Aliexpress load your cart before 11.11

Quick question few things I want to take advantage on the 11.11 promo I'll forget a few things or preferred sellers if I don't load the cart first.

Is that doable and just wait till the day then click buy? Or do you have to go over and manually do it again?

Think I read somewhere Shopback said you wont get paid doing it this way but haven't had any problems in the past. Then again something purchased for say $20 I should have got $1.20 back and they've only paid 10-20 cents.

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  • +2

    And… Breathe…

  • It’s in the T&C that cashbacks may not track if you already have items in cart before clicking through cashback sites. You can do what you like but don’t go cry fouls if you go against their T&C and they don’t track.

  • +1

    for me just click that heart logo to add to watchlist instead cart. yeah more work but safer

    • Thanks staring me right in the face all that time and never new it existed.

  • More worried about loosing my cart. Heap of small low value trivial things but large savings

    • +1

      Add things to your wishlist the day before and add to your cart when it begins or just before.

    • Go through your cart and add everything to your wishlist or to a folder on your favourites bar for later. When the time comes just go through and add everything again.

  • +1

    I personally add everything to the cart (helps with comparing prices between different sellers), I then use the Shopback app, to the Aliexpress app then select the item from cart and buy - never had an issue with tracking but YMMV

    • Yeah I am/was doing the same thing loading the cart easiest way to compare. Never thought of using the app though

  • +2

    Add in wishlist for record.

  • Don't forget to check if it's affiliated or your hard work will be for nothing if you want to get cashback. Pita to do on mobile so I use my laptop then watch list all the ones that are affiliated.

    • Explain?

      • If you look at cashrewards terms for aliexpress (I'm aware this is for shopback) they explain the affiliate thing with a link checker, I can't copy text from both apps. I just checked shopback and they apparently give cashback on all but non affiliated is only 0.50% which is sweet FA lol

  • It is mentioned on the left hand side of:
    "Empty cart before clicking through ShopBack
    Add items to your cart after clicking through ShopBack'

    "ONLY add items to cart after clicking through from ShopBack. Any products in your cart prior clicking our links will result in a loss of cashback."

    I have not seen this for any other shop (but don't use too many)

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