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Baby Toy UV Sterilising Wand US$84 (A$119, RRP A$199) Delivered @ 59S


Tired of wiping kids' toys one by one? This wand can be used to sterilise toys, baby play mat, keyboard, hotel linens, etc, deactivating 99.9% of virus and bacteria.

This is a wand from renown sterilising brand 59s but it’s not as popular as the other 59s UV Sterilising Parent bag which is more widely known among mothers.

RRP is $199aud, Baby Bunting currently has it on sale for $159aud. The official 59s website sells it at USD$119 and code "59S30UV" brings it down to USD$84.

As usual, pay with your international fee free payment method (I use transferwise)

Note: the link is US website and the product will be delivered from overseas (Germany or China warehouse?) with 10-14 days delivery.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    You still have to deal with the toys one by one to ensure you have exposed the entire surface to the uv and waving a wand over the entire surface seems slower than wiping anyway. And it doesn't clean it, just means your kid will be eating dead fungus, bacteria, viruses and potential toxic metabolites.

    • I agree. It reduces the frequency of serious thorough wipes which will save my life 🤣

      For toys that my baby frequently bites or loves ‘teething’ on, I will put them into a sterilising cabinet as a second step after I wipe them clean

  • +4
  • +8

    I bought one of these from this store the last time they had a sale for $99 AUD. My UV meter showed absolutely ZERO UV-C was being emitted from this device (i.e. the UV light that kills bacteria and germs). I don't know whether mine was faulty or these devices do jack all at sterilising. Also this store also has absolutely ZERO customer service and don't respond to its customers.

    Buy at your own risk.

    I suggest buy it from Baby Bunting. At least if its faulty, you can get a replacement or refund.

    • good idea. I am trying to refund my purchase for better warranty from Baby Bunting. Thanks for sharing!

  • just get a UV/.blacklight globe and sterilise the whole room, toys included

  • +5

    I don't think I'd ever be that pedantic with my children's toys. At different stages of their life these same kids put everything in their mouth, suck constantly on their fingers, drop their food and pick it up, eat a handful of dirt/sand/chipbark in the playground.

    I may be behind the latest peer-reviewed science on this, but didn't scientists discover that dealing with germs on a daily basis makes our kids healthier and less prone to dietary disorders and allergies?

    • Yup that's very true! The rate of hayfever and allergies are higher in developed countries like Australia but you don't see as high allergies rate in developing nation because the kids have exposure to all kinds of bacteria from a young age. A fine balance is probably the best.

      • Funny this should come up, when we had our second recently the nurse said to us they don’t even recommend sterilisation on bottles etc every time you wash them now. Probably is to do with building up immune systems and tolerance. I still do it every time though for dummy’s and bottles, I wouldn’t use one of these though.

    • Came to say this. Now with lockdown and distancing, kids immune systems are going to be so weak.

  • +1

    Just think about it - all those babies who survived without all this nonsense are now buying it for their own kids.

    God give us strength.

  • +2

    I had a similar product but it took too long to give each surface a 10 secs scan. then I bought the nano mist spray gun and filled up with 75% alcohol. All toys done within a minute, just have to stay away from open flame.

  • Sunlight is free

  • +2

    Can't see the benifits of kids living in a germ free environment. I also don't see a problem with kids getting bumps and scrapes and learning from their mistakes (red crosses aren't the end of the world).

  • I can see this device giving people a false sense of security, and here's the thing; it only sterilises whatever the light actually reaches. Therefore for example, if somehow a lump of dog poo that was 1 mm in volume got onto a toy, and you waved this wand over that lump of dog poo for the required 10 seconds, it might sterilise the surface of that lump, but it certainly wouldn't sterilise the bottom of it. Conversely, a quick wipe with an alcohol-based cleaner would wipe the whole lump off, and leave a clean sterile surface.

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