Yellow Stains on 2021 New Work Car?? (400kms on Clock)

Misso was given a brand new 2021 Subaru work car.

Noticed after a wash that the car had some small yellow spots. Obviously washed them off but saw that it had left a stain from where the spot was.

Very interesting to say the least. Stain didn't come out after a vigorous try. (Careful not to push it too much).

Now obviously because it's her work car my care is a lot less but still the OCD has been triggered and this would be frustrating if it were my own car. (Especially being almost brand new!- 400kms on clock)

Some forums online mention this but none really have a solution or its a dead end.

What kind of stain is this and have you experienced something similar with solutions to remove it?

No they are not pee stains.



  • Anther stains?

    Have you tried a polish or even a compound rubbed with the appropriate applicator?

    • This is where I am a total beginner.
      My concern was if I started to use products on it, I would make that area worse? (or I would have to use it on a wider area because then it wouldn't be uniformed)?

      Forgive my ignorance. All I usually do is, is rinse wash with bowdens and then use some after glow 🤣

      • +3

        Grab yourself a foam applicator and start off with Meguiar's ultimate polish in a circular motion. Buff off with a microfibre towel.

        If that doesn't work do the same but with Meguiar's ultimate compound.

        Let the product do the work. Apply some friction but only very light.

        If that does work then wax the whole car to make removal of the offending item easier in the future

        • Ok great, thanks for the tips!

          Will look into trying those steps:)

        • +3

          stuff that - its a company car, dont waste your time. It's their problem

          • @Fergy1987: Yeah tbh it was more about what that stain is.
            Also thought there might be an easy solution to remove and on notice for if I ever buy a white car in the future

      • +1

        Just to piggyback off MS Paint's post - if you use a polishing compound from a retail store with a foam applicator by hand, and you follow his directions, you cannot make it worse. Anything applied by hand won't cause damage, unless you rub it in the same spot for half a hour or if you try to apply it with steel wool.

  • +4

    Remove OCD. Problem solved :p

  • +2

    Tree Sap?

    • My wife parks under trees at her work and every day she gets little yellow droplets like that which harden. I didn't know what it was but sap makes sense as it looks very similar to OPs photo. I got the car ceramic coated which makes it way easier to get the droplets off.

    • I think tree sap. My white work Ute has very similar stains and although has paint protection doesn’t seem to want to come off 100%

  • I wonder if it's tar underseal splatters that have been painted over… (I painted over unseal in the past and the tar leached through the paint and looked similar to this)

  • -6

    mate you park the car outside in the elements, this is whats going to happen

    get the car ceramic coated and park in the garage, problem solved

    • +2

      Sorry for asking.

  • Are you sock puppeting this deal?

    • You saying, OP is a dog? woah…

  • I am no expert but I am pretty sure it is bee poop. Have a google and you will see what I mean.

  • I reckon it’s some sort of bug crap. Cars get little (match head sized) spots of it all the time. Usually appears to come off with a soak then a ribs with a soapy sponge but often leaves a hint of it in the paint. Most visible in white colours.

    Next time get a yellow car.

  • run your hand through it see if it's smooth. if it's lumpy, try taking it off with clay bar and soapy water. it it's smooth you can buff it off with a polisher

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