impact.

      Ask Insurers what their attitude is, I wouldn't want to see you get a Car that you have difficulty getting cover or they impose complex conditions, or deny a Claim should some random thing happen.

      Also, have a look @…
      You might find an service near you in your State with similar assistance and support.

      • ..are you under a positive duty to disclose this Health Issue?

        You only have to answer the insurer's questions truthfully.

        However, with certain medical conditions (neurological conditions is one of them), the road rules might say you have to not drive or need medical clearance/review to drive so if those rules aren't followed, it might indirectly impact the ability to make a claim (since you weren't supposed to be driving in the first place) when the time comes..

    • Thanks mate.

      We are all good on the seizure front, I clarified in a comment above but will make an edit to the OP. Already discussed with Neurosurgeon, but good suggestion.

  • +6

    Sometimes with Health Issues actually having a Car isn't the bang up joy you might imagine.

    I have been using for support and assistance.

    Where it is good is getting to appointments on time without the burden and expense of parking.

    When you have appointments that run overtime because the Neurosurgeon is "still up on the ward" or feel tired after tests and discussions or just the whole "life" thing, sometimes driving home in Traffic isn't a great plan.

    Also, I know Holden used to support Patient Transport with Vehicles…

    When I was being discharged from Modbury Hospital, I wasn't allowed to even take a Taxi home, because I had an Anesthetic and had to be in the care of a Responsible Person. Modbury arranged an approved service. I was so grateful to avoid another Night in Hospital.

    Last month I was up in the new Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer (FCIC) and I was sad to hear of a Patient wasn't able to drive anymore. They were publicly distraught and the team did a great job supporting them and those close to them.

    I'm hoping for the best outcome for you both and you get your bucket wish but look to the Left and the Right for alternatives that may help you through all of this.

    • +1

      Thanks for the feedback, I see where you are coming from and appreciate the suggestions.

      As it stands she is able to drive and would like to enjoy that freedom, hence why we are looking into getting the car. However things could change at the drop of a hat and I appreciate the info you provided above, nice to know those services are out there if required in future.

      Sage advice and I will take it onboard, thank you.

    • +2

      I'm curious how you reached this conclusion?

    • +2

      err.. you might want to read the post again. He's trying to fulfil his wife's wishes. Just like I would expect any loving partner to try to do.

    • +3

      There is always one idiot! Congrats @OzHunterNSW, on this occasion it was you. How does it feel?

      • +4


        It’s not a new feeling for them….

    • +2

      I think I get what you are trying to say, that I would enjoy the car after my wife has passed? Well, call me crazy but I'd prefer to have the love of my life by my side for as long as I can.

      My wife read your comment also, direct quote from her: "What a (profanity) assh0le."

  • +12

    Man I am praying for you and your family. I will definitely grant her wish/bucket list no matter what. Make her happy mate.

    • Thank you mate, appreciate the love. :)

  • +8

    I've got a terminal illness, Grade 3 Brain Cancer, 33 when diagnosed, now 38. Took two ops to get egg sized tumour out, 6 weeks radiotherapy then 6 months chemotherapy. Left with TBI, epilepsy, headaches, sleep apnea and depression which everyone that has brain cancer has or nearly, and still my hair hasn't fully recovered. Along with many specialists, now 6 monthly MRIs.

    Did she claim Life Insurance payout through her Super?

    I bought a house with my payout.

    • "Did she claim Life Insurance payout through her Super?"

      could you explain how this works (not from Aus, i've barely wrapped my head around "super"), my employer pays into super but is there some life insurance attached to it?

      • Generally whenever you sign up with a new superannuation fund and start receiving payments from your employer, it activates an automatic life insurance option on your account. You'll see whether this was activated or not if you look through any of your past superannuation reports or check the activity on your balance. It'll be in the form of deductions taken either weekly/monthly/quarterly (depending on what the default coverage and frequency was). Unfortunately most people don't know that this exists and they go years without knowing that they can disable this and stop the deductions from being taken from your total super fund.

        To disable this, log onto your superannuation account and turn off the life insurance option.

        • I recently changed super, signed up new with Aware and for some reason it wasn't applied. I certainly don't remember opting out haha.
          Although I'll probably forego it for a while longer anyway so meh.

      • +2

        Years before that I had to opt in to have Life Insurance and a premium was taken out of my Super, not that I ever saw it taken out of my pay, but it effects how much Super you eventually get in the long run.

        It depends how much you want. I had the maximum amount before a medical was needed. I wish I had taken a medical now as I could have received more.

        There are commercial companies that sell Life Insurance but you need to pay for them out of your own pay, so it's either and or. I chose my Super.

        Also if you have a loan and you have opted for loan insurance (like I did for car loan insurance) or mortgage insurance, you could claim through that but a GP has to sign it every now and then, and it has to be in your name, don't know what they do if it's in both names.

        • @badg3rz

          Just an FYI, even for retail insurance you should be able to structure it in such a way that the premiums can be deducted from a super fund. But I'm quite sure you'll need medicals to be underwritten.

          Have a chat with a financial adviser to see which is best for your circumstances.


          Also grats on beating your initial prognosis, glad you're still here with us

    • +1

      Mate, I'm so sorry to hear of your circumstances and complications from the server. That being said, 100% stoked you are here and made it through to tell the tale and share your experiences.

      In comparison my wife got off lightly from the surgery. Thankfully the tumour location was relatively accessible and tumour and cyst were able to be removed in one surgery (also roughly egg size). Some strength, coordination and memory issues post-op, but things are getting better slowly and quarterly MRIs at the moment.

      We submitted the paperwork on Friday for the life insurance payout, just waiting to hear back atm.

      Also per above comments, if you need to chat or if I can help with anything at all please sing out. No pressure, just here if you need because its a fkng tough time.

  • +6

    Sorry OP, I don't have much to add re the personal loan but just wanted to send you both loads of love and prayers. Feeling truly sorry for both of you!

    • Thank you mate, appreciate the love. :)

  • I have no advice and just want to say I am very sorry to hear this :(

    • Thats OK. Thank you mate, appreciate the love. :)

  • OP, sorry to hear this, Its a terrible situation to be in. From your responses, you sound courages and is planning ahead as best you can.

    It is very nice of you to try fulfil your wife's bucket list in having a decent car. It is just so unfortunate that cars are on high demand due to covid/chips shortages and hence cost of it is not on your side. I will suggest discussing with your wife if there was anything in a car that she particularly enjoy and possibly omit some features that is not what she would like. This may cut down the cost ever so slightly but get you to an affordable car sooner.

    • Thanks mate, just doing what I can.

      Yeah we have a list of stuff that she would like which was how we ended up on the Impreza. I'm also pretty concerned for her safety driving post brain op, so happy to pay a little extra to ensure she is safe.

      Thanks for the suggestions and feedback.

  • Sorry for what you are going through OP.
    I have no idea about personal loan but I wish the best for you and your wife

    • Thank you mate, appreciate the lov!

  • +1

    my sympathies OP
    have you considered car subscription service? providers like carbar can provide long term leases - not the most economical but if you can't get a loan this may be an option, it also gives you flexibility if she stops working and does not require a car in the future

    a liberty can be had for about 200 per week…

    • Thanks mate, this is something we are looking into also.

  • +20

    OP, If you have any weekend trips/day trips etc planned I’d be happy to book you a nice rental car for a few days. Send me a pm.

    • Thank you mate, that's super kind of you but I'd feel bad taking you up on that.

      As mentioned above, just after some information and a bit of a discussion. But really appreciate the offer!

  • +3

    reading all the nice comments really makes my day! so many good people out there. faith restored on Ozbargain members

    • +1 mate, can be a rough time on the old forums here but appreciating all the lovely people

  • +2

    Do you have a home loan? Equity? Just up your loan by 20K, and pay the amount off over 5 years, like you would if you got a loan out personally. Better interest rate doing this.

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